CFL In-game

I'm hoping it's a mulligan, cause last week the other guys were producing somewhat

Next week they are unbettable, but until week 4 or 5, cant write em off completely..... I hope
Wow what a collapse. Totally misread BC. Reilly has nothing to work with beyond Burnham

BC is one of the worst professional teams in the world these days..

Burnham himself is a terrible route runner-- All he can do is run deep and win a jump ball- He can't run anything short--

Jarious Jackson was one of the worst QBs in the CFl when he played- All he did was throw it deep to GEROY-

Bc's american talent is amongst the worst the league has seen in decades-- Who are these guys they are bringing in as pass rushers? They get absolutely no pressure on the QB and never beat the offensive lineman.

Bc the most mentally weak team for the past 7 seasons--

It may have to do with not having legit Coordinators since the days of the Dave Ritchies and Benavides as a defensive coordinator- But in those days they had much better talent-- Korey banks Carl kidd etc dante marsh- gerry simon paris jackson

Interesting theory i have-- the dispirited play by BC can be explained by this--

Even if BC went 18-0 and set all kinds of records the fans of BC have firmly rejected this team as a legit PRO team- They are barely drawing 15,000 a game now---
They play in an ANCIENT stadium,- They need a new state of art outside facility that would bring some atmosphere to the game--
Nice view of the mountains would be nice--

So if BC goes 18-0 and wins the grey cup i firmly believe that they still will not draw over 25,000 fans--- I think the Lions are no longer viable in BC--
Which players would want to come to BC when you have to pay $2000 for rent, and if you have a family $3000 a month to $4000 a month--

Is this why guys like BIGHILL and HARRIS went to Winnipeg where RENT is likely MUCH MUCH CHEAPER and cost of living is peanuts--

As the property prices went up like crazy in BC from 2013-2019 the last things on peoples mind was the BC LIONS-- The canucks similarly had a bad run at that same time--
Detroit was notorious for having losing teams when the auto sector shut down and the economy collapsed in DETROIT---

Ive been to BCs practice facility in Surrey BC-- Its located in the crack area of Surrey- Full of Drugs and garbage there-- I can't believe that is their training facility--

At this point barring a complete overhaul the same problems exist in BC--

It doesn't matter who we bring in as COACH or QB when we have the same useless coordinators and very very weak talent--

From a physical standpoint it seems like Edmonton and calgarys players on the D and O lines outweigh BC players by a good 20 pounds--

BC is not a PRO TEAM-- not even close-- It shows in their game play--

We cannot assume just because they are in the CFL that they are a PRO team-- They are a mickey mouse organization--

They have been foundering since 2012 and are the same every year--

They are going to get destroyed in Calgary next week!
James Franklin needs to be benched-- Every pass gets deflected at the line?

What are the coaches watching? This guy can't play QB if all his passes are blocked at the line
Franklin should go play for BC--

Guy is worst QB in the league by a mile

prob why they were willing to start 40 year old Ricky RAY-
Toronto making sure that we don’t forget what a completely retardedly coached football team look like one day later. Jesus Fucking Christ this is a putrid offensive effort
Toronto making sure that we don’t forget what a completely retardedly coached football team look like one day later. Jesus Fucking Christ this is a putrid offensive effort

Lots of crappy play so far--

must be the massive player changes from teams to teams--

and the early start time for the schedule-
Down 41-6...3rd and 6 on opponent territory...4th quarter...of course you try a long FG that gets returned 112 yards for a TD.

This coach should be fired after 1 game
Chandler Fenner is struggling in the secondary again. They really should move him back to the SAM
Nichols hasn't played the greatest tonight but he's shown the blueprint for how you defeat Edmonton's 6 and 7 man fronts. Once you negate that, their secondary is vulnerable.

Hamilton will give Edmonton fits also
Surprised TSN wouldn't have Cuthbert/Suitor call this game since its pretty much the game of the week.
Another 7 man front that killed BC last week and Nichols deftly finds the open man. Edmonton lives and dies by the blitz
Maas has a history of doing bizarre stuff at the end of the game. Remember the western final 2 years ago?
Maas has a history of doing bizarre stuff at the end of the game. Remember the western final 2 years ago?
Haha right wow

I like the out of the box stuff, but that just seems to me, throw it up once, what does it cost you, 10 seconds?
Wheels falling off for the bombers here. Tons of time left. Need a stop

Doubtful to cover 3.5 if it goes to OT