best bet from the best baby

  • Thread starter Thread starter dilaudid8
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jihahvillager what time was it when you checked that line like I said at 6.15 it was 42.5
:hello:good morning guy's we got lucky with cf yesterday so far we are having a real good week/ but that all could change today I have some game's that i'm looking bol
WAKE FOREST under 51.5
jihadvillager yeah like Irish said it's not a play yet. but I like SMU a lot I put some extra money on smu:thumbsup2:
jihadvillager yeah like Irish said it's not a play yet. but I like SMU a lot I put some extra money on smu:thumbsup2:

Thanks for the tip on SMU D8- doubled up on my normal unit size - Still really early in the game and anything can happen but we got a chance here.
jihadvillager yeah I just checked the scores for the 1 time the smu game looks good .
I just checked the score we will be alright AZ has no QB this guy is bad. I see that utah changed there qb thats a good thing
good morning its late I have to get to bed but come on UTAH. I will find out later if UTAH wins it will be a great week bol mint gov mint .Sunday I have the winner:shh: don't tell anybody goodnight
There goes the cover. I'll take a push with 3 turnovers though
good morning I just found out what can you do I don't mind losing but this is just unreal. scoring on a 44 yard run with 1.30 to go just a burn job