Hulu's NBA 2016/17 Debacle

Thanks BAR. The sun even shines on a horses ass some days.

1* / 0.25* Indiana +4.5 / ML -102 / +171

also adding this to 'up' the ATL bet
0.3* Atlanta +2 -103
Sides 40-26 +14.31*
Totals 43-33-1 +7.66*
2H Sides 2-0 +1.50*
2H Totals 2-4 -2.00*
Parlays 5-5 +0.77*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 92-72-1 +18.91*

Bad day and back under the 20 unit mark. Utah is simply not a team that can be trusted in spots like that. They may have a winning record but they are not a winner yet.

Only 1 spot looks worth a damn tonight and others are already all over it. I am also looking into a total tonight as well but that may or may not happen. We'll see. Good luck on whatever you play.

1* / 0.25* Minnesota +4.5 / ML -111 / +155
You must have mistaken me for a Toronto sports fan. :) I am originally from Hamilton so I was born, no bred to despise all things hogtown. Can't stand the leafs, hate the Argos, couldn't care less about the Jays but the Raptors hold a special place in the blackest reaches of my heart.

When Toronto was close to being granted the expansion franchise I was so jacked. Although underage I had been betting basketball on ProLine for a while (Mr Nguyen at the local c-store never carded) and I was looking forward to going to some games. Then the NBA decided to meddle in politics and forced their puritanical, anti-gambling bullshit on us. The Ontario government caved and the OLG dropped basketball from ProLine. Beyond the fact that the NBA had no right whatsoever to meddle in out local governance, that deprived hospitals, schools and other worthy institutions of millions of dollars that ProLine generated. I declared that I would never attend a game or buy merchandise and I have stood by that ever since. Its been 20 some years but the NBA is still as wrong now as they were then. [/rant]
Yeah I know. Still just irks me though. And anyway, I've gone to games in Dallas, Atlanta and Charlotte so the NBA has made a couple pennies from me. Just not the Craptors
Toronto fans are just the worst. Did you see all the hate Auston Matthews got on twitter after congratulating the US at the WJC?
Sides 41-27 +14.10*
Totals 43-33-1 +7.66*
2H Sides 2-0 +1.50*
2H Totals 2-4 -2.00*
Parlays 5-5 +0.77*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 93-73-1 +18.70*

Split out for a small loss. Getting on this for tomorrow as it looks way too high to me. Should be in the 210-215 range.

1.5* MIL / BKN under 220 -107
Last play for tonight I swear...

1* SAN / ORL under 207.5 -104

My range on this one is 201-207. Very close but I like it for a couple other reasons also.
Sides 41-28 +13.02*
Totals 44-35-1 +5.99*
2H Sides 2-0 +1.50*
2H Totals 2-4 -2.00*
Parlays 5-6 +0.27*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 94-77-1 +15.45*

Nothing like humbling yourself with a 1-4 night right before the break. Having a relatively good season so far but I had to sit and stew on that shit for a week. Let's get it back in the stretch and playoffs. I want to hit 25 units.

Locking this in in case it goes higher. Apparently it opened at pk which I would have hammered. Nevertheless I made the line 5 myself.

1* Houston -3 -107
Sides 42-29 +13.22*
Totals 44-35-1 +5.99*
2H Sides 2-1 +1.00*
2H Totals 2-4 -2.00*
Parlays 5-6 +0.27*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 95-79-1 +15.15*

Houston was a solid play and I should have hit it much bigger than I did. Playing too conservative there. The added plays were stupid. On to tonight. Here's whats locked in so far...

1* Memphis ML -103
1* San Antonio -3.5 -111

Still looking at a couple other plays.
1* Oklahoma City -10.5 -102

Glad to see Kanter back. This has the makings of a good old fashioned fisting.
Sides 44-30 +14.69*
Totals 45-35-1 +6.99*
2H Sides 2-1 +1.00*
2H Totals 3-5 -2.03*
Parlays 5-7 -1.08*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 99-82-1 +16.24*

Not a night for the ages but managed to steer into a small profit on 4-3. On to Saturday. I really think this total is too low. It should be at least 219 and my models say the game range is 218.5 to 225.

1.5* PHI / NY over 216.5 -105
1* Houston -12.5 -104

Agree with others on this play. Only wish I had had the foresight to hit it last night when it was at 11. Still though, I don't see the wolves having an easy time here. Only worry is weather or not the 3's will be dropping for the Rockets.
Thanks BAR. The Rockets just didn't put up enough 3's I guess. It pisses me off that I saw the -11 the night before and set that game aside to do some totals work thinking it will be 11.5 by morning at worst.

OTOH that totals work got me the good number in NY.

I tell ya, line shopping is important but it will drive you crazy.
Sides 44-31 +13.65*
Totals 47-35-1 +9.49*
2H Sides 2-1 +1.00*
2H Totals 3-5 -2.03*
Parlays 5-7 -1.08*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 101-83-1 +17.70*

Not a bad night and hit the 100 win milestone so that's nice. On to Sunday...

1* San Antonio -11.5 -103
1* BOS / DET under 213.5 -105

Really wanted to take the raps under also but missed the number. It was a lot more attractive at 212.5 than it is at 209. If it heads north of 210 again I may hit it.
Sides 45-31 +14.65*
Totals 48-36-1 +9.44*
2H Sides 2-1 +1.00*
2H Totals 3-5 -2.03*
Parlays 5-7 -1.08*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-4 -3.33*

Overall 103-84-1 +18.65*

Grinding grinding grinding...locking this in now so I don't wake up and see 11.5 tomorrow.

1* Houston -10 -103
Thanks gents.

Locking this one in for Tuesday because I feel like it will only go down from here. Proper range on this one is 203-211 IMO

1.5* PHX / MEM under 211.5 -106
Sides 46-32 +14.12*
Totals 48-36-1 +9.44*
2H Sides 2-1 +1.00*
2H Totals 3-5 -2.03*
Parlays 5-7 -1.08*
Ill-advised Live Plays 0-5 -3.86*

Overall 104-86-1 +17.59*

Already locked in last night...
1.5* PHX / MEM under 211.5 -106

For Wednesday...
1* San Antonio -10.5 -107
1* Dallas +6 -110
1* WAS / TOR under 213.5 -105
Will update record later.

Girlfriend dumped me. Packed up her shit and left this morning. Probably not a good time to follow anything I'm doing because I'm not in good head space for gambling. Just need something to do to take my mind off shit.

0.75* / 0.25* Philly +6 / ML -110 / +200
sorry to hear that hulu, hang in there, been there
looking back it turned out for me to be best thing ever, met greatest woman and married and happier than ever
didn't feel that way at first for sure but sure hope it can lead to better things for you too