Has Johnny Football Worn His Welcome?

I rocked high socks til I was about 12 and was the only person still wearing them

I now wear gray puma ankle socks

Contemplating the switch back
Well it should take them about 6 months to make a ruling. Just long enough for them to profit off him before he enters the draft.
I think it's bullshit all the hate he gets.. I think most agree that we all started drinking well before the legal age.. And in many cases probably gambled well before the legal age- I know I did.

Yes he won the heisman, but he is still a kid. He is going through growing pains like we all did. I hated my step mom so much I moved out before my senior year of high school and went back to my hometown after my parents moved out of state.. Now we are extremely close.

I just feel like people don't give him the benefit of the doubt... Ya he won a heisman but he is still going through many of the same college experiences we all went through. The media makes it seem like underclassmen are all sober bookworms.

I played d3 soccer and still had to clear trips with my dad through the school.. When Johnny does it, he's commiting a felony

I'm just saying that the media doesn't have to make every story with him about drinking, or someone, somewhere should probably get in trouble for it. We drank when we were under age, of course, but they didn't have the 6pm local news crew at our parties letting everyone in town know we were drinking. There are laws is all I'm saying, he should at least have to be more discreet with his breaking of them (as we all probably were).

His case is different than the rest of us is all I'm saying, whether he likes it or not. If he doesn't like it, he can give up football and go back to being a regular kid like the rest of us were at that age. If he wants the money and fame of the NFL (probably won't amount to much anyway there), then he needs to be responsible until he's 21 as far as drinking goes. No one is saying he can't drink, but he doesn't have to be so obvious about it and surely doesn't need some fucking hack from ESPN writing stories that mention booze more than football.
Is anyone really surprised if these allegations are true about Manziel? The dude has been living "above the law" long before he came to College Station. The small stuff counts to and everything adds up at the end of the day. #history
I guess TAMU regrets the move to the SEC

really buried in media coverage....they shoulda stayed joined at the hip to TX
Up until this newest piece of info came out I thought the media was taking this shit a bit too far. Now I've done a 180. Most of this other shit was just a kid being a kid but now I agree with CG. This is a kid who has operated above the law for a long time, a spoiled brat. What a complete fucking idiot this kid is. You come from old oil money and you are taking thousands to sign fucking autographs? If I'm a NFL GM I'm crossing this kid off my draft board ASAP and I don't care how good of a season he has this year (assuming he plays the year out). This kid has a personality flaw and his upbringing is to blame.
Oh and I have a prediction. This all goes away somehow and gets swept up under the SEC rug jus like SCam Newtons mess did.

If Johnny played at USC they would have already been calling for the stripping of his heisman trophy.
I just heard on the radio that the reason this is coming to light is that brokers who paid him five figures for his autographs are angry that his offseason antics have devalued his autographs. Ain't that a bitch?
I'm seeing NOT playing in any game as a +170 dog at 5dimes however NOT playing in the opener is -380
Shows a lot about Manziel's parents to hire this Uncle Nate clown as a manager. I see why Johnny is so stupid.
trickle effect...peeps gonna start gettin hurt and suspended all over..tis the month..bar knows.
get ready for all this shit to fall apart ya'll. they gotta prove he took money. good luck. uncle nate the bro warrior will take the fall, or nothing will happen. why was johnny standing up in the photo taken of him signing shit? if you're gonna sign 100 things, are you standing up? i know i'm sittin my ass down in a comfy ass chair if i gotta sign 100 goddamn pictures. and the fact that he even talked about this in his old SI article w/staples makes this shit all kinda weird.
Welcome to The $EC you amateur ass bitchessssssssssssssssssssss

Not amateurs by any stretch of the imagination.
Survived a conference breakup facilitated by a local rag contributing to the only death penalty in history.
Left a conf when one school was given too much power. That one teetered on the brink but there was enough also-rans to fill the open slots.

Funny how the shit comes up n August It happened back in January.
Sounds like the big bad SEC was getting a little nervous their nat hopes may go down on sept14.
Now a lot if the above is tongue n cheek because its nothing compared to TX high school football. That's home to some real shenanigans.
'93 two yrs removed from a state title the Panthers go 9-0-1. Just before the bi-district playoff game it's leaked that there's an ineligible player.
Permian destroys Coronado and ends up having to forfeit later n the week.
I could go on but rivals sit on info and just wait until the timings right. U don't make the playoffs no one cares.
Don't get me started on a new district conspiring to stop a Carroll dragon qb from playing before the season started.
This ain't much n these parts.

Twink don't rile me. U know I like the bayou bengals. Don't make me get the mojo dolls out come November.
  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">39s</small>
    Broker says Manziel was paid $7,500 http://m.espn.go.com/wireless/story?storyId=9544137&i=TWT&w=1d5b5 …


  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">5m</small>
    Broker alleges he spent about an hour on three visits to Manziel's hotel room, having more than 300 items signed

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  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">6m</small>
    Johnny Manziel is heard being asked if he would take extra cash for special inscriptions, but Manziel says it would lead to questions


  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">7m</small>
    On video, which was shopped but not purchased, Johnny Manziel is heard saying "you never did a signing with me" and not to tell anyone.


  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">8m</small>
    An East Coast broker played ESPN two videos of Johnny Manziel signing Texas A&M football and helmets and said he paid Manziel about $7,500

  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">39s</small>
    Broker says Manziel was paid $7,500 http://m.espn.go.com/wireless/story?storyId=9544137&i=TWT&w=1d5b5 …

  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">5m</small>
    Broker alleges he spent about an hour on three visits to Manziel's hotel room, having more than 300 items signed

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  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">6m</small>
    Johnny Manziel is heard being asked if he would take extra cash for special inscriptions, but Manziel says it would lead to questions

  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">7m</small>
    On video, which was shopped but not purchased, Johnny Manziel is heard saying "you never did a signing with me" and not to tell anyone.

  • Joe Schad@schadjoe<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">8m</small>
    An East Coast broker played ESPN two videos of Johnny Manziel signing Texas A&M football and helmets and said he paid Manziel about $7,500


poor kid. just tryin to get out of college station...