Coaching Carousel Thread -- Updated

Love the Gattis hire. He's done a great job with WRs at Vandy PSU and Bama with the freshmen this year. Superstar recruiter. Took 2 kids from PSU recently. Chip on his shoulder with Franklin because he was passed over. If Jimmy let's him do his thing and he can actually call plays this will be A+. Problem is if he's good he'll be a HC soon. Should already work on Fleming.
It is weird he said it would take a month to hire an offensive coordinator...

No one else is having that issue.

Most people knew there would be no changes even though there should be wholesale changes. This little game of musical chairs may help out a little bit but it isn't doing anything of significance. You won't like it, but they need to keep things 'tight' at that program if you know what I mean. Basically it is going to be tough for any of these guys to get fired.

Blood brothers.
I know several of his players over the years had different sexual assault charges/aaccusations/etc. not sure what else you mean
Well, yeah there has been a lot of trouble at the school for decades but especially the last 10 years or so.

But, there is something else they have not wanted to get out for awhile now. We'll leave it at that, lets not flame the thread.
Well, yeah there has been a lot of trouble at the school for decades but especially the last 10 years or so.

But, there is something else they have not wanted to get out for awhile now. We'll leave it at that, lets not flame the thread.
Dantinio and Izzo are lovers
True and besides the ivy leagues and Stanford I’d guess they have some of the wealthiest boosters and alumni in the nation ( usc)

I think Urban comes with obvious baggage, I guess it’s possible but I don’t see it with Swann in charge
You ain’t seen that Texas money spend yet, boy?

That TAMU spends reallllll nice. UT does too, they just don’t know how to/let it riiiiiiiip.......
Well, yeah there has been a lot of trouble at the school for decades but especially the last 10 years or so.

But, there is something else they have not wanted to get out for awhile now. We'll leave it at that, lets not flame the thread.

Let’s hear it....