Friday Where Is P2W MLB Discussion

-40u in about a month, thank god profit was considerably better going in

yeah I throw around crazy units but they aren't the standard $100 per unit either . Its more like 2 units = 5 of mine. I just kept pushing as I did well. Still a lot of change but entirely different and increased my sizes only after I started off well . I was up enough this week alone to basically cover yesterday...never really keep close count but think I passed 700+ u last week..definitely my best $ wise in a sport

one day I will start tracking all my plays.......probably the day it's legal in the US...
Think it's obvious at this point that the Cards are in the midst of their 1st slump of the season. Previous worst over any 6 games outside recent games was 3-3, threatening to go 1-5 with a loss tonight.
prolly you will see one this time boss. Next 6-7 weeks I would guess I'll have time to post. Phil The Thrill gets here for me tomorrow so that will cut into some of my baseball time, Thank God, but I'm still doing all the work.
Think they walked into a buzz saw here...looked like CWS were easy in game 1 as Tribe sat some key regulars and Santiago was real good ast time and then up 5-0 and pissed away....kinda takes the wind out of you to lose 19-10 at home and just have to watch a team bash your head in and when you get a fresh start your down 4-0 before you even bat ....

not saying CWS is good or wont be in a funk the rest of the weekend but they need a SP to step up and squash the other team to break out of it
all 5 in Seattle ...3 vs Oakland and now the Scrubbies....

It's a beautiful thing when you can own a pitcher or a team like that .
Over @ seattle 7u -- seattle putting a decent li eup together w new prospects and iwakuma not as sharp lately as earlier

Philly F5 3u
Philly +1.5 3u
Philly ml 12 u
over philly tt 4u

Taking a big shot but like the spot and howard resting added to value Imo

my 10 pm pendings

Over @ oakland 5u and cards tt over 4u
Cards ml 8u