Eastern Conference Finals discussion thread

I don't get how it's a flagrant. How can they be sure he did it on purpose?!
From some angles it looks intentional, from some, it looks like he just fell down that way and it should be a foul.
To eject best Hawks player today, without being 100% confident, in basically an elimination game... Just a horrible call by the refs...

I do feel that Delli catches too many heat. If he fell down on Horford and Korver on purpose, he should get an Oscar - because it looked 100% natural...
There are two types of Flagrant Fouls, as follows:
Flagrant "1" (FFP1) - unnecessary contact committed by a player against an opponent. The opposing team is awarded two (2) free throws and possession.
Flagrant "2" (FFP2) - unnecessary and excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent. The opposing team is awarded two (2) free throws and possession and the player committing the foul is automatically ejected.
They threw a quick 7 out there and up to 7.5

This looks like actual gambling so why do it
Can easily see it happen if refs will feel they got the wrong call and will try to balance things out.

They talked about if for an hour, doubt they feel they got it wrong. Arrogance is part of being a referee.
I didn't see anything that looked intentional from Delli - he was just going for a loose ball with opponents in his path.

I think Al's looked blatant in the replays. Whether it was the right call or not, I don't see how the refs can be lambasted for the decision they took. They would've seen a ton of slow mo replays which would've sold the perception of intent on Al's part.
I don't get why the refs want these series to end so quickly.... They aren't fulfilling the conspiracy theorists wishes!
They talked about if for an hour, doubt they feel they got it wrong. Arrogance is part of being a referee.

But many times, you go to the locker room, you hear what people around you say, maybe see what is the reaction on the net... I know for 100% that it happens in Europe, though I'm talking probably about plays that aren't reviewed. Here, obviously they had all the time in the world (and took it as well) to make the call they feel the most comfortable with...

Still... Honestly don't get how refs can be that sure that Horford did it on purpose and still don't get why Delli got a T...
I think that refs gave Delli a T, just to balance things out... Maybe setting things up for second T and ejection?
But many times, you go to the locker room, you hear what people around you say, maybe see what is the reaction on the net... I know for 100% that it happens in Europe, though I'm talking probably about plays that aren't reviewed. Here, obviously they had all the time in the world (and took it as well) to make the call they feel the most comfortable with...

Still... Honestly don't get how refs can be that sure that Horford did it on purpose and still don't get why Delli got a T...

Refs in the NBA have bigger egos than the players. They in their room eating caviar and getting back rubs.
See if anyone on the Cavs gets crunched driving to the hoop and then Perkins will will come in
Very interesting to see how Hawks and Coach Bud come out of the locker room. They can be broken up about it, nervious and trying to get Delli back instead of focusing on the game or be driven to go out and win.
Stuff like that are something that builds and breaks teams.
Suns didn't respond well to losing Diaw and Amare a decade ago and it was as close as they got to getting the ship...
Clearly obvious the Hawks blame Delly for Korver's injury. The Bazemore pick, Big Al dropping the elbow, will probably see more aggression in the 2nd half.
Very interesting to see how Hawks and Coach Bud come out of the locker room. They can be broken up about it, nervious and trying to get Delli back instead of focusing on the game or be driven to go out and win.
Stuff like that are something that builds and breaks teams.
Suns didn't respond well to losing Diaw and Amare a decade ago and it was as close as they got to getting the ship...

When Taj got ejected, the Bulls went HAM. Atlanta soft as dairy-whip though.
Hawks don't have anyone but themselves to blame for losing both games at home.
Delli and Korver collided when Cavs were sailing for the win. Really see no reason for him to go at him...
When Taj got ejected, the Bulls went HAM. Atlanta soft as dairy-whip though.
But that series was heated anyway. Hawks are softer as you said - that's why it's more interesting to see how they react. Soft can lead to them letting their heads down or it can make them instead of more aggressive, more focused (and that's a good thing).
But still... Refs could have easily give Horford flagrant 1 as worst case scenario and no one would have blamed them for that and let basketball game be decided on court...
Dova made hustle plays however in watching all the replays he made absolutely no effort to avoid his opponents legs/knees etc.... He could have rolled away or tried to roll away.. He didn't
League needs it's villains, been devoid of a decent 'bad guy' for years. Past 4 seasons has merely been peeps hating on the Heat. Weak.
Mike Scott just can't hit a three pointer after amazing first 2/3 of the season...
And also, you can't double teaming LeBron. Cavs players are hot behing the arc...
Because Hawks were forced to go small and while it has a good flow, it serves the Cavs much more than it serves the Hawks.