James Franklin - Resident Toughguy

Good coach? You mean good recruiter. He‘s Bill Self in a cheerleader uniform
All I know is he won 9 games at Vandy one year. Takes a good coach to do something like that IMO. Good recruiter, bad game coach?? I don't follow him that much but I do know the Vandy job has chewed up and spit out lesser men for decades. How that relates to what he's doing these days is I guess up to you guys.

I'm happy to have opportunity to bash him. He has gotten under my skin with his piling on for a long time.

McSorley was having his Heisman moment, best player on field. They lost because of Franklin, be certain. But it wasnt just for micromanaging last play, it was so many decions that decided not to use best player on field.

Believe me, I was holding big ML 2 teamer with tOsu. With 8 minutes left I began running the scenarios nonstop about how the fuck I was going to earn a miracle with McSorley on the field. It was impossible, except for James Franklin. I love you James Franklin.
Clearly it's a fluid situation haha.

I mean not the end of the world but he needs to walk that off into the locker room.

Haha, obviously.

Now, he is a lucky guy because he kind of gets a free pass on stuff like this. For being a high profile coach at a high profile school this doesn't generate a lot of headlines. Plug this in at some other schools (cough) or bring up his 3-10 record versus the other 3 main teams in his division elsewhere and the talking heads would be all over it.
My all in all there, I feel bad for the PSU players. Their coach lost them that game. They were the better team last night. OSU was terrific at the end but this was a case of both them winning it and the PSU coach losing it.
My all in all there, I feel bad for the PSU players. Their coach lost them that game. They were the better team last night. OSU was terrific at the end but this was a case of both them winning it and the PSU coach losing it.

PSU defense also fell apart, lost its discipline and couldn't tackle shit, there is that. But overall the D played like a transformed unit. But yeah second year in a row they lost the lead and a game they shoulda won. Idk how the players can trust Franklin if he won't trust his best player with the game on the line
Haha, obviously.

Now, he is a lucky guy because he kind of gets a free pass on stuff like this. For being a high profile coach at a high profile school this doesn't generate a lot of headlines. Plug this in at some other schools (cough) or bring up his 3-10 record versus the other 3 main teams in his division elsewhere and the talking heads would be all over it.

He's lucky that security restrained him because that could've gotten REALLY ugly.

Like immediate termination ugly.
What irritates me almost half as much is that he called Penn State "Great" while OSU is "elite." Does he not get how big his role is in that distinction? The gall to insult his players like that without accepting his responsibility is mind-blowing.
If he's going to spend so much time asking the fans to be loud he ought to listen to them when they call him out on his fucking bullshit

I know you / we are piling on. But seriously, early in the game, like a maniac, he was at the stands, I was like, yo maniac there are 108,000 peeps here, save the cheerleading freak, I think it was actually during the game. It was bizarre. He is on pills and he needs to get off them.
I feel so bad for Trace. Dude is an absolute baller total heart of the offense, unstoppable, he didn‘t fucking deserve this. Fuck Franklin! Stupid piece of shit
Can’t wait to hear what Clay Travis has to say about this. You KNOW he doesn’t hold back but he is good friends with Franklin.
Both their wives are tight too.
Very curious as to how he responds
So we're firing this guy over a 4th down call?

Who is gonna replace him? Saban? Belichek? Should be a solid upgrade here.
All I know is he won 9 games at Vandy one year. Takes a good coach to do something like that IMO.
I expressed that point face-to-face to a stranger tonight (Penn State fan who had just returned to Dallas after flying up for the game). It wasn't a disagreement, though, more a matter of saying "you're going to be fine" to a fan of a team that isn't a rival of Clemson's.
I'm happy to have opportunity to bash him. He has gotten under my skin with his piling on for a long time.

McSorley was having his Heisman moment, best player on field. They lost because of Franklin, be certain. But it wasnt just for micromanaging last play, it was so many decions that decided not to use best player on field.
Reminds me of what former Vandy HC Bobby Johnson (Clemson '73) said about Jay Cutler as he was going into the locker room at halftime of a game I was watching about 15 years ago, when Vandy was running the option with Cutler: "He's our best player, and we're going to keep riding him."


"In 2008, Johnson led Vanderbilt to its first winning season since 1982. His team went 7–6 with a 16–14 win over Boston College in the Music City Bowl, Vanderbilt's first bowl victory since 1955 and only their second in school history at the time. "

Franklin succeeded Johnson at Vandy and exceeded Johnson's accomplishments there. That's a credit to Franklin. He did a great job there.

But sometimes you have to keep it simple, stupid: "He's our best player, and we're going to keep riding him."
He's supposed to sit and take it and never ever respond? Easier said than done. Charles Barkley railed on LeBron for years then finally LeBron fired back and dressed his fat lazy ass down. As a fan or commentator u don't just get to sit there a d say whatever u want w out getting an earful or a fistful once in a while. Fukk that fan
All I know is he won 9 games at Vandy one year. Takes a good coach to do something like that IMO. Good recruiter, bad game coach?? I don't follow him that much but I do know the Vandy job has chewed up and spit out lesser men for decades. How that relates to what he's doing these days is I guess up to you guys.


Yelp. And he won 9 games twice at vandy !!
He's supposed to sit and take it and never ever respond? Easier said than done. Charles Barkley railed on LeBron for years then finally LeBron fired back and dressed his fat lazy ass down. As a fan or commentator u don't just get to sit there a d say whatever u want w out getting an earful or a fistful once in a while. Fukk that fan

The fan did nothing wrong. He came and cheered for his team and had every right to be pissed at Franklin, who fucked the game up. It‘s Franklin , not the fan, who didn‘t do his job that he gets fucking (over)paid for
And what was Franklin gonna say to the fan? „You coulda done better?“ any fan could have called a better play and that‘s why Franklin is such a fucking idiot. Even a fan knew that the ball should be in Trace‘s hand, he‘s the man on that team, leader, best player, wasn‘t being stopped, experienced in big situations. Not Miles Sanders!
Yes, that's 1000% what he's supposed to do.

Athletes and coaches get heckled nonstop at every single game. You ignore it. It's part of the gig (an extremely well-compensated one at that).

I can't believe I actually had to type this out to explain.

i'm sorry but you don't have carte blanche to say whatever you want to a coach or a player. i could not make out on the video what the fan said. did he use foul language? if so, then he deserved a negative response from the coach especially when it was right there in his face.

i am sorry to tell you this but these are human beings coaching and playing and once in a damn while they have the right to respond. the heckling as you said goes on all the time and this one time the coach responds after a tough frustrating loss that he was responsible for them having the lead on and perhaps losing it as well (give credit for the good not just the bad) and we are going to crucify him?

sorry, but those of you jumping on the coach, simply don't like him. you have an agenda.

if it was your fave coach you would have given him a pass when considering the emotion of the game and how tough a loss it was.

again, the coach was just as responsible for their success if you are going to throw him under the bus for the failing(s), and he is just a human being.

i'm tired of seeing fans get to say and do whatever they want, carte blanche. i actually love it when a fan gets dressed down verbally.
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Have an agenda? Lmao. You're the one acting as his defense attorney. How is he responsible for their success? Trace was the star, the defense was inspired and transformed (until the end). He didn't do any shit besides fuck his team up by keeping the ball out of Trace's hands when the game was on the line. He's a human being getting paid A LOT to do a job that he did not do well. You don't do your job, you deserve to get shit.
Btw majent, Franklin DID have his say, he got to have a press conference. The fans didn't get a press conference. The players didn't get to voice what they felt. And Franklin was disgraceful there yet again
pure agenda. the coach has had nothing to do with their success but he is completely to blame for effing it up? you cannot make this up. unbelievable how the hate blinds people. i am neutral. i am not a fan of the guy nor a detractor. i am just calling it as it is. human being reaction after a tough loss to a dumbazz fan running his mouth right into the coach's face, so close that he probably spit on him while screaming. fan should have had the guts to come out of the stands and then let's see who the tough guy is.

the team had been mired in the muck for many years, and this guy has rebuilt them into a perennial top 10 contender. trace was a no name nobody back in 2016 and this coach helped him immensely. the coach is damn good, i don't care what any haters think.
What did he do to help his team? Ok blame the fan for not being allowed to leave the stands. He had the confidence to engage him, that's saying something. Is the fan not a human too? He goes to the school and is clearly passionate about his favorite team. And he saw a guy fuck over his best player and fuck over the team. The coach was the right guy for the job in the beginning. But PSU is clearly plateauing, clearly unable to beat a top team, and this is Trace's senior year, this had to be the year if not last year. I say its time to move on from Franky
He's supposed to sit and take it and never ever respond? Easier said than done. Charles Barkley railed on LeBron for years then finally LeBron fired back and dressed his fat lazy ass down. As a fan or commentator u don't just get to sit there a d say whatever u want w out getting an earful or a fistful once in a while. Fukk that fan

I agree Franklin is a very good football coach, also dont think it's big deal he yapped at "fan". He prolly should have kept mouth shut, but couldn't, I wouldn't be able to either.

However, to me, its karma. He treats inferior opponents like dogs. He doesn't offer respect so I give him none. I dont like his game day face. Riling up the crowd earlier in game was laughable, pretty sure you should burn your energy doing something else.

At the tnd of the day he is just another insane college football coach that micromanaged a high probability win into a loss.
i'm sorry but you don't have carte blanche to say whatever you want to a coach or a player. i could not make out on the video what the fan said. did he use foul language? if so, then he deserved a negative response from the coach especially when it was right there in his face.

i am sorry to tell you this but these are human beings coaching and playing and once in a damn while they have the right to respond. the heckling as you said goes on all the time and this one time the coach responds after a tough frustrating loss that he was responsible for them having the lead on and perhaps losing it as well (give credit for the good not just the bad) and we are going to crucify him?

sorry, but those of you jumping on the coach, simply don't like him. you have an agenda.

if it was your fave coach you would have given him a pass when considering the emotion of the game and how tough a loss it was.

again, the coach was just as responsible for their success if you are going to throw him under the bus for the failing(s), and he is just a human being.

i'm tired of seeing fans get to say and do whatever they want, carte blanche. i actually love it when a fan gets dressed down verbally.

Before ranting and raving and making terrible assumptions...maybe actually watch the video which shows very clearly what the fan said to Franklin?

On a scale of 1-10 in terms of obscenity and inappropriateness it was a 0.

Walk it off, go shower up and head back to your mansion and prep for the next game. End of story.
PSU defense also fell apart, lost its discipline and couldn't tackle shit, there is that. But overall the D played like a transformed unit. But yeah second year in a row they lost the lead and a game they shoulda won. Idk how the players can trust Franklin if he won't trust his best player with the game on the line
Third year, they did it in Rose Bowl to USC as well.