Coaching Carousel Thread -- Updated

The NFL is now an offense-focused want a guy who is calling offensive gameplans like it’s 1976 leading Darnold into the future? Get Darnold someone with an offense loaded with creative and modern features. Michigan fans cannot say they are overly thrilled with what he’s done in 4 years there...I just cannot see him
Going back to the NFL with his old-school “my way or the highway” mentality on offense and succeeding. The league is different. He will NOT adjust. Same with a guy like Zimmer. You hire a guy like that and you’re fucked. But the god damn Jets could fuck up a wet dream, so nothing would surprise me. They are the definition of incompetent.

I am all onboard with hiring a young innovative offensive coach but with Maccagnan doing the search I fully expect a terrible hire like Caldwell or McCarthy. As bad as Bowles was and he was atrocious Maccagnan gave him a terrible roster to work with.

I would hire Lincoln Riley if he wants the job (he doesn't) or one of Shane Waldron or Zac Taylor from the Rams. The Jets lucked out getting Darnold and hiring a young offensive mind to grow with Sam should be the only criteria. Of course you have been a Jets fan long enough to know that they will screw it up.
Smart move by Dana. Houston is a better job than W Virginia. Better job than a lot of Big 12 schools for that matter.

Perfect timing for the change as well. He peaked out at W Virginia this year and was going to have a hard time equaling it next year.
Fantastic hire. A real game changer. Houston is comin to play and in a recruiting hotbed.
Super interesting
Jim Harbaugh will not coach in the NFL again--

I think its fairly clear that harbaugh is a below average head coach-- He coached niners who had a really good defense with hall of famers--

He is stuck in the 1960's--- Michigan sucks and will always suck with him as well.
Trust me when signing Lincoln Kennedy is the worst mistake Oklahoma could have ever made--

He can call plays-- If he has PRO NFL talent all over the field which he had here--

But he is the coach? Did he ever even take a look at his defense? What kind of guys did he recruit? Schemes? They suck !

I cant take him serious, because he cant field a competent defense--

He can be a coordinator and thats it-- THe losses in playoffs to Georgia and Alabama were embarassing
Sammy, You are correct that Riley has made a couple of major blunders in his two consecutive trips to the playoffs. Against Georgia the Sooners had a fourth and one at about the Georgia 10 with a minute left in overtime. He called timeout to think it over and still made the wrong decision. He did the safe thing and kicked the FG to tie it an send it to a second OT.

It never seemed to dawn on him that it was the ONLY time in the entire game he could take the lead without having to put his D back on the field. He could put it in the hands of the best QB of all time (my opinion, but facts support it), the Heisman winner and future #1 pick or he could let his D try and stop Georgia. Bad decision.

This year he won the toss and then made the inexplicable decision to defer to the second half. What he really did was decide to start the game down 7-0. Saban, who probably couldn't believe Riley had made such a dumb decision, immediately chose to receive and Bama scored in three or four plays. No one has yet figured out what logic Riley could possibly have used on that one.

But that comes from a lack of wisdom and no matter how smart a young guy is he still has to acquire wisdom the hard way--fail and try and learn from his mistakes.

On the other hand Riley DID get to the playoffs two years in a row and he DID coach the two QBs who won back to back Heismans. The most important thing I heard Murray say in his Heisman acceptance speech was, "I want to thank coach Riley. No one ever coached me as hard as he did." That says a lot about why Mayfield and Murry excelled after both transferred in when Rilley was QB coach. And when Mayfield got an extra year, to everyone's surprise because the conference changed a rule, Riley knew how to coach Murray and keep him motivated while spending another year on the bench.

And you negelected to mention that all that "NFL talent" he had was recruited by him and coached by him.

So I'll take Riley any day. I have confidence he'll acquire the wisdom and he's already got everything else.

On a different subject, here's an excellent story on how Houston managed to pull off hiring Holgorson away from W Virginia. The Big 12 should have added Houston several years ago.

They are a better program, with more potential, than at least half the Power 5 programs and if they ever get in the Big 12 will immediately become at worst the #3 program in the conference (which is why all the losers in the conference want to keep them out). If the Big 12 doesn't pick them up the SEC or the Pac 12 is going to sooner or later.
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On a different subject, here's an excellent story on how Houston managed to pull off hiring Holgorson away from W Virginia. The Big 12 should have added Houston several years ago.

They are a better program, with more potential, than at least half the Power 5 programs and if they ever get in the Big 12 will immediately become at worst the #3 program in the conference (which is why all the losers in the conference want to keep them out). If the Big 12 doesn't pick them up the SEC or the Pac 12 is going to sooner or later.

Tahoe you know damn well why Houston didn't get added to the conference and won't anytime soon, prez Bevo says no, he means no. Sooners weren't going to play either. Not in that state, not in that city. Keep em down at all costs.

HS Sr down the street was #1 ranked pro style Q this year and signed with Riley, I don't put a ton of weight into it but be curious how he works out there if Riley is still around when he gets a chance.
Jim Harbaugh will not coach in the NFL again--

I think its fairly clear that harbaugh is a below average head coach-- He coached niners who had a really good defense with hall of famers--

He is stuck in the 1960's--- Michigan sucks and will always suck with him as well.

Everyone has their opinion and you may not even be off base here at all. That said, I find you entertaining at worst. You make me laugh, which is a special characteristic not many have. But could I ask you who is good at football, coaching etc? I hear you say who sucks all the time, even if history and stats may contradict you, but surely you must have a hot list of who is actually good, if anyone besides Brady and BB (who i agree are great). Let's hear it!
West Vagina is better off with Brown at coach now probably anyway. Seems to fit better there. Great hire, may actually start playing some defense again.
Everyone has their opinion and you may not even be off base here at all. That said, I find you entertaining at worst. You make me laugh, which is a special characteristic not many have. But could I ask you who is good at football, coaching etc? I hear you say who sucks all the time, even if history and stats may contradict you, but surely you must have a hot list of who is actually good, if anyone besides Brady and BB (who i agree are great). Let's hear it!

Good coaches——

1- Mathew Nagy
2- Sean Peyton
3- Peter Carrol
4- Nick Saban

These 4 are the hot list.

Football has evolved bigtime. Most coaches who are coaching don’t understand football and winning. Especially the defensive minded coaches.

Why are Nfl teams hiring defensive minded coaches when they clearly are terrible.

1- Todd Bowles jets
2- Steve Wilks Arizona
3- Mike Vrabel Tennessee
4- Narvin Lewis
5- Mike Tomlin

All horrible coaches with little offensive acumen.

Mostly just stand on the sidelines with no ability to effect a game with adjustments and smart decision making.
Fox's Jay Glazer reports that USC OC Kliff Kingsbury is interviewing with NFL teams, which "likely means" that Kingsbury has resigned from USC.
USC made the (dumb) decision to block Kingsbury from taking interviews for various NFL coaching positions, and it may have backfired on USC AD Lynn Swann. It was the first reported time that a college program has blocked one of it's coaches from an NFL opportunity, and Kingsbury may have taken offense to that. If Kingsbury is taking interviews as the report indicates, that means either Kingsbury resigned from USC, NFL teams are okay with the punishment of going around USC, or USC changed it's mind about blocking Kingsbury from interviews. The most likely scenario is the first, and that's what Glazer implies in his report. USC deciding to keep Clay Helton as HC over handing the keys to Kingsbury is bizarre to say the least.
Fox's Jay Glazer reports that USC OC Kliff Kingsbury is interviewing with NFL teams, which "likely means" that Kingsbury has resigned from USC.
USC made the (dumb) decision to block Kingsbury from taking interviews for various NFL coaching positions, and it may have backfired on USC AD Lynn Swann. It was the first reported time that a college program has blocked one of it's coaches from an NFL opportunity, and Kingsbury may have taken offense to that. If Kingsbury is taking interviews as the report indicates, that means either Kingsbury resigned from USC, NFL teams are okay with the punishment of going around USC, or USC changed it's mind about blocking Kingsbury from interviews. The most likely scenario is the first, and that's what Glazer implies in his report. USC deciding to keep Clay Helton as HC over handing the keys to Kingsbury is bizarre to say the least.

Just makes the transition to C.U.M. next season (2020) even smoother.
I would always want the ball first in the 2h, so I don't see that as a mistake at all.

I generally agree.

With that poor of a defense against a team like Bama, I want every chance I can to play from ahead.

During the in-game, everyone agreed that a team like Oklahoma needed some time to get the rust off and get their offense working after the long break. If this is true, the they would want to defer so that they can "warm up" and start the 2nd half with momentum. I was surprised to see that all the same people said deferring was a mistake.
During the in-game, everyone agreed that a team like Oklahoma needed some time to get the rust off and get their offense working after the long break. If this is true, the they would want to defer so that they can "warm up" and start the 2nd half with momentum. I was surprised to see that all the same people said deferring was a mistake.
Good defense, kick away to start game. Bad defense, get out to a lead and use your offense as a defense.
I’m not sure about Urban at USC, the rumor of why they kept Helton was to avoid the buyout , so I’m not convinced they are going to pay the 10 million plus per year it will cost to hire Urban
I’m not sure about Urban at USC, the rumor of why they kept Helton was to avoid the buyout , so I’m not convinced they are going to pay the 10 million plus per year it will cost to hire Urban
So you don't think one of their plans was Kliff to take over for a year? That's all I heard about 'that' move (when he went to USC).
These schools have unlimited money pools whether they say it or not. 10 million is nothing to these yahoos.

True and besides the ivy leagues and Stanford I’d guess they have some of the wealthiest boosters and alumni in the nation ( usc)

I think Urban comes with obvious baggage, I guess it’s possible but I don’t see it with Swann in charge
It depends if USC wants to be relevant again.

I don't think they do.

And expensive, flashy hires have never been their thing. Like, ever.

And they just had to shell out a lot of cash for a very ugly sexual abuse scandal so there isn't unlimited funds to go around.
I don't think they do.

And expensive, flashy hires have never been their thing. Like, ever.

And they just had to shell out a lot of cash for a very ugly sexual abuse scandal so there isn't unlimited funds to go around.

Did they pay? Or did tax dollars pay?

They could have just pulled a MSU and stopped paying victims #SaveMoney
Anyone who thinks Oklahoma's offense was "rusty" but would magically lose the rust if they kicked off is a moron.

Consider that logic for a moment--the offense is too "rusty" to start the game, but if we let them warm up, then put them on the bench and let them cool down while the defense plays they won't be rusty any more. No one is that dumb.

It was a major blunder to put their defense out first and Riley admitted it. But everyone knew it before he admitted it. You don't keep the best offense in college football, led by the Heisman trophy winner, on the bench so you can put one of the worst defenses in football--the absolute worst in some categories, dead last in FCS--and by far the worst in the playoffs, on the field. That's suicide and Alabama took four plays to prove it.

And there is nothing inherently better about deferring except you hope to score last in the first half then get the ball to start the second half. it's a calculated gamble teams take, hoping it works in their favor.

Coaches make the choice based on the strength of their team. Barry Switzer always had great offenses at Oklahoma, but always kicked off when he won the toss. He had such great defenses he knew the other team would have to punt and Oklahoma would get great field position. Mike Ditka always kicked off when he had the great Bear defenses. Bill Walsh always took the ball with his great 49er teams, including every playoff game and every Super bowl.
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Did they pay? Or did tax dollars pay?

They could have just pulled a MSU and stopped paying victims #SaveMoney

Not even sure the answer is all that important as it doesn't supersede the original point which is that SC doesn't care. And they're cheap. And their administration is inept and in some cases criminally negligent.

Helton should have never been hired in the first place and the fact that he endured the absolute shit show that was the 2018 season (no bowl and a loss to UCLA!) should tell you all you need to know about how important football is to them right now.
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I doubt any NFL hire in history has ever been such a complete flop in his previous career as Kinsgbury. There is endless proof, but here are a few numbers.

He finishes his career 35-40, but he was MUCH worse than that record shows. 19 of those victories were against FCS schools (at least one such game every year he coached) non-power five schools, and Kansas.

He never won a game against a top 10 team or even a top 25 team

His record against conference teams other than Kansas was 16-40. A proud lifetime winning percentage of 28%, even though he had the good fortune to be coaching at a time when Texas was at rock bottom and when Baylor imploded from the scandal.

In addition he has the distinction of refusing to give Baker Mayfield a scholarship--even though Mayfield was 5-0 as a starter at Texas Tech--then trying to keep him from being eligible at Oklahoma after he transferred.

He apparently was hired because he gets credit for turning Patrick Mahomes into a star, although it's more likely Mahomes is the only reason Kingsbury was able to win even at a 28% rate.

He's going to be given three years to just do the thing, armchairs gonna laugh. Might laugh with you in 3 years

Quit acting like the Cardinals were in some alpha position, don't have to pay an OC (that's Kliff too!) and the DC/staff will define this hire

Love that it caused an issue. As a Cards fan, I kinda shrugged when I heard about it and thought...makes sense. Nothing to lose. It's fukkn hilarious people have some opinion about it.
I doubt any NFL hire in history has ever been such a complete flop in his previous career as Kinsgbury. There is endless proof, but here are a few numbers.

He finishes his career 35-40, but he was MUCH worse than that record shows. 19 of those victories were against FCS schools (at least one such game every year he coached) non-power five schools, and Kansas.

He never won a game against a top 10 team or even a top 25 team

His record against conference teams other than Kansas was 16-40. A proud lifetime winning percentage of 28%, even though he had the good fortune to be coaching at a time when Texas was at rock bottom and when Baylor imploded from the scandal.
Those numbers don't add up. He would have played 54 conference games in six years, so he can't be 6-0 vs. Kansas and 16-40 against the rest of the Big 12.
Josh Gattis leaving Alabama, presumably to be OC at Maryland. I'd expect Saban to go a little heavier on experience to replace the guys who are leaving than just pure recruiting ability
Josh Gattis leaving Alabama, presumably to be OC at Maryland. I'd expect Saban to go a little heavier on experience to replace the guys who are leaving than just pure recruiting ability
New OC at Mich. Well, an actual OC.