Has Johnny Football Worn His Welcome?

kid will be gone after this year anyway.

sec doesnt like the new kid on the block taking over their conference with ease last year, media creating a BIG story on the slowest sports news days of the year. Typical.
kid will be gone after this year anyway.

sec doesnt like the new kid on the block taking over their conference with ease last year, media creating a BIG story on the slowest sports news days of the year. Typical.

uh no. 100 percent wrong. Sec loves this dude. $$$$$
How much longer will I have to wait on this one?????? "And yet another" is primed and ready to come off the bench when needed.
He says its because his phone died and he overslept, his dad said he was dehydrated. Time to get the stories in sync.

Way to piss off the mannings, clown.
How much longer will I have to wait on this one?????? "And yet another" is primed and ready to come off the bench when needed.


Watch him get hurt this year and never even get to the NFL. Can I say I'm crossing my fingers or is that really bad? Either way he won't amount to anything on the next level. He's basically Tim Tebow w/o God on his side and we've seen how well God's done for Timmy.

Watch him get hurt this year and never even get to the NFL. Can I say I'm crossing my fingers or is that really bad? Either way he won't amount to anything on the next level. He's basically Tim Tebow w/o God on his side and we've seen how well God's done for Timmy.

Come on man.
There is zero comparison with tebow n manziel..

U have to be joking..

Watch him get hurt this year and never even get to the NFL. Can I say I'm crossing my fingers or is that really bad? Either way he won't amount to anything on the next level. He's basically Tim Tebow w/o God on his side and we've seen how well God's done for Timmy.

Have u ever thrown a football young man?
I know u are "worldly" n know many subjects.. but don't step to me regarding football
Come on man.
There is zero comparison with tebow n manziel..

U have to be joking..

There isn't? A QB who seemingly runs first and throws second. Very successful at both at the college level. I'm not even close to the only one making the comparison, and I certainly wasn't the first. You think Manziel will be a good NFL QB? With his great size and arm strength and all?

Now the two of them aren't the same exact person or player, but there are certainly comparisons. You can't profess to be a football expert and say that you don't see any comparisons.
Have u ever thrown a football young man?
I know u are "worldly" n know many subjects.. but don't step to me regarding football

I have thrown many a football, but I don't know what that has to do with this discussion. I'm not sure I'm any more worldly than you act, and you add the "wanna fist fight" element to boot.

But let me play along for a second. Are you saying that you played QB at a high level therefore you know more about football (and namely the QB position) than the rest of us mere mortals?
Lol I will beat u.down like a red headed step child when I have time Thursday..
What comparisons? They win games? His NFL potential is irrelevant lareux.. wtf do u know about manziels strength. What a lame mel kiper/mcshay type argument .. gl with Blaine gabbert.
I have thrown many a football. I'm not sure I'm any more worldly than you act, and you add the "wanna fist fight" element to boot.

But let me play along for a second. Are you saying that you played QB at a very high level therefore you know more about football (and namely the QB position) than the rest of us mere mortals?
Played qb at a higher level than u kid
Yes poor me played @d3 then d2.. but I played qb since 5th grade. Why argue with a guy who.never wore a Jock
Lol I will beat u.down like a red headed step child when I have time Thursday..
What comparisons? They win games? His NFL potential is irrelevant lareux.. wtf do u know about manziels strength. What a lame mel kiper/mcshay type argument .. gl with Blaine gabbert.

What does gl with Gabbert even mean? Now I liked Gabbert when he was available in the draft because I questioned Manziel's size and arm strength (I didn't say his strength, I said his arm strength)?

His NFL potential most certainly is not irrelevant. His NFL potential may very well end up being just like Tebow's....which would end up being a pretty big comparison wouldn't it?

I did give a few comparisons btw. You must have missed that while reading all those words I wrote.
Played qb at a higher level than u kid
Yes poor me played @d3 then d2.. but I played qb since 5th grade. Why argue with a guy who.never wore a Jock

Guy who never wore a jock? What do you know about me, and why so confrontational like we're gonna fight?

But really, is that your argument? You played QB in college so you know more about football than someone who didn't (which you have no idea whether or not I did)? Well that makes sense.
Guy who never wore a jock? What do you know about me, and why so confrontational like we're gonna fight?

But really, is that your argument? You played QB in college so you know more about football than someone who didn't (which you have no idea whether or not I did)? Well that makes sense.
yes ill be a dick.. u never put a Jock on.. ever .. now u are a forum.know it all. U post in every God damn thread whether it be soccer info, MLB pitchers, hoops jump shots, how to sew, how to cook a steak.. u are easy to read from a legit cats perspective

Go to bed lareux
yes ill be a dick.. u never put a Jock on.. ever .. now u are a forum.know it all. U post in every God damn thread whether it be soccer info, MLB pitchers, hoops jump shots, how to sew, how to cook a steak.. u are easy to read from a legit cats perspective

Go to bed lareux

You're not good at reading people then Wade. Wait, Wade Garrett...lol.

I actually played baseball and basketball in college. Baseball for 4 years and hoops for 2. Does that mean you can't argue with anything I say about baseball or basketball then? Because I see you in the same forums I'm in. I don't really profess to know it all, I like to think that I'm smart enough to talk about a bunch of topics though. I like to learn, guess that my problem....so I'm always looking up things that I don't know about...then I know a little about them.

Keep being the internet tough guy though...it suits your name perfectly and makes you the easy read from the "legit cat's" perspective.
Yes he completed 68% of passes for umm like 3,800 yds as u stated a run first qb
Yes he completed 68% of passes for umm like 3,800 yds as u stated a run first qb

First, I said "seemingly." If you listen to people talk about him, you would think he could be a QB who runs an awful lot (maybe not run 1st, but runs before most guys will).
U keep posting ur wife's tits too lol
I'm not an internet tuff guy I just hate message board tuff guy know it all's like u.
ur soft ... fact
Hey, you're a fan of "Johnny Football," that's great. I have no problem with him at all. I like watching him play in college, it's pretty exciting. Let's just temper the enthusiasm a bit is all I was really saying. I made a joke about God and Tebow along with Manziel and you've twisted into I like Blaine Gabbert.
First, I said "seemingly." If you listen to people talk about him, you would think he could be a QB who runs an awful lot (maybe not run 1st, but runs before most guys will).

Where did u say seemingly?
I referring to the 7:28pm post...
U keep posting ur wife's tits too lol
I'm not an internet tuff guy I just hate message board tuff guy know it all's like u.
ur soft ... fact

Wait, you're not an internet tough guy? But then say "ur soft...fact" like an internet tough guy would. I'm confused.

Wade, don't you also play the "know it all" though? I'm sure posts wouldn't be hard to find where you've been a know it all...they're usually the same posts that you're playing the tough guy.
Where did u say seemingly?
I referring to the 7:28pm post...

The one in which I actually referred to him as a "seemingly run first" QB. The post you're talking about I never used those words....run first. Or anything close to that. I said he was basically Tim Tebow w/o God on his side.
Wait, you're not an internet tough guy? But then say "ur soft...fact" like an internet tough guy would. I'm confused.

Wade, don't you also play the "know it all" though? I'm sure posts wouldn't be hard to find where you've been a know it all...they're usually the same posts that you're playing the tough guy.

Lol I am sure u will search n find em. Do work kid
Nite Larry lareux..
Two sport star I didn't realize.. ill lay low now
So u beasted it out at the collegiate level n played hoops n baseball?
I LOVE drunk Wade. He's like Mike Dexter from Cant Hardly Wait

Wade has passed red on poster of tha year 2013 no doubt. wade is rite, comparing Timmy and Johnny football is a joke though.
Great article on Johnny "Rock Star" Football.

"What’s the problem? Do we prefer him to be Tim Duncan? C’mon folks. This guy is great. He parties with Lebron James, dates super models, sits courtside at NBA Finals games. All the while, defensive coordinators are putting in 18 hour days in June trying to figure out how to stop Johnny Rock Star next season. Who’s the winner in this equation?"

Relax folks, Johnny Rock Star is ready for his encore

of course we would prefer him to be Tim Duncan. Tim Duncan is one of the greatest of all time in his sport, is arguably the best player of the last fifteen years, is arguably the greatest power forward of all time and is by all accounts a great guy. Johnny Football to date is nothing more than a Case Keenum so far. That is the real problem with comparing Tebow and Johnny.... Tebow has just accomplished way more on the field and way more off the field.
not too sure if this has been posted

ook, I understand there are bigger problems in this world than who wins an ESPY and who doesn’t, but something happened at the 2013 ESPY Awards that deserves, if nothing else, an angry rant.
Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel, the 2012 Heisman Trophy winner, was voted by “the people” as the Best College Athlete. If the award was called “Most Popular College Athlete” or “Most Exciting College Athlete”, I wouldn’t be writing this. But the award was called “Best College Athlete.” Johnny Manziel should not have been in the conversation.
Cornell University wrestler Kyle Dake did something this year that may not ever be done again. He won his fourth NCAA Title in fours years in a fourth weight class. Only two other wrestlers in the history of the sport had won four NCAA titles before Dake, and neither of them did it at four different weight classes. Making Dake’s accomplishment even more impressive was the fact that he had to defeat Penn State’s David Taylor in this year’s 165 lb championship match to win his fourth title. Not only was Taylor the defending champion at the weight class, but he won the 2012 Hodge Trophy — basically college wrestling’s Heisman — awarded to the best collegiate wrestler in the sport. Quite simply, to be the best, Kyle Dake had to beat the best.
Yes, I’m biased. I’m a lifelong wrestler and I feel a special connection to anyone who participates in the sport. It is a bit of a brotherhood and we find ourselves defending each other and our sport with the biggest of chips on our shoulders. That said, I run a football website. I get paid by a second to offer fantasy football advice to the masses. It’s not like I hate football. I understand that it is the sport of choice for most Americans.
I’m just shocked that…well wait a minute. Maybe I’m not shocked that a nationwide internet vote decided that Johnny Manziel is a better college athlete than Kyle Dake. I suppose that’s what happens when you open up an awards show to the general public. The end result is something along the lines of the Kids Choice Awards, where Justin Bieber beats the Foo Fighters. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Perhaps perplexed is a better word. I’m perplexed at the continued lack of respect and attention the sport of wrestling gets from both the public and media. Mix Martial Arts is currently the fastest growing sport on the planet in terms of popularity. The UFC is the flagship organization of the sport. Of the eight current men who hold UFC Championship belts, six are wrestlers by trade. A seventh trains with the Canadian national team. Wrestling is the foundation for the fastest growing sport on the planet, yet it is continuously ignored by the masses.
At the root of all of this is the nature of how the ESPYs are decided. An open, national vote is no way to lend credibility to any award show looking for it. Maybe they’re not. Maybe ESPN just wants an entertaining couple of hours on the most boring sports day every year to collect some advertising dollars and keep their customers — aka — their viewers happy with an award show that they had a say in. Well, even if that is the case, this time the customer was wrong.
Going forward, I’d like to see the ESPYs evolve to a point where the people have little or no vote or say. I’d like to see ESPN employees do the voting. I’d like to see an award show with a bit more integrity vs. just another popularity contest.
I’d like to see ESPN cover the sport of wrestling more than they do. I’d like to see a lot of things that probably won’t happen. Maybe what I’d like to see most this morning is Kyle Dake knocking on the door of every football groupie who didn’t vote for him and ask them to explain why.
BY J.P. SCOTT ON JULY 18, 2013
uh no. 100 percent wrong. Sec loves this dude. $$$$$

uh yea, from a $$ standpoint....majority of sec die hards of other schools and old hag sec media dont like this kid at all and will try to ruin him.

hope he runs circles around bama again.

i love me some johnny football.
[h=2]Exclusive: More details emerge on Manziel’s Manning Camp departure[/h] <abbr title="2013-07-20T15:38:06+0000">July 20, 2013 – 3:38 pm</abbr> by Hickey
In the past week, the only story that hasn’t changed about Heisman winner Johnny Manziel’s exit from the Manning Passing Academy last weekend is our own.
That’s because it happens to be the truth. But even our source with ties to the camp, who was tuned in well enough to know what was going on, didn’t have access to all the story’s details. Friday afternoon we were contacted by another source who is even more well-connected to the camp’s inner workings and therefore needs to remain unnamed. This person not only verified that what our original source had was completely true, but shared with us new information regarding the details of Manziel’s departure.
Basically it boils down to this: Manziel apparently lied to his own mother about his reason for missing camp meetings on Saturday morning, misled the media on SEC Media Day and threw Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron under the bus by forcing him to answer questions about why he didn’t wake Manziel up on Saturday morning. What McCarron had to avoid saying was the truth: he couldn’t wake Manziel up, because Manziel wasn’t in their room.
No one knows for sure where Manziel slept on Friday night, and the exact location is probably none of our damn business. But we do know it wasn’t at a Nicholls State dorm with roomie McCarron. It was reported to Archie Manning that Johnny Football was last seen somewhere on Bourbon Street in New Orleans at around 4 a.m. (The Nicholls campus is about an hour drive from New Orleans).
This was Johnny’s first mistake. Not necessarily going to New Orleans, but lying about it to Archie, who had already been informed by a friend that Manziel was out on Bourbon. Basically Manning gave Manziel the chance to explain himself the next day when Archie already knew full well what had happened and where he was — classic parent move! — but Manziel chose not to tell the truth.
Even so, Archie was not the driving force behind Manziel’s departure. That was Dartmouth head coach Buddy Teevens, who was formerly at Tulane and is in charge of making the schedules and drawing up the counseling assignments for the many college quarterbacks who run drills for the high school players at the camp. Teevens thought it was unfair for Manziel to be kept around for the final day-and-a half of the camp when the rest of the quarterbacks in attendance had shown up to all scheduled meetings and put the work in. Our source said that Manziel missed or was late to “every” staff meeting, including on Friday. Archie came to agree with Teevens’ vantage point and Manziel was sent home.
Our source noted that the decision was not unanimous because they knew it would not be long before word got out. Though names were not named, it could be inferred that Peyton and Eli were probably in that boat.
The excuse of Manziel feeling ill was given in hopes that the matter would just die there, but thanks to us and our original source, it did not.
The only minor detail missed by our original source is that it was Teevens, not Archie, who informed Manziel he was being sent home. It was then that Manziel lied to the second authority figure in this story, telling his mother that he overslept and McCarron did not wake him up. The oversleeping line would be repeated when he appeared in front of the media at SEC Media Days in Hoover, Ala. on Wednesday.
The whole scenario put McCarron in an awkward spot when he was forced to answer questions about Manziel on Thursday, and now his answer reads even more interestingly.
I can’t answer on Johnny Manziel’s part. My name is A.J. Everything that has to do with him, he’s his own man. I’m not going to speak on another man’s business. That’s how I was raised. If it don’t have nothing to do with you, don’t speak on it. I know how I handle myself out in public, how I carry myself in front of people. That’s what I’m worried about, trying to be the best player and the best person off the field that I can be for my family and the University of Alabama. I never want to disrespect them in any way.
Given the facts we now know, McCarron’s statement reads as much like an indictment of Manziel as it is a defense of himself. Though he took accountability for “oversleeping,” Manziel still spoke of another man’s business by indicating McCarron didn’t wake him up. Manziel is the one with questions about how he is handling himself in public, and whether he’s embarrassed his family or his university. This makes for a very interesting sub-plot to an Alabama-Texas A&M game that’s already being hyped through the roof in July.
In Manziel’s defense, it’s not like he was at choir camp. Our original source estimated “95 percent” of the college quarterbacks in attendance go out and tear it up on the nights they are at the Manning Camp, and our second source backed that. That’s why the original story reported by ESPN states that Manziel was not sent home for “partying”, as they would have to send just about everybody home if that were the reason. It’s summer and they’re college kids, so anyone worked up about that detail is not anyone we’d ever want to hang out with.
The difference is everyone else shook off the previous night and gave the roughly 1,200 high school kids in attendance the kind of attention their parents paid for.
Our source also backed up the statement made by Peyton Manning, who said “Johnny was great with the campers for the time he was here.” When he did work, he was great with the kids. There was no half-assing it in that regard. He just did not take his responsibilities as seriously as everyone else who was invited by the Mannings.
We have no bone to pick with Johnny Football. Watching him play is a joy. But there is a lesson to be learned by him from this episode.
As a child of privilege — he is the fourth generation in a family of Texas oil money — chances are Manziel hasn’t faced many serious consequences for his actions growing up. Being a star quarterback at a Texas high school, then at A&M, and then the first freshman quarterback to win the Heisman has only enhanced his ability to “get away with it.”
In the NFL, they don’t care who your daddy is. Actions will have consequences. He can still have a good time like anybody else his age, but if he thinks he can get away with lying about things like his whereabouts on Bourbon Street to someone with as many powerful New Orleans connections as Archie Manning, he either needs to get a lot smarter or a lot humbler. Maybe a little bit of both.
Otherwise, he’ll learn the NFL is a No Fools League the hard way.
*Multiple staff members contributed to this report