best bet from the best baby GOY

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tony yeah SD getting almost +10 are you kidding me yeah both corners are out but 10 points you can be down by 17 and still win the game way to many points

pretty sure the corners playing the same 2 guys that started last yr so im not all that worried. obviously be better to have more depth but chargers just play these guys tough. ill take this many points in most divisional matchups, even better when it actually a good team.. im one of the guys that screwed up and played sd+7.5 early in the week kinda thinking the hook might come off, id like to have gotten more than 8 but whatever i think it a one possession gm.. gl to us bro :cheers3:
good morning guys yesterday was a bad day Denver is to good the week is early its only Friday
good morning guys yesterday was a bad day Denver is to good the week is early its only Friday
I always said you the man the main man wow what a unreal women I don't know what to say . it looks like that Danny wife like I said i'm lost for words
I always said you the man the main man my brother you can have her. wow what a unreal women I don't know what to say . it looks like that Danny wife like I said i'm lost for words:rofl::rofl:
I said it before ATLANTA is a soft team DETROIT should win this game easy DETROIT-3.5
guys my best best are MF Lethal i'm not joking it must be 20-1 all year:popcorn:
KC-7 this game will be a blowout how is SL going to score they beat seatte last week KC will not lose this game no way
tony no KC would be my best bet SL will not win this game SL has no QB
2 team 6 point teaser I almost never do teasers but here is 1 that I like
SEATTLE even this team can't lose if they do seattle season is 100 percent done I can't this happening no MF way
KC-1 you won't find a better teaser
tony like I said the teaser should be good I can't see KC or SEATTLE losing
PHIL pick this game is a 100 percent case closed lock not because I like the game because of WWP
this MF is 100 percent unreal he said that he has never ever won in his life WTF what a loser
this MF life must suck I hope he does not do something crazy like :hang:
Sorry bro, don't like Philly at all today. That said I will not be betting on AZ because of potential bias, but think this is the Cards' game to lose
Sorry bro, don't like Philly at all today. That said I will not be betting on AZ because of potential bias, but think this is the Cards' game to lose
kj I was going post to bet a little more on PHIL . but you could be right i'm not a big fan of AZ QB phil loves to rush the passer that means 1 thing a few INT but we will see its gambling anything can happen guys if KC was not my best bet today I would have made PHIL my best bet I still can't believe this all year long still I lost only on 1 game I wish I kept track of my best bet or 5 star bets it has to been something like 21-1 I wish I was betting 10.000 a bet on my best bets my bookmaker would put out a hit on me:shooting:jack Giacalone
i'm glad I held back today i'm glad I only took 3 bets because I would have taken a bath my god a big bath guys don't get me wrong the week is not good but its getting better. winning both of my best bets if PHIL can win we are in buss
I want to watch this AZ lets see how good AZ is guys AZ is 5-1 or 6-1 are you kidding this is AZ its about time to lose baby
guys i'm not going to lie I never bet the teaser not because I did not like it because the juice was -120. I don't pay juice 2 things when betting if the line is not right skip it don't make that wager. number 2 if the juice is to high skip it you could be thinking -110 or -120 whats the DIFF not much if somebody is betting 50 or 100. but if your betting 4 or 5 digits believe me it matters and guys dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong betting 50 or 100 most of buddys do congrats guys nice hit on the teaser thats why I was not going to lay the 6 points bol
Holy crap my TB/Minny Under just went to OT. I can't lose this can I? NFL OT rules are much different than college, correct? (Believe it or not I went thru about a 5 year period where I did not watch NFL so these new OT rules are just that to