Coaching Carousel Thread -- Updated

You cant recruit the incorrigible, even if they got speed. They will fuck you in the end.
Bullshit! Did you see what that program did for young talented men in the 80s and 90s? They had nothing else. The University of Miami helped a lot of less fortunate youth.
Bullshit! Did you see what that program did for young talented men in the 80s and 90s? They had nothing else. The University of Miami helped a lot of less fortunate youth.

U of Miami in the 80s and 90s was fucking animal house. Scared refs, no replay, that is ancient history.
Miami football has been irrelevant on the national scene for 15 years or so but the run they had the previous 20 runs was incredible.
Bruce Feldman reported that Richt "retired" after they told him they were going to fire his son as the QBs coach.
Wow. What a pussy. I really liked the guy and thought he was the answer (still do). I can’t believe there was no middle ground to be found.
The idea that Miami is still a top-tier job must be based on nostalgia or there must be some fan-boys posting on this thread, because the facts say otherwise.

They had a run where they were very good, but that was long ago. And it was when they were in the Big East. Since they entered the ACC they are winning at a mere 55% rate and have never won a conference title. And that is over a long period. I think they have been in the ACC for 15 or16 years now. So long that kids they are recruiting have zero memory they have ever won even a conference title, let along a national title.

They have the same handicaps they have always had--small student body, no stadium, small alumni base, 3rd rate facilities, money problems, and now that they are in the ACC almost every school they are recruiting against has a better situation in all those categories

The SEC recruits Florida heavily and every school is so far ahead of Miami in those categories there's no comparison. Same with the Big 10 and Big 12 schools that recruit Florida.

It's a different world than it was when Miami was in the Big East and the flood of money had not hit college football.

And the worst drawback of all is that Miami fans pay no attention at all to all those disadvantages and think it's still 1990. Miami has won one national title in the last 28 years--and that one was 18 years ago--and haven't even been in the discussion with the top teams in the lifetimes of any high school athlete, and yet Miami fans believe they are equal to Alabama and Georgia and Clemson and Florida. That's bad news for any coach.

It's not impossible for them to be competitive in the ACC, but even that will be hard, as they have proved for two decades.

To say Miami in football is the same as Kansas in basketball is laughable.
The idea that Miami is still a top-tier job must be based on nostalgia or there must be some fan-boys posting on this thread, because the facts say otherwise.

They had a run where they were very good, but that was long ago. And it was when they were in the Big East. Since they entered the ACC they are winning at a mere 55% rate and have never won a conference title. And that is over a long period. I think they have been in the ACC for 15 or16 years now. So long that kids they are recruiting have zero memory they have ever won even a conference title, let along a national title.

They have the same handicaps they have always had--small student body, no stadium, small alumni base, 3rd rate facilities, money problems, and now that they are in the ACC almost every school they are recruiting against has a better situation in all those categories

The SEC recruits Florida heavily and every school is so far ahead of Miami in those categories there's no comparison. Same with the Big 10 and Big 12 schools that recruit Florida.

It's a different world than it was when Miami was in the Big East and the flood of money had not hit college football.

And the worst drawback of all is that Miami fans pay no attention at all to all those disadvantages and think it's still 1990. Miami has won one national title in the last 28 years--and that one was 18 years ago--and haven't even been in the discussion with the top teams in the lifetimes of any high school athlete, and yet Miami fans believe they are equal to Alabama and Georgia and Clemson and Florida. That's bad news for any coach.

It's not impossible for them to be competitive in the ACC, but even that will be hard, as they have proved for two decades.

To say Miami in football is the same as Kansas in basketball is laughable.

What a load of nonsense. The program went down the drain because they hired loser after loser after Butch Davis left to go to the NFL not because of what conference they were in. If they ever hire the right coach and I doubt that they will the program can be a consistent top 10 team.

The only ACC programs better than Miami are Clemson and Florida State and lets not act like Clemson was doing a lot of winning before Dabo. Miami has a great recruiting base to draw from. If the administration actually hires someone like Babers or Neal Brown they will win a lot of games.
The idea that Miami is still a top-tier job must be based on nostalgia or there must be some fan-boys posting on this thread, because the facts say otherwise.

They had a run where they were very good, but that was long ago. And it was when they were in the Big East. Since they entered the ACC they are winning at a mere 55% rate and have never won a conference title. And that is over a long period. I think they have been in the ACC for 15 or16 years now. So long that kids they are recruiting have zero memory they have ever won even a conference title, let along a national title.

They have the same handicaps they have always had--small student body, no stadium, small alumni base, 3rd rate facilities, money problems, and now that they are in the ACC almost every school they are recruiting against has a better situation in all those categories

The SEC recruits Florida heavily and every school is so far ahead of Miami in those categories there's no comparison. Same with the Big 10 and Big 12 schools that recruit Florida.

It's a different world than it was when Miami was in the Big East and the flood of money had not hit college football.

And the worst drawback of all is that Miami fans pay no attention at all to all those disadvantages and think it's still 1990. Miami has won one national title in the last 28 years--and that one was 18 years ago--and haven't even been in the discussion with the top teams in the lifetimes of any high school athlete, and yet Miami fans believe they are equal to Alabama and Georgia and Clemson and Florida. That's bad news for any coach.

It's not impossible for them to be competitive in the ACC, but even that will be hard, as they have proved for two decades.

To say Miami in football is the same as Kansas in basketball is laughable.

I Agree. Maryland suffers from some of the same issues, because College Park is literally located in the middle of the hood. But the bottom line is if you are a blue-chip prospect, and you take visits to Miami and/or Maryland, and visit literally any other prominent school in the ACC, SEC or Big 10, there is literally no incentive for that blue-chipper to attend Miami or Maryland. The other schools are simply superior.
Miami is going to screw this up by hiring either Cristobal or taking Diaz away from Temple. They have sucked for the last 15 years because they hire awful coaches and I expect nothing to change. Dino Babers and Neal Brown would be the guys I would look to hire but I doubt the AD has ever heard of either of those two.
Miami is going to screw this up by hiring either Cristobal or taking Diaz away from Temple. They have sucked for the last 15 years because they hire awful coaches and I expect nothing to change. Dino Babers and Neal Brown would be the guys I would look to hire but I doubt the AD has ever heard of either of those two.
If you want to reach, go after Matt Campbell. Dude is proven. If you can win at ISU w 1-2* talent, you can surely win at the “U”.
If you want to reach, go after Matt Campbell. Dude is proven. If you can win at ISU w 1-2* talent, you can surely win at the “U”.

Campbell would be great but I don't think he would want the job. While it makes no sense to me Campbell is getting a ton of NFL buzz with the Jets in particular mentioned as being interested.
If you want to reach, go after Matt Campbell. Dude is proven. If you can win at ISU w 1-2* talent, you can surely win at the “U”.
That isn't a reach.

That is literally the next BIG name that will be dominating at a bigger school sooner rather than later.
Campbell would be great but I don't think he would want the job. While it makes no sense to me Campbell is getting a ton of NFL buzz with the Jets in particular mentioned as being interested.

NFL Buzz is just that. NFL reporters/insiders have a superiority complex.

None of the college coaches they mention have reached out to the teams most likely.

The new one today is Fitz to the Packers. If, that was offered, I could see him thinking about it.
NFL Buzz is just that. NFL reporters/insiders have a superiority complex.

None of the college coaches they mention have reached out to the teams most likely.

The new one today is Fitz to the Packers. If, that was offered, I could see him thinking about it.

Fitz to Green Bay makes sense since Murphy hired him at Northwestern.
I would think Campbell thinks he can win big in the next 2 years with purdy. Not really that tough of a conference and he can finish top 2 and have a decent shot to win the b12, at iowa st, which would be epic.
I would think Campbell thinks he can win big in the next 2 years with purdy. Not really that tough of a conference and he can finish top 2 and have a decent shot to win the b12, at iowa st, which would be epic.
Very true.

OU will be right there again though.

Texas is scratching the surface.

Just imagine Campbell with some major talent.... he has gems now... but....
I-state can be competitive over the long term with most schools in the Big 12 in a good year except Oklahoma and Texas. They can even beat those two if they have a great year and catch one of those two when they are down or come out flat, but to pretend they can compete with either Texas or Oklahoma over the long haul makes no sense.

Iowa State has never won even one conference title in modern times. They have had some good coaches who have a little success, but not enough to ever win even one single title. They won one in some conference more than a century ago, but nothing since. The way you evaluate a program is to look at what they have done throughout their history. When a school goes more than a century without even a conference title there is a reason.

Lots of schools and their fans love to dream things will change, but they rarely do because success is based on certain factors that almost never change. Schools like Oklahoma or Alabama or USC may have a down period now and then because they get a bad coach, but the structure is still there just waiting for a good coach to turn things around and when one arrives they win titles. Those elite schools always have the same advantages. If you doubt me go back and look at the polls every 10 years or so for the last half century.

There was a shift after WW II because of massive population shifts but not much has changed since then. A team can have have a brief period of success like Miami did in the 90's and a lot of schools like Houston, Tulane, the Arizona schools, etc can have a few years in the spotlight, and a couple, Florida State and Boise State can come from nowhere and be successful over long periods, but you will see there is little change in the elite schools over the 70 plus years since WW II

Iowa State always has the same problems, the ones that have doomed them for the last century. The first is they are not even #1 in their own state and Iowa is a state that doesn't produce many players. And the states that surround them aren't hotbeds for high school football either. That's two strikes right there they have never been able to overcome.

Campbell is definitely a good coach (he got badly out-coached by Leach, but that's no disgrace), he's got a QB who is already good and will get better, and I State has a solid fan base. He's on even footing at worst with the Kansas Schools and West Virginia (although W Virginia has a MUCH more illustrious history than I State), but whoever the Iowa State coach is will always have an uphill struggle to compete with all the other Big 12 schools.
Sorry if anyone has already posted this, but I didn't see it in the thread.

Rich Rodriguez to Ole Miss as OC. Sounds like a good hire to me.
Harbaugh to Jets predictably picking up steam again. Reportedly prepared to go after him. Fine, give me Campbell and I'll call it even.

Kids should not sign during early signing period with these coaches jobs in the balance. I'd tell my son to wait it out until the last minute. Then again, the coaches could still leave and you may be told you're out of a spot . Such a shitty situation for our young kids futures.
I-state can be competitive over the long term with most schools in the Big 12 in a good year except Oklahoma and Texas. They can even beat those two if they have a great year and catch one of those two when they are down or come out flat, but to pretend they can compete with either Texas or Oklahoma over the long haul makes no sense.

Iowa State has never won even one conference title in modern times. They have had some good coaches who have a little success, but not enough to ever win even one single title. They won one in some conference more than a century ago, but nothing since. The way you evaluate a program is to look at what they have done throughout their history. When a school goes more than a century without even a conference title there is a reason.

Lots of schools and their fans love to dream things will change, but they rarely do because success is based on certain factors that almost never change. Schools like Oklahoma or Alabama or USC may have a down period now and then because they get a bad coach, but the structure is still there just waiting for a good coach to turn things around and when one arrives they win titles. Those elite schools always have the same advantages. If you doubt me go back and look at the polls every 10 years or so for the last half century.

There was a shift after WW II because of massive population shifts but not much has changed since then. A team can have have a brief period of success like Miami did in the 90's and a lot of schools like Houston, Tulane, the Arizona schools, etc can have a few years in the spotlight, and a couple, Florida State and Boise State can come from nowhere and be successful over long periods, but you will see there is little change in the elite schools over the 70 plus years since WW II

Iowa State always has the same problems, the ones that have doomed them for the last century. The first is they are not even #1 in their own state and Iowa is a state that doesn't produce many players. And the states that surround them aren't hotbeds for high school football either. That's two strikes right there they have never been able to overcome.

Campbell is definitely a good coach (he got badly out-coached by Leach, but that's no disgrace), he's got a QB who is already good and will get better, and I State has a solid fan base. He's on even footing at worst with the Kansas Schools and West Virginia (although W Virginia has a MUCH more illustrious history than I State), but whoever the Iowa State coach is will always have an uphill struggle to compete with all the other Big 12 schools.
Campbell got flat out robbed by incompetent B1G yearly asshat crew lead by a demon and he didn't even use it as an excuse.
Harbaugh to Jets predictably picking up steam again. Reportedly prepared to go after him. Fine, give me Campbell and I'll call it even.

Kids should not sign during early signing period with these coaches jobs in the balance. I'd tell my son to wait it out until the last minute. Then again, the coaches could still leave and you may be told you're out of a spot . Such a shitty situation for our young kids futures.
There is no steam on Harbaugh to the Jets other than NY/NFL media. With that being said, plenty of shake up should happen (plenty means significant). It will be interesting to see who it is.
Campbell would be great but I don't think he would want the job. While it makes no sense to me Campbell is getting a ton of NFL buzz with the Jets in particular mentioned as being interested.

The NFL is now an offense-focused want a guy who is calling offensive gameplans like it’s 1976 leading Darnold into the future? Get Darnold someone with an offense loaded with creative and modern features. Michigan fans cannot say they are overly thrilled with what he’s done in 4 years there...I just cannot see him
Going back to the NFL with his old-school “my way or the highway” mentality on offense and succeeding. The league is different. He will NOT adjust. Same with a guy like Zimmer. You hire a guy like that and you’re fucked. But the god damn Jets could fuck up a wet dream, so nothing would surprise me. They are the definition of incompetent.