Art Briles Fired

Severity of the crime. You don't think tgis qualifies as the worst lack of institutional control in history.

And while I admit anger and disgust toward the alleged perps and empathy for the victims, my stance fornthe harsh punishment seems completely reasonable and notbdictated by those emotions.
Conservatives always go hard and right when it comes to punitive action...everything is just so black and white; the death penalty is for very specific cases, see SMU in the 80's for correct implementation of such. And yes, you can do something grotesquely worse than SMU and not warrant the death penalty like PSU and Baylor. In these cases, death penalty not warranted imo but i'd have no problem with those involved being discredited for life and/or thrown in jail. Emotion deserves no place at the table when meting out punishment.
Can you expound?
Briles hired at Mount Vernon high school.
Admin says he was properly vetted. Social twits are going nuts over it.
Each station, locally, has had a 3-4 minute spot on this.
That's a lot in a 22 minute broadcast.
Briles hired at Mount Vernon high school.
Admin says he was properly vetted. Social twits are going nuts over it.
Each station, locally, has had a 3-4 minute spot on this.
That's a lot in a 22 minute broadcast.
I won't leave opinions but I saw a hilarious tweet about it ...
Quotes from Texas high school coaches on the condition of anonymity

I don’t see anything wrong.”
  • “I find it odd. There were some pretty good jobs still open.”
  • “We need to know all the facts. Let the guy coach. If he was in 4A or 5A, bring it.”
  • “Having a coach of Art’s caliber in high school again is good for football and really good for Mount Vernon. I don’t believe it’s a bad look for high school football in Texas. I would play Mount Vernon now.”
  • “It’s great for the game.”
  • “I think it’s a good thing. There will be some negativity for awhile. Sure, I’d play them. We may never know what happened for sure in Waco. I personally believe he was made to be a scapegoat to an extent. Did he make mistakes? Absolutely. Do I think he should be shunned from the game for life? No.”
  • “Honestly, from what I read and understand, he was railroaded. He was part of a much larger problem and he reported it to his superiors. Is it tragic? Of course, on multiple levels. Doesn’t take much guts to say that sexual abuse is horrific. Anyone with a soul would agree. But to brand a fall guy for life with that tag might not be fair. Yes I’d play them and let’s see what he does for the young people of that community.”
Briles hired at Mount Vernon high school.
Admin says he was properly vetted. Social twits are going nuts over it.
Each station, locally, has had a 3-4 minute spot on this.
That's a lot in a 22 minute broadcast.
I'm so old I can hardly keep Mt. Vernon and Mt. Pleasant straight, but after some reflection I'm sure that Mt. Vernon was Betty and Mt. Pleasant was Laurie.
I'm so old I can hardly keep Mt. Vernon and Mt. Pleasant straight, but after some reflection I'm sure that Mt. Vernon was Betty and Mt. Pleasant was Laurie.
Even with hearing the story and typing mt vernon, my mind was thinking mt pleasant. Aunt and uncle lived there.
It doesn't help that when I dated the one from Mt. Vernon she lived in Pittsburg, so I had to drive through Mt. Pleasant to get there.