Art Briles Fired

Briles' career went up in flames faster than David Koresh's
Guy is a scumbag
go sell insurance Art, your coaching career is over
A complete failure from the Title IX Office:

*"investigators in many instances, required a far greater level of proof than preponderance."
*"Perceived judgmental responses by administrators based on a complainant’s alcohol or other drug use or prior consensual sexual activity also discouraged reporting or continued participation in the process."
A complete failure from the University and its policies:
*"The administrators tasked with implementing Title IX prior to November of 2014 had a limited understanding of the dynamics of sexual violence and existing barriers to reporting on Baylor’s campus, including the impact of other campus policies regarding the prohibition of alcohol and extra-marital sexual intercourse. "
*"the University failed to take prompt and effective action to protect campus safety and protect future victims from harm."
*"prior to August 2015, the University did not have a written amnesty policy for alcohol or other drug violations when reporting misconduct."
*"In some instances, the burden was placed on complainants to identify and obtain appropriate interim measures."
A complete failure from the football program:
*"In some instances, the football program dismissed players for unspecified team violations and assisted them in transferring."
*"In certain instances, including reports of a sexual assault by multiple football players, athletics and football personnel affirmatively chose not to report sexual violence and dating violence to an appropriate administrator outside of athletics. "

*"In those instances, football coaches or staff met directly with a complainant and/or a parent of a complainant and did not report the misconduct."
Going Forward

Art Briles is out. Ken Starr is no longer President but is still Chancellor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Baylor Law. Ian McCaw is on probation but remains Athletic Director. Pat Forde is reporting Phil Bennett is the interim coach. Others are reporting Baylor is self-reporting potential violations to the NCAA.
We don't know what will happen in the months ahead. We do know what happened at Baylor was a complete disaster for victims of sexual violence.
Actions by University administrators directly discouraged some complainants from reporting or participating in student conduct processes and in one instance constituted retaliation against a complainant for reporting sexual assault.
art ain't never gonna be a head coach again, and there's no reason ken starr and ian mccaw still have a job on that campus.

baylor already said they're not gonna mention who the administrators or other coaches are that helped briles cover all this up, which is fucked up.
does this mean i can no longer blindly lay 6 td's with baylor and cash at halftime?
art ain't never gonna be a head coach again, and there's no reason ken starr and ian mccaw still have a job on that campus.

baylor already said they're not gonna mention who the administrators or other coaches are that helped briles cover all this up, which is fucked up.

Starr is out.
The Baylor Rapists will be in Norman, Oklahoma to face the highly ranked Sooners.

"We are going to have to play our best game to come out of there with a victory" stated new Head Coach Kobe Bryant
The Baylor Rapists will be in Norman, Oklahoma to face the highly ranked Sooners.

"We are going to have to play our best game to come out of there with a victory" stated new Head Coach Kobe Bryant

Added Bryant, "we just won't take 'no' for an answer. We have to keep on going, stay focused, and finish hard no matter what anyone else says."
Doubtful. From what i've read this is all Title IX, which is Federal and nothing to do with the NCAA

naw. baylor turned themselves in to the ncaa for possible violations, investigation already started. rumor is that pepper hamilton found some impermissible benefits getting hustled into players' hands.
This was the guy in charge of investigating rape and sexual misconduct of Bill clinton. no wonder Bill was never punished.
KD cannon saying on his snap chat that he might never be in a baylor uniform again. rumors are he got paid.
naw. baylor turned themselves in to the ncaa for possible violations, investigation already started. rumor is that pepper hamilton found some impermissible benefits getting hustled into players' hands.

One shit program to come out of thin air and be good is down the tubes. One more shit program to go .. Ole Piss. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Our thirst for college football is unparalled.
The AD stll having a job is bullshit. Briles was made to look like a monster here but certainly the blame rests more on the AD. Once people have a chance to digest this Briles could be back on a sideline calling the shots faster than you think.
The AD stll having a job is bullshit. Briles was made to look like a monster here but certainly the blame rests more on the AD. Once people have a chance to digest this Briles could be back on a sideline calling the shots faster than you think.

More importantly..... good to see you, sir!
The AD stll having a job is bullshit. Briles was made to look like a monster here but certainly the blame rests more on the AD. Once people have a chance to digest this Briles could be back on a sideline calling the shots faster than you think.

Many coaches believe that players who screw up should be given second chances to redeem themselves. Thats fine , except
that some offenses ,those that cross
a certain line offer no recourse but to be removed from the team for the good of the program as a whole. Players should know that and act accordingly.
At Baylor
, it appears that the tone was set where players felt that through lax discipline and " covering up " some serious events , caused them to test the limits.
That being said, Art Briles made some serious leadership errors that caused the scales to tip and action was required. He did not take the necessary
steps to correct this and it got out of hand . Lack of program discipline and attempts to cover it up caused his removal.
Art Briles is a good Coach who let his goals get in the way of what is right . He made mistakes. He should publicly acknowledge that , learn the lesson, and move on.
He is too good of a coach to be out of college football , and he will coach again. He will delay his return if he publicly blames anyone other than himself in
the media.The game of football teaches a lesson in accountability , and this is a teaching moment for Art. Let's see how he handles it.
Thanks Clown.

Great post Wise. But if this situation is what the media is making it out to be, you have to start with the AD right? Putting all of the blame on Briles seems assanine...
This ain't buying a player a meal or even giving a player car or cash .... this is covering up rapist predators. This isn't just your average mistake.... Briles, Starr, and anyone else knowingly involved didn't just make a mistake, they made choices to be horrible human beings on a daily basis.
The AD stll having a job is bullshit. Briles was made to look like a monster here but certainly the blame rests more on the AD. Once people have a chance to digest this Briles could be back on a sideline calling the shots faster than you think.

I don't believe that I said anything in my post that trivializes Baylor's handling of the situation . These are serious charges with serious consequences .
They are mistakes ( errors in judgement ) nonetheless.

I agree they are mistakes by definition. BUT .... there is a difference between making a mistake in a moment and regretting it compared to choosing to make the "mistake" every minute of every day for years. Had Briles and the people above him made the decision to cover up for rapist predators on Monday and then realized they did the wrong thing on Tuesday and took proper steps from there then I would consider the Monday decision a mistake .... When you cover up for multiple sexual predators for years, you are not making a mistake (by definition you are) in my eyes but rather choosing to be an evil person. And the irony of Ken Starr covering up sexual predatory acts given we know Clinton is a sexual predator should not be lost on any of us. It might explain how Billy got away with it.
I love how we can shoehorn the Clintons into this scandal.
I agree they are mistakes by definition. BUT .... there is a difference between making a mistake in a moment and regretting it compared to choosing to make the "mistake" every minute of every day for years. Had Briles and the people above him made the decision to cover up for rapist predators on Monday and then realized they did the wrong thing on Tuesday and took proper steps from there then I would consider the Monday decision a mistake .... When you cover up for multiple sexual predators for years, you are not making a mistake (by definition you are) in my eyes but rather choosing to be an evil person. And the irony of Ken Starr covering up sexual predatory acts given we know Clinton is a sexual predator should not be lost on any of us. It might explain how Billy got away with it.

Well said, and you know Butch Jones is having some sleepless nights now.
Do away with college football, build a minor league system and pay these guys. This is flat out garbage. Baylor and Ole Miss can piss off as can Happy Valley. It's all just a Ponzi scheme.
The NCAA owns the free will of the market, can't believe that doesn't upset some folks
I don't watch minor league sports. Minor league sports would mean nfl systems feeding up to nfl systems. I like college football.

But if there is a void in the marketplace and someone wants to jump in and make a fortune they should go for it.

Playing college football is voluntary. You are not forced to play. If you do not like the deal, don't play. If you prefer to get paid more, go to Oklahoma or FSU
It's a monopoly and you know it, in fact you've hated college football the last couple years. We're probably in the same ballpark mentally, it's a shit show.