Has Johnny Football Worn His Welcome?

nice write up from "rumors & rants". The name inspires confidence, doesn't it? Manziel definitely screwed up, but anyone who believes that he was on Bourbon street and no one there recognized him & took a picture or tweeted it out is insane.
He's rocking a Tebow Jersey. What a legend.

Can he not stay in and play video games or something for just one weekend

How about can he not just focus on the upcoming season and get/stay in shape? This is going to be an epic downturn these next few years.
that warms my heart

i always thought UT(B12) people to be complete pussies

Why? I graduated from Iowa state and if you go into a party wearing Iowa or ou or any other school you'll get heckled and made fun of. But when I'm in gville It's intensified ill agree
I am a little surprised he hasn't been slapped on the wrist by AD Eric Hyman. Afterall, Hyman has 4.5 years of Stephen Garcia experience under his belt.
No prizes for guessing who the biggest dickhead in that photo is

Not sure what the answer is here, help me out Alan. Is it the obvious turd with the sunglasses down over his nose, holding a cheap beer, wearing a v-neck wanna be jersey? Or is it a 6-way tie between everyone in the picture? I'm not certain which answer you're going for here.
College kids...

[h=2]Alabama Freshman Dee Liner Posts Instagram Photo Of Himself With Wads Of Cash[/h]Matt Lombardi
Alabama freshman defensive end Dee Liner was ranked as the one of the best players in the entire 2013 class. Without having even played a down on the football field, Liner has found his way into the news.
Liner posted a photo of himself and his friends with wads of cash and the hashtag #StruggleOverWit. Check it out:

My first thought? Alabama coach Nick Saban is going to go ballistic. My second thought? Why do college football players keep doing this?

Just living the life. This isn't gonna end well. He knows everyone is snapping pics, he just doesnt care. #IAintGotNoWorries
Not sure what the answer is here, help me out Alan. Is it the obvious turd with the sunglasses down over his nose, holding a cheap beer, wearing a v-neck wanna be jersey? Or is it a 6-way tie between everyone in the picture? I'm not certain which answer you're going for here.

Tru was correct with the former.

I did laugh at the deadspin bit earlier about his twitter back and forths. http://deadspin.com/johnny-manziel-still-clowning-everyone-on-twitter-942660016
Why? I graduated from Iowa state and if you go into a party wearing Iowa or ou or any other school you'll get heckled and made fun of. But when I'm in gville It's intensified ill agree
The horns are kinda sissy compared to the rest of em from my experience

Not sure what you are asking me maybe though
As a father to three sons that story is just sad to me.

Probably the first and last freshman to win the Heisman. Poor kid just wasn't ready to deal with the mess.

As I father as well, I don't know what to think. But, I get the feeling the Dad shares some of the blame as well, he seems to blame everyone but Johnny or his family.
I like how ESPN helped create the JFF persona now are getting ratings off criticizing every move he makes

That was a very good read. It's a little disturbing to me all of the references to alcohol, and Johhny drinking it, in the article though. He's not yet 21, yet at the golf course, at dinner, at a concert, etc, etc, he is allowed to drink? I understand he's Johnny Manziel, but how in the hell don't any of those establishments follow the law and not serve a minor? Alcohol seems to be a big problem for him (as it can be for many college kids, we've all been there I'm sure), but the fact that his family, and evidently any place that he goes, allow him to drink (or are just so open about it) even though he's only 20, is quite concerning.
That was a very good read. It's a little disturbing to me all of the references to alcohol, and Johhny drinking it, in the article though. He's not yet 21, yet at the golf course, at dinner, at a concert, etc, etc, he is allowed to drink? I understand he's Johnny Manziel, but how in the hell don't any of those establishments follow the law and not serve a minor? Alcohol seems to be a big problem for him (as it can be for many college kids, we've all been there I'm sure), but the fact that his family, and evidently any place that he goes, allow him to drink (or are just so open about it) even though he's only 20, is quite concerning.

Texas law states if you are with a parent you may drink in public so technically he is abiding by the law
I think it's bullshit all the hate he gets.. I think most agree that we all started drinking well before the legal age.. And in many cases probably gambled well before the legal age- I know I did.

Yes he won the heisman, but he is still a kid. He is going through growing pains like we all did. I hated my step mom so much I moved out before my senior year of high school and went back to my hometown after my parents moved out of state.. Now we are extremely close.

I just feel like people don't give him the benefit of the doubt... Ya he won a heisman but he is still going through many of the same college experiences we all went through. The media makes it seem like underclassmen are all sober bookworms.

I played d3 soccer and still had to clear trips with my dad through the school.. When Johnny does it, he's commiting a felony
1994 UM Webber right?

He was in NBA then.

The Fab 5 did that in late 1992...they had their issues with school making money off them so they wore official t-shirts inside out then showed up to a game(wanna say against Houston U) with the socks...didn't take off warm-ups till the start of game.
Texas law states if you are with a parent you may drink in public so technically he is abiding by the law

At what age? Just curious.

And obviously most of the photos of him doing this ma and pa are not in sight.

Obviously he is a teenage kid but anyone in that situation needs to understand right and wrong. He isn't some 20 year old working at Dairy Queen. He is already almost upper-class.
I don't think he comes across as a bad person - nor do I necessarily think he is being portrayed that way. I think he comes across as a spoiled brat. And he needs to cut that shit out, because its embarrassing, and it doesn't endear teammates and coaches to you.
If you guys think the media is hard on him now, wait till he loses a game or 2. Especially if it's to a lower teir team.