April In-Game

So I went to see mariners vs angels. Shit game. As we are about to leave and merge onto the 405 some asshole cuts me off hard. Naturally I had to get him back. So I got in front of him and slammed the brakes. Long story short he tried to run me off the road. I wanted to pull over cuz there was 3 of us and one of him. But they were like he's crazy as fuck he might have a gun. I just outran him

Cue the Russian road rage videos on YouTube ...
Coaching anything is a mindset and convincing your guys to do work every time they step on the field. Giggs would command that. If it were any other club in the EPL, minus a few, he'd be a no brainier assuming he'd been a fixture for that club (and same player) for the same amount of years as in Manchester.
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/3XviR7esUvo" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="600" width="800"></iframe>
What was it in 2010? Everyone that appeared in the commercial failed to make it out of the group stage or something like that?
What was it in 2010? Everyone that appeared in the commercial failed to make it out of the group stage or something like that?

well your not really going out on a limb making that statement...here's the 2010 commercial

<iframe width="854" height="510" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lSggaxXUS8k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Two missiles from CR7 today.

The first one was offsides, but he scores from 30 yards out so mostly goalies fault he got caught out with the great strike


and Carvajal vs. Osasuna

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Great defensive game played by chelsea... liverpool just couldn't break through and chelsea capitalized on the lone liverpool mistake in the 1st and then sealed the deal in extra time at the end to win them the game... good game