General Baseball In-Game

Can the NFL and Colleges show videos of players talking before their freshmen year and rookie year, respectively, to show that brain damage most likely occurred prior to playing the sport? Is that admissible evidence?
Detroit is likely the shittiest city in North America so it is hard to feel anything but good for them if they win a game. I mean that city is awful. Unions raped the city dry, fucked all the people and now it is a decrepit, cesspool of human scum.
Detroit is likely the shittiest city in North America so it is hard to feel anything but good for them if they win a game. I mean that city is awful. Unions raped the city dry, fucked all the people and now it is a decrepit, cesspool of human scum.

you clearly have not been to Youngstown Ohio
jesus what happened to kansas, they suck tonight... took that over 5,5 after all... doesn't look too good now.

they had a good chance now, wasted it of course
Usually don't factor in quality of life in the city of the team I land on but will make an adjustment
Usually don't factor in quality of life in the city of the team I land on but will make an adjustment

you shouldn't. Just saying when you are against them and they win don't get too bent out of shape for it. The city is a shit hole. They went from a booming place, let the indians tell the chiefs what to do and now they are a vile, beat down populace that could use a few sports wins to brighten their day even if for just five minutes. I mean ... can't imagine waking up in that outhouse every day.

I can't think of another American city that went from a hub to a shit hole the way Detroit did.
I have looked down at my stool floating in the bowl and thought ... wow, what is detroit doing in there?
you shouldn't. Just saying when you are against them and they win don't get too bent out of shape for it. The city is a shit hole. They went from a booming place, let the indians tell the chiefs what to do and now they are a vile, beat down populace that could use a few sports wins to brighten their day even if for just five minutes. I mean ... can't imagine waking up in that outhouse every day.

I can't think of another American city that went from a hub to a shit hole the way Detroit did.

Gary, Indiana
[FONT=&quot]Jason Hammel's career record: 53–36, 3.84 ERA thru the end of June, 23–45, 5.04 ERA in July or later.[/FONT]
Yeah don't understand this...

There's a lot of confidence taking the bump with a sub 3 era when you're a career mediocre guy.

So long to that
Yeah don't understand this...

There's a lot of confidence taking the bump with a sub 3 era when you're a career mediocre guy.

So long to that

Hoping he hurts his arm cause he knows its a bunch of bullshit how this guy has been pitching,,... Lackey too
Frisco back in it 4-3
Grabbed some live o10 and SF +250 when 4-1
Figured the real Shelby shows up eventually
I was just considering Live Tex mid 9 but they have a bottom 3 or 4 pen era and that's why I don't think they win AL