Friday MLB Discussion Thread

It’s really tough to say what flaherty will look like with all this time sitting around but I’d say there next to no chance cards get to Lester. Think I’ll trust flaherty but dunno how long he will be able to go? Ff under def worth a look cause cards having 0 or 1 max a good possibility.
It’s really tough to say what flaherty will look like with all this time sitting around but I’d say there next to no chance cards get to Lester. Think I’ll trust flaherty but dunno how long he will be able to go? Ff under def worth a look cause cards having 0 or 1 max a good possibility.
Ponce is pitching vs. Lester
Well damn, I see it changed at my book now and line gone. Earlier I saw cards -140, I was going to pound cubs as dogs vs ponce. Lol
That bodes well for flaherty when he does make his start. Ponce prob is more cut out for this cause he mostly just gonna fire one fastball after another anyways, although his start against twins he was flashing a pretty good looking curve. Hopefully total be several runs higher than the 7.5 I saw w Jack vs Lester.
I assumed Flaherty too at that price. Very confusing.

Cards gonna be hurting without dejung. Big time in lineup but in field too cause his would be replacement with great glove has the Rona as well so guess they gonna let Edman play short which really weakens our defense. I gotta assume that puts carp at 3rd which not good. I’m not sure how tommy be at short?
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Guess no line on marlins yet? No secret how much I love alcontera and somehow marlins just keep hitting even after the layoff and missing bunch of dudes!!!
Jays took no walks against a guy who had a k/9 around 7 the last two years. Then they some how battle back and then let THE Nick Markakis walk you off. They need an uptick in their OBP and also need to work the count. Bichette, Rowdy, Vladdy, Lourdes all need to be more disciplined. Aggressive doesn’t mean swinging every pitch
Jays took no walks against a guy who had a k/9 around 7 the last two years. Then they some how battle back and then let THE Nick Markakis walk you off. They need an uptick in their OBP and also need to work the count. Bichette, Rowdy, Vladdy, Lourdes all need to be more disciplined. Aggressive doesn’t mean swinging every pitch

Yea that was prob the most frustrating thing for me, I couldn’t believe how efficient they were allowing that walk machine to be!
I dunno how the hell I can stay away from cubs Ff? Getting plus money giving the half run so tempting. It’s either that or the u4.5 cause like I said last night I’d be shocked if cards got much of anything going vs Lester. So it all comes down to how effective Ponce will be? After watching cubs yesterday little concerned they won’t score much either!!
I dunno how the hell I can stay away from cubs Ff? Getting plus money giving the half run so tempting. It’s either that or the u4.5 cause like I said last night I’d be shocked if cards got much of anything going vs Lester. So it all comes down to how effective Ponce will be? After watching cubs yesterday little concerned they won’t score much either!!

That full game total jumped quick
I dunno how the hell I can stay away from cubs Ff? Getting plus money giving the half run so tempting. It’s either that or the u4.5 cause like I said last night I’d be shocked if cards got much of anything going vs Lester. So it all comes down to how effective Ponce will be? After watching cubs yesterday little concerned they won’t score much either!!
Some might call yesterday a look ahead, but I’m with you. Hard to pass up the prices available.

trying to understand the price on Bauer as well. Seems odd; how can you back that brewers offence right now?
Is yadi out today too?

Yadi and dejung. So defense will be significantly worse as dejung slick fielding backup has Rona too. Think the plan is to play edman at short which I assume puts carp at 3rd. Unless they go miller at short in which case offense be even worse!!

Case could be made kitzner might be better hitter than Yadi but bad defense and not clutch like Yadi. I don’t see how we score off Lester? My only reservation is Ponce handles cubs offense but he gonna walk a few guys and won’t have the defense they accustomed to backing him up. Way I see it I don’t expect cards to plate more than 1 off Lester in 5 innings. A case could be made for Ff under but I’m just not sure with Ponce. Think the highest percentage play is to play scrubbies. Cards team total u3.5 at plus money interesting but don’t trust cubs pen.
Some might call yesterday a look ahead, but I’m with you. Hard to pass up the prices available.

trying to understand the price on Bauer as well. Seems odd; how can you back that brewers offence right now?

I don’t see much of any runs getting scored in that cincy game. Lean Ff under there as well.
Cin/milw Ff u4.5

As mentioned how many milw gonna plate vs Bauer? Cincy sporting a .620 ops vs lefties thus far.
I really like Ff under there, agree with what VC wrote on the pitchers and I don’t expect rox to hit away from coors again.
Don’t know if I fully agree. They hit well at Texas and Oakland on the road. And the pen for Seattle is always a factor hah
Don’t know if I fully agree. They hit well at Texas and Oakland on the road. And the pen for Seattle is always a factor hah

Well yea. No pens, just the Ff. Some guys hit on road but most them lefties who should be somewhat negated by Seattle lefty pitcher (I hope). All hell might break out after 5 innings but I feel pretty good about there being less than 4.5 thru then.
They didn’t score all that much at Texas did they? Unless my memory totally shot those rox/rangers games were pitcher dominate.
Anybody put any stock into games played? Cubs have 12 games under their belt while the Cards only have a mere 5. And it's their first game after this long Covid layoff.
They didn’t score all that much at Texas did they? Unless my memory totally shot those rox/rangers games were pitcher dominate.
For me, I still don’t understand how they are dogged to kikuchi and the M’s less so the total itself. 0,3,5 at Texas and 8,5 at Oakland.
For me, I still don’t understand how they are dogged to kikuchi and the M’s less so the total itself. 0,3,5 at Texas and 8,5 at Oakland.

I hear you there, I certainly don’t have a problem w playing Rox. I think sentz will handle m’s lineup. Just cause I think it gonna be lower scoring I still think Rox will score more which all you need! Lol
I don’t understand how the fuck after days and days of clean test and under quarantine they now have multiple new positives today?? Man this sucks. They wernt even allowed to fly back to stl until they were deemed virus free?!?!?!?
Cards season is basically over at this point correct? I’m assuming they have to sit at least another week now, they rapidly running out of days to get X amount of games played!!
I don’t understand how the fuck after days and days of clean test and under quarantine they now have multiple new positives today?? Man this sucks. They wernt even allowed to fly back to stl until they were deemed virus free?!?!?!?
Because they probably weren’t under quarantine and they were going out. Also 14 day incubation period so just depends when it hits them.
^ I know you wrote they were under quarantine, but I just don’t buy it with the MLB.

get into hub cities and bubbles before they have to cancel it all
Because they probably weren’t under quarantine and they were going out. Also 14 day incubation period so just depends when it hits them.

They been jammed up in hotel in milw for last however many days that protocol deems them to be safe? My understanding was strict quarantine. Fuck if I know. I just know it sucks.
They been jammed up in hotel in milw for last however many days that protocol deems them to be safe? My understanding was strict quarantine. Fuck if I know. I just know it sucks.
They can say it, I just don’t believe it. Bubble up, nba and nhl proving it works.
Wow. I did not expect to see marlins up around +140!! Another line that feels way out of whack to me. Seattle up to -125 seems crazy high too.
They can say it, I just don’t believe it. Bubble up, nba and nhl proving it works.

Lol. Fair enough. I can’t imagine they were going out after all their teammates coming down with it but I guess anything possible. It to late for bubble and punk ass players refused that from the beginning anyways.
What sucks about all these cancelled games are the Regular Season Wins bets will be affected.

They pretty much have to be refunded don’t they? Unless a team plays 60 I can’t imagine they would count? Luckily I don’t bet them anyways so doesn’t effect me.
They pretty much have to be refunded don’t they? Unless a team plays 60 I can’t imagine they would count? Luckily I don’t bet them anyways so doesn’t effect me.
Yeah they'll be cancelled. I did see one of my books post win % if anybody would've wanted to do that knowing there would be cancelled games. I imagine those will stand.
Wow. I did not expect to see marlins up around +140!! Another line that feels way out of whack to me. Seattle up to -125 seems crazy high too.

Aw crap. I see marlins not starting alcontera now? That changes my opinion. I was salivating over backing alcontera at plus anything!
Yeah they'll be cancelled. I did see one of my books post win % if anybody would've wanted to do that knowing there would be cancelled games. I imagine those will stand.
All my outlets only posted winning %, didn’t see any points or wins before the restart. Interesting.