January 2014 In-game

Shit effort today by Leeds. Dalers really not on the same level of talent as the away side. Would be a nice win for the home crowd here.
Wolves have been really fucking me bad of late. I made a bunch of money on them earlier, but ffs, killing me now.
Peterborough at home is usually $$$. On the road, much tougher going.
Fucking Dalers just blew a sitter ffs
ya picture of his agent outside the bayern dr and bild is saying deal is done

Lewa has acted like such a bitch too, if I were Klopp I would sit him in the league rest of the year
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Confirmed <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23LFC&amp;src=hash">#LFC</a> team v <a href="https://twitter.com/OfficialOAFC">@OfficialOAFC</a>: Jones, Kelly, Cissokho, Toure, Agger, Gerrard, Henderson, Alberto, Sterling, Moses, Aspas</p>&mdash; Liverpool FC (@LFC) <a href="https://twitter.com/LFC/statuses/419830592075599872">January 5, 2014</a></blockquote>
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And that was with Suarez and Sturridge playing.
Now you're going to give me 20-1 because of a different venue?
Same here today...and -40 degree temps with massive wind. Gonna get nasty.

GL guys
CONFIRMED #MUFC v Swansea: Lindegaard; Smalling, Evans, Ferdinand, Büttner; Valencia, Fletcher, Cleverley, Kagawa; Welbeck, Hernandez.
Read article that Moyes states United to make no January signings. Guess he's satisfied with the first half of the year and losing more games at home than SAF lost in a decade.
they have plenty of funds available. profitable club. think they just need not overspend on players.

Can't believe oldham are STILL at 20/1 to win.