best bet from the best baby GOY

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guys I was going to leave this game alone but the more I look at it here you have 2 team's 1 has a great QB ryan are you kidding me Ryan should not QB a high school team . PITT has problems of there own this team is old and my god this coach should not coach a tee ball team the loser is out of the playoffs losing 4 games this early yeah your 100 percent done and PITT on Prime time is the best in pro football this team does not like to lose and PITT has been playing the last 4 out of 5 games on the road today they play at Hinz field the bets
Defaz its a great bet pitt playing at pitt looks like a winner bol my man
yep and 4-0 on MNF @ home during TOMLIN's stint- HAMMER THIS MUTHA FUCKER D8 style
I respect the Pitt bet man but it's odd to me everyone is on Pitt yet the line is moving in the opposite direction
I respect the Pitt bet man but it's odd to me everyone is on Pitt yet the line is moving in the opposite direction
El1 its not a easy play but I think pitt playing at pitt should win this game
Lets toss a little more live D8- Im in the mood-

[TABLE="class: TablePendingWagers"]
<tbody>[TR="class: BackgroundLineGray topBorder"]
[TD="class: tdDateTime, align: center"]2014/10/20
08:33:39 PM[/TD]
[TD="class: tdTicket, align: right"]13046487[/TD]
[TD="class: tdTaken, align: center"]I[/TD]
[TD="class: tdGameDetail, align: left"]Football - LIVE Football
[9478] (Pittsburgh Steelers) 10/21/2014 (01:55 AM) (Pending)
+7½ -125
[TD="class: tdWagerType, align: center"]
[TD="class: tdRisk, align: center"]937.50[/TD]
[TD="class: tdWin, align: center"]750.00[/TD]
[TR="class: Invisible BackgroundLineGray"]
[TD="colspan: 8, align: right"]
[TD="colspan: 5, align: left"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Total:[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]937.50[/TD]
BOOoooommmmmmm 17-13 STEELERS!

My ***** D8- ok off to hockey bring it in wrinkly cheeks-
Defaz you forgot 1 more BOOooooooooommmmmm24-13 but after that I have mo more BOOooommm Defaz lets make somemoney
Defaz you forgot 1 more BOOooooooooommmmmm24-13 but after that I have mo more BOOooommm Defaz lets make somemoney
Last week I lost with the Rams. After the game, I read where you said StL has no QB. So tonight when I read no way you would back Fitzpatrick I decided to roll with the Steelers and that has proven to be prophetic so far. Here we go let's get it!
JROCK yeah the QB is so important with no QB i never back that team. and in college never back a Freshmen QB
well guys at the very worst we should push but fuck the PUSH lets win some money baby
well, Pitt D did not look good in the first half, but they tightened up in the second half. A couple of breaks turned that game around BIG TIME!! Anyway, congrats D8.....looking forward to another profitable week TO DA BANK :tiphat:
well, Pitt D did not look good in the first half, but they tightened up in the second half. A couple of breaks turned that game around BIG TIME!! Anyway, congrats D8.....looking forward to another profitable week TO DA BANK :tiphat:
rock yeah I thought houston was going to blowout pitt . but the last 3 min before half pitt went nuts and scored and scored a lot of gamblers lost and took HOUSTON
this week there won't be alot of bets because the oddsmakers did a real good job on these lines . we will have to bet extra on these games VT will beat MIAMI but anything can happen int turnovers but lets see if the public moves this line
great work guys on PITT you will sleep much better knowing that you won your bet pitt baby goodnight
if you see VT getting 3.5 jump all over it I bet VT +3 half just in case the line moves to 2.5
guys i'm going to finish off posting here i'm tired making new threads every week . there is going to be trouble in Denver SD is coming into town and boy they beat up Denver all the time the bets
tony yeah SD getting almost +10 are you kidding me yeah both corners are out but 10 points you can be down by 17 and still win the game way to many points
I know a reespected guy has big play on SD, he took at 7.5- I am waiting to see what I do still
Defaz yeah its a lot of points you would think SD will score at least 20 :shake: can Denver play 2 great games in a row last week sf
sorry I hit the Reply to fast but like I said I bet SD+400 in the ML