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****College Football In-Game Thread****

Pretty sure ok st is playing to cover the spread but not win. These play calls in the red Zone are awful
Championship week / Army v Navy / Bowl A Thon await. Where bankrolls thrive and bookies cry!!!

Yeah that is all good. I watch all that. It's the full slate of every team playing that really gets me excited for football. The rest of it is all anticlimax, but I'm weird.
Yeah that is all good. I watch all that. It's the full slate of every team playing that really gets me excited for football. The rest of it is all anticlimax, but I'm weird.
Well that makes too of us! Was just trying to cheer you up. You can always take a bite out of the Army sandwich and end on a positve note. Hawaii is in a championship game for first time in ages. Win or Lose theyll be happy Not the greatest Army team but losing focus being In Hawaii shouldnt be a concern. Lines beendropping since i pulledthe trigger Man does a regular season fly by though! Cheers brother!
Yeah I like Army haven't played it yet, lost the 3, now 1.5. Not sure why I didn't take it at noon when I put in most stuff. No way I can make it til the end of that game. I pride myself on seeing the last game to it's end.
I took BYU 2nd H though, could've lost by 1 and won. But there were other really good 2nd H bets today, not upset about that one.
Yeah they were and then SOD in the RZ or near the RZ that other time. TD right there. If they somehow cover 2nd H and comeback to cover full game will be huge
Our family Christmas party got canceled so I can watch Army- Navy now. Excited for that.
Team Totalsfor both along with Half Game and 2nd Half Overs were the plays for this Army game. TD Army 31-38 Hawaii on top about 16.5 minutes to go. Army threw a pick (yeah threw a pick) and went for it 4th and 2 from their own 32 and got stopped in first half. Both led to points. Army needs one stop and we got a chance Army backers.