Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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maybe I'll set up an account on the WGT, seems like something to do to solve mid-day boredom during the week
Here is something

I think we just discovered lice on my almost 3 year old

just in time to leave for FLA for like 6 days.....and grandparents that are gonna flip shit

Im already scratching......fuck
And a little more on Sterling.... What total BS with his son-in-law. Now he comes out and speaks against Sterling and his racism that everything was outted. He knew damn well the dude was a racist and had no problem riding the gravy train... Director of Basketball Administration for the Clippers - I'm sure you worked your way up to that job.
Anyone do any mountaineering? And do you like gladiator movies?
The game takes time because you need better clubs and balls, but need to level up before you can even buy them. As you get better the equipment you can purchase gets better. It's like buying a $50-60 game in the long run, a little bit at a time.
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