****April In-Game****

That's the thing I always try to remember when posting here. When I win there are undoubtedly people here that have lost and vice versa. You gotta be understanding of that kinda thing when you post on a site like this.
exactly. treat others the same or how you would like to be treated, win or lose.
Lets face it we all have quirks, but since the site has been back we lost Tee Dub, Bet Crimes and Grind who were all SOLID posters with long hours of work that posted solid shit. I wonder if the owners/mods ever reached out to bring them back/mend fences or they dont give a shit.
I'm all for reaching out to guys like that but to be honest if they want their ego stroked I say fuck em. This is a free forum and no one part is bigger than the rest IMO.
I'm all for reaching out to guys like that but to be honest if they want their ego stroked I say fuck em. This is a free forum and no one part is bigger than the rest IMO.
In at lest TeeDubs case and Grind I think the mods could have stepped in and got rid of assholes who came after those guys. In my opinion.
Lets face it we all have quirks, but since the site has been back we lost Tee Dub, Bet Crimes and Grind who were all SOLID posters with long hours of work that posted solid shit. I wonder if the owners/mods ever reached out to bring them back/mend fences or they dont give a shit.
hear what youre saying about BC, hope they work shit out and he's back as he's a wealth of knowledge, as far as tee dubs...he was around during NFL and hope we see him in the very near future and with Grind...unless there are issues that i am unaware of...he'll be back, he just has other things in life going on at the moment, he has no issues w/ the site and/or partners or other mods.
In at lest TeeDubs case and Grind I think the mods could have stepped in and got rid of assholes who came after those guys. In my opinion.

And I always liked tee and he is without a doubt a great capper, one of the best, but man he was very sensitive.
I guess I'm just thick skinned when it comes to shit. Of course I've never really had to deal with the kind of bashing that guys like tee and GameHunter deal with on these sites.
I guess I'm just thick skinned when it comes to shit. Of course I've never really had to deal with the kind of bashing that guys like tee and GameHunter deal with on these sites.
Same here...if it happened I'd just say F' off...but I'm an Italian from Jersey so I say that alot!
ive been acused of being sensitive before, maybe. if you believe in something than you believe in it...i call it being outspoken, passionate in what you believe in and standing up for it...right or wrong.
Really p2w? I come for the fight!

Dbacks/dodgers over for me tonight. This team can hit
guess since i leaned over in zona, i'll follow. roof open and Claw w/ a high era w/ Davidson.

kj, you are one of my fav peeps here...dont go bro.

we'll fight the fight together, lol
He got pissed that people were asking him to post his record...he said fuck it I'm doin it tru style.

Nah gods ego is way too big, I don't need attention. Teedub needs attention, he needs his ego stroked here. He will post again, he needs tha attention.
Sup raiders? How are ya?

Thanks p2, u def good peeps. Good to see the ingame going strong although posting from phone at happy hr sucks. Double posts