End of the Clippers trip into the Super Situation...

I would like to thank bar and bc for guiding me to gsw and the under associated with and ads win on thursday….i was in the process of getting killed that night and the late game made the night a whole lot more palatable…much appreciated
I would like to thank bar and bc for guiding me to gsw and the under associated with and ads win on thursday….i was in the process of getting killed that night and the late game made the night a whole lot more palatable…much appreciated
Okay, so the end of the gauntlet so-to-speak is this week for the Clippers.

Before the season I had this circled as one of my 'Nuggets' plays. Thankfully I didn't play my first Nuggets play till 9 days ago against the Pacers.

Obviously many factors against the Clippers here...

-Still like a roadtrip of sorts although they had a day or two at home to kind of readjust.
-Huge, huge lookahead spot with Miami coming to town on Wednesday

The Nuggets are coming off home losses to the Bobcats and Raptors since the Indy win then B2B at Sacto. They have had a few days to rest and have one more home game to end the home-stand before heading East.

Thoughts? Still looking at this one a bit more myself.
They looked gased in the first half vs Utah last game before pulling away in the 2nd

If Lawson is back, which it looks like he will be - think Nugz have a good shot at taking this one...
More input. Would love for the Clippers to lose. Just not clear to me that Miami is a look ahead. Why sans Chris do you want the Heat, Play off teams looking for seeding mostly just want wins.
Sorry I didn't start a thread or post earlier. Toyed with game all day even while starting work and posted on mobile on the go. I am glad i did this even though Denver covered. Four in a row for me and back to a respectable number...

9-5 +6.95 units