I feel like posting. Today may be the day for unders....


Richmond Local TV Legend
Just got in from work and I really wish I would have went to work on this card last night.
Its already almost 7 and I want to look over a couple things regarding a couple totals, but I've already locked in on these:

POD- Bucks/Jazzz Under 211 (inflated total)
Bobcats/Mavs Under 201

Clev/Houston ML Parlay( +143 odds)
Philly Blunts +8 (another chance for me to get burned by this team)
Spurrsss -1

I really want to play the under in the houston, cavs, and celts games as well....
but am going to lay off. Maybe add a play in the GS game later.

I wish I had time for a couple thoughts but I dont.

As far as the jazz game goes, that total is way too inflated, and the last couple weeks I've started to notice as a general trend they seem to struggle shooting from the field a lot more on the road, and dont play with the same tempo when away from home.
Theyve been a great under play on the road, and over play at home.
Again, I dont have the numbers in front of me but thats just what Ive been following.

Good luck today fellas, I know overs have been hitting something like 63% since the AS break, but I think the "unders" have a strong showing today.
I actually thought about just playing all of them, but fuck the juice on that, and thats just an idiot strategy.

Cavs with a dismal first q!

36-22...at least theyre playin some ball now and hittin some shots. They were ice cold to start, It was worse then this



Sixers up 6 early..
Thanks betcrimes... I agree

it's coming. It has to even out for all things right and good.

If the unders dont start hitting to get closer to 50%...there will be a tear in the space time contiuum. :seeya:
It looks like tonight could be phase 1 and really it should have been obvious. Why? Lots of huge home favs....home chalk covers tend to lead to unders.... :cheers:

Good points Sportsnut.:shake:

I should have played all of the unders like I said I was going to.

Instead, I played 2 of em, Lost them both, and got my ass kicked today.

Since I had a pretty big card, I didnt play any college hoops, and I liked lasalle and the billikens.
Lasalle outright winner, and billikens nearly did as well. both covered. Yuck. Always the "what-if's".....

On to tomorrow. :shake:
Good luck on your wagers
I went ahead and played the under in the suns game at 236.5.
I swear this will be the death of me.

Im patiently waiting for this cavs back door.
Scary half, wiz have been up 2-4 points all half. Whenever they get up 4 or 5, bron hits a 3. lol

I got them at -3 and in a ML parlay with phoenix....and Sac -3 pending as well.
Waiting for this cavs back door so I can start off 0-1 or 0-2.....

Alright. I went ahead and locked in on these two.

Under 237
GS TT Under 115

Trying to make up for a rough night last night, decent start to the day depending on clev result... Heres my reasoning.

As much as I hate flipping a coin and playing a total with these two teams in it, I think phoenix has a huge advantage underneath and should be able to keep GS off the boards quite easily...limiting their 2nd and 3rd chance shots. I got them putting up 108-113..it may be close.

And again, I may be ripping both these tickets up if these 2 combine for an 80 point first quarter. Which is possible since neither can play good defense, especially GS. Im hoping they have an off night shooting, with either BD or ellis cold. If the 3s dont fall, GS isnt shit. Ride or die behind the arc.

But it should be a great game, I think 237 is way too many points, gonna take a shot here.

Good luck under backers.:cheers:
:hang:Fucking wizards cannot box out. We were up 7.
Second chance opportunities for cavs to help ensure the backdoor that's coming


and there is nothing wrong with that ret LOL :tiphat:
i understand where youre coming from.

i usualyl dont play them either. very sparingly
and when i do, i usually lose.

here comes the inevitable backdoor in the wiz game.
pavlovic hits a 3 with 8 seconds left.....100-99.

fucking wiz win by 2. missed FT's by both caron and AD. inevitable moose.

thanks guys. this is what i get from you all?
Im stuck in the washington area watching fucking wizards games and you cant at least give us a win????
:moose: now to lose this under wager......... :popcorn:

at least sactown up 14. and wiz ML hit. lets go suns.
someone just shoot in me my fucking head and put me out of my misery.

i didnt care yesterday when i got raped.

Today I lost both the wiz spread, and the suns over. by one point

how the fuck, do both of my 2 losses, have to happen by one fucking point.
wiz moose from butler and AD missed FT's, phoenix semi-mooose from GS fouling at the end.

one point.

2-2-1. hooray. i lose a couple bucks from juice. great day.

im not usually one to complain, ever. but fuck.