CFL In-game

So in my mini-write up I lean Ottawa and under. Then I play neither and instead take a 2H bet on Calgary that loses. Its been that kinda year so far.
So in my mini-write up I lean Ottawa and under. Then I play neither and instead take a 2H bet on Calgary that loses. Its been that kinda year so far.
Its not for nothing. Thank you for the info and point of view. Didn't know Argos stayed out west until you pointed it out. Winning fixes everything too you'll be ok
not many solid resources for betting CFL and CFL reporters/media tend to be locally biased I've noticed so the info is appreciated
not many solid resources for betting CFL and CFL reporters/media tend to be locally biased I've noticed so the info is appreciated

Appreciate you saying so. I like doing write-ups because it clarifies my thinking a bit and hopefully starts some discussion
not many solid resources for betting CFL and CFL reporters/media tend to be locally biased I've noticed so the info is appreciated

And yeah the lack of media coverage is what I love best about betting this league. If you're willing to dig deep, you can find info that passes most people by. That's basically impossible in the NFL nowadays where even the tiniest piece of news spreads like wildfire
Ha!! Ball don't lie. That was a bullshit pass interference call. Eskimos immediately cough it back up on the fumble.

(spoiler alert)
Alright switching over to Edmonton now. I DVR'd the first bit of overlap so I'll catch up shortly.

I have under 51.5 and got a bad number. I'm sure the final score will be 54-50
Ha!! Ball don't lie. That was a bullshit pass interference call. Eskimos immediately cough it back up on the fumble.

(spoiler alert)

Yeah totally. The NFL needs to watch this experiment with allowing challenges for PI very carefully. It can work but its had some unintended consequences because in super slo-mo you can always find something and coaches just throw fishing challenges
TOR defense has been decent, esp down close to the goal .. red zone? not sure if CFL has a red zone or not lol
thought that same thing about the backup QB when they showed that shot of them sitting together on the sideline
TOR defense has been decent, esp down close to the goal .. red zone? not sure if CFL has a red zone or not lol

Yeah the term is used loosely in the CFL usually meaning inside the 20 or 30.

Its been a theme for Edmonton this year too...settling for field goals. They seem to move at will between the 30s but end up with 3 way too many times
Toronto's defence is actually good on paper. They're just on the field so much because the offence can't sustain anything
Hulu I appreciate it brother. Have a good night my man. Gonna go see if the M's can plate some runs as the gigantic home fave. cheers bro
For BC tomorrow...

Former Rider CB Crezdon Butler makes his debut at field corner after being signed this week.

Figeuroa back at LT and Pierson comes on the roster to play C. David Focault, the human turnstile starts at RT. It’s not the worst configuration we’ve seen for this line but that’s about all you can say.
For Sask...beyond the aforementioned OL change...

LJ McCray gets the start over Means at field corner.
Gabe Ferraro will handle place kicking with Lauther still not ready to go.
JFC, Masoli done for the year? There goes my future...Grrrr

This is Winnipeg’s league to lose. Last night a tough spot especially as an undefeated team going on the road
Can we now put BC into the “completely unbettable” category with Toronto?

Worst team in PRO sports these days is the BC lions---

They suffered from an ABSENTEE owner and they retained an old coach with grey hair FAR TOO LONG- He ruined the franchise with nepotism and just a sad culture of BC style politics. Threw everybody under the bus- routinely threw all players under the bus-- All ex BC players are BONAFIDE superstars in other teams now-- Adam Bighill Winston Rose, Elimingean, Sean Lemon etc--

My theory is this---

The 2 most expensive cities that were completely DEVASTATED by money laundering were VANCOUVER and TORONTO---

Both cities culture and general energy is LOW-- The teams and fans energy are LOW-- Hence the teams will suck here- Players cannot afford rent, cannot make a good living in BC--
Same thing happened in Detroit to their sports team after the auto sector collapse--

Also another fact worth mentioning is that both Toronto and Bc employ African American head coaches who have DEFENSIVE BACKGROUNDS.

Toronto's coach Corey SHAMBLING is 0-6 this season-- He has lost 15 straight games as a head coach in the CFL-- HIs background is DEFENSIVE-----

Devon Claybroooks is 1-6 this season--- His background is DEFENSIVE-------

Stats do not lie-- These 2 coaches are 1-21 combined as head coaches in the CFL--

I believe its due to these guys being defensive coaches-- They are just not on par with the other coaches who are offensive minded, or I don't even have to say it..
No malice intended by the african american comment but its a LEGITIMATE CAPPING ANGLE-- 1-21 speaks volumes about these 2 guys as coaches--

To me guys like CLAYBROOKS and SHAMBLING are excellent coordinators but HORRIBLE head coaches-- It takes a certain amount of knowledge and understanding to be a head coach-- Some guys just can't do it.

Khari Jones on the other hands is doing well in Montreal, but his background is OFFENSIVE- He was a QB in the CFL--

In general teams that employ defensive coaches as head coaches will be at a DISADVANTAGE IMO--

Look at Ottawa with Rick Campbell giving up safeties late in games, because he was defensive guy-- AN offensive coach punts the ball and forces Calgary to win the game by scoring a TD--

BC is terrible because they do not have any international scouting department-- For some reason their scouts are not working-- AS you can tell on the field- Slow, skinny players.
Other observations-----

There is no BETTER DEFENSE in this CFL than the HAMILTON TIGERCATS--

I have been watching them closely- Their tackling at HOME especially is the best I have ever see in the CFL-- Vs Winnipeg I do not believe any Winnipeg player got any extra yards after contact-- They are tackling machines-- The complete opposite of the BC LIONS--

Masolii is injured but I have a feeling this DANE EVANS kid is a player-- I like his MOXIE and his attitude- I think he will surprise a lot of people- I think Hamilton is in excellent hands with EVANS--

Hamilton secondary is loaded with NFL TALENT-- Delvin Breaux, Jamal Rolle, Williams, Brooks, Adeleke- All star secondary IMO---

Ottawa is not good but have likely the top linebacker crew in the CFL- CIOFFI WILLIAMS and BROWN are all really good-- Ottawa at home will be competitive due to their effort and defense-- Their coach does not know much about offence but he is very serious and strict- Campbell will not tolerate any bullshit or any lack of effort-- BC could use a coach like CAMPBELL to come in and clean house--
Ottawa will improve-- This is a team with fundamentally good systems, coaches etc--

Calgary is on the way down IMO- They are very average this season- Due to the fact that their receivers are all SLOW except for Ambles... They lost way too much talent in their front 7 from last season--
Offensively their O Line is garbage this year- They have always had the best O line ---

Edmonton defence is very good also---Good pass rush for sure-- Good secondary---

Winnipeg to me is overrated-- I really don't like their receiving core at all-- They have a group of weird players-- Wlitarski is too slow- Demski disappears a lot, Adams is good when healthy, Whitehead cannot run patterns--
Winnipeg secondary is overrated also--

Montreal is on the rise due to free agency- They picked up all good free agents in the off season--

Finally the BEST FREE AGENT AWARD goes to HAMILTON picking up JEGARDED DAVIS from Calgary. This guy in unblock able and is a difference maker with Hamilton, He has transformed their defence and is a real problem for offenses-

@Sammy Meatballs , congrats on the ML

Thank You my man,, I guess you could say the ARGOS were due to win one...

Didn't look good at 20-0 but this team has some weapons!

To ask a team to win by more than 14 they must play 4 quarters and have no room for error..

Winnipeg played basically 1.5 amazing quarters and then coasted the rest of the game costing them the victory
Eskimos have allowed 10 combined points in the 2Q of their first six games. Kind of random, but that really sticks out. I would bet it's some kind of CFL record, because the next-best allowed thru the first six games was 21 by the Stamps last season, and Eskimos in 2015.
The last 7 times (since 2008) a CFL team shut out their opponent the previous week: 233 combined points in the 1H of the subsequent game. That's 33 average. The 1H O/U for tonight is 23.. could fly over