best bet from the best baby GOY winner

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Just so depressing sometimes ya know it's a shitty feeling , I'm on a 2-11 run right now just brutal
wood I have been there people think you can't lose 10 in a row but you could it's really crazy
Yea I hear ya man just real disheartening , hopefully can turn it around starting today my good man
Just wanted to wish all you guys a merry Christmas and happy holidays! We're gonna win this weekend and we're gonna win big league ! ( or BIGLY haha)
GL Moses......keep this shit rolling......although I could use a big 2nd half from eastern
Wood-B.A.R.-JIMMY i just got into a car accident don't Laugh STEED i'm not kidding this cock sucker big black guy I went into the party store to buy some BELVEDERE and listen MF black guy was buying mohawk 55 cent a bottle you think i'm kidding i'm not MF and god dam it I ran right into him MF black guy listen I know we have balck guys that are members . it could have been a white nabisco cracker I could care less but I could tell if this guy wants something or not you guys won't believe this but fuck it I never lie that MF black guy called that cops the only problem is guess what MF I know about 70 percent of the cops in the city if not more I said go ahead and call the cops and I had no insurance i'm not kidding well I did but it was the wrong year MF you don't know the odds . what cop will come sure as fuck one of my drinking buddys . you think i'm kidding i'm not fuck of MF some guy name jackson this MF crack dealer what's something for nothing fuck off you loser yes STEED i'm on a roll I had no time to even look over my bets i'm so mad right now:party:
farm you might be right but that's what the food channel says the best 10 top in USA
if not for this mf loser I would have posted NAVY halftime but I have to fucj around with this guy and his fred sanford truck that I hit
fuck when things are doing right there going right thats all i'm saying unreal the things you do when your drunk
Hope you weren't several BELV deep when you hit that guy and more importantly hope everyone is ok
jk to tell you the truth I was waiting for a old lady to move and after she did bang . my brother i'm mad because if you seen the damage yiou would say what damage . and on top of it I forggot my insurence
jk within about 30 min 2 real nice drinks with pills just to tell you the truth I don't lie i'm not happy about it but my brother no damage nothing the guy said i
'm going to cal the cops I said ok thank god I know about 7 out of 10 i'm kidding we go to a local bar and drink
guys get ready because when things are going good there is no stopping me I really liked navy1 halftime I could sit here and lie but i don't no reason to I look at my account it said over bet over 35 halftime WTF are you kidding this is what happwens where your drinking
but guys i'm drinking as we speak but ohio+3 and the under24.5 halftime bet them both and win
You racist Mf running into black men on the streets of the D
STEED can you believe this shit unreal cop cars no proof of insurance pills in my car drinking BELVEDERE . STEED every day something new and the crazy part its all the truth I had to take a VALIUM just to not get fired up boy i'm looking at that BELVEDERE bottle:party:
STEED ty i'm going to right now this will be for you hold on im getting the drink B.A.R./STEED and the boys happy new year i'm drinking as we speak . I just have to drive fuck it drink and drive:party:to STEED
SIGO ty its all for you it's funny nobody really said anything when I lose a few games which mostly doesnt happen but when it does gamblers get mad my god people get spoiled they really do gambling is real hard to win at hell i'm not god you guys made so much money I think you could wipe your ass with 100 bills i'm not kidding LETHAL-HISTORIC-BIBLICAL it really was it's like the CY it will never be beat . thats how this year went holy shit I can't win every day
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D8 you are something else man. Awesome call on the first bowl game brother. If you're ever in Chicago, first Belvedere is on me.
ks-wise ty to tellyou the truth I was shopping when I came home I new it was 3-0 ohio but nothing else then I looked at the score 1 more time it said 9-0 with 2min left I said baby come on no bullshit int with no time left then it said 9-7 I said WTF oh no but it was good 9-7 now let the othet half worry about covering are job is none hell it was like a 5 unit winner close
D8 you are something else man. Awesome call on the first bowl game brother. If you're ever in Chicago, first Belvedere is on me.
tea ty i'm just happy it hit because its good winning the under but the big money was the ML not many people can pull that trigger because if miss state was killing ohio alot of people would be saying WTF did I do sometimes you just have to fuck it if I lose I lose it's gambling
guys do me a fav its still early but I bet the 2 half root for me OHIO+320 ML i'm sorry I just don't have time to post