Anyone See Anything Preseason Really Telling?


In transit, arriving late.
I Have To Say, the one thing I watched was the only thing I saw all year. The Chargers might be really really shitty......Anyone a fan or follow or watched em preseason?

I saw me against the Saints for the whole game and they looked like shit...I know it is preseason, but I saw what I saw
I saw an America hating person on my favorite team take a knee during the national anthem and now I cannot enjoy the best team they will field in decades.
I saw a pretty good Derek Carr coupled with shitty secondary for the Raiders. If they don't get help in the secondary the Raiders are gonna have to outscore their opponents to get wins instead of getting help from the D.

It's a shame too cause there are some high priced free agents in that secondary who aren't living up to their contracts. Oh well, just preseason so hopefully they can get it together.
I saw an America hating person on my favorite team take a knee during the national anthem and now I cannot enjoy the best team they will field in decades.
You mean you saw someone exercise their RIGHT as an American to protest what they perceive as an injustice. I'm sure the NFL will miss you.
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You mean you saw someone exercise their RIGHT as an American to protest what they perceive as an injustice. I'm sure the NFL will miss you.

No I saw someone go to their job and protest rather than do it on their own free time. It would be like going down to the local starbucks and some asshole working in there protests that interracial coupling should not be allowed. 1. The business should not allow it. 2. If I disagree with them, I should exercise my right to not shop at starbucks anymore. 3. The player I am talking about basically said anyone who has a problem with his protest is a racist. So fuck him.

I actually have less of a problem with specific players as I do with the team or league for permitting it. Go protest on your own time. Since the team and league allow it, I must assume they agree with it by implication. So I then exercise my right to not pay attention to the NFL this year. They won't miss me, but my bookie will.

incidentally, the American flag seems pretty prevalent in the NFL logo ...

If you think you have the right to protest as an American while you are on the clock, go try it where you work.

You should be fired if you do it while working for someone else.

Were I the owner, I simply say you will stand during the national anthem. If you do not, you are cut. Simple. I also make it clear that if the same player wants to protest the American flag for representing injustice, that while I disagree with them, they are free to do so on their own time without any consequences from my organization. But only on their time. While I am paying them their million dollar contract, and they are representing my organization, they won't make protests that I agree with or disagree with, they will do their job.
Are you suggesting to just do away with the National Anthem altogether? It really is an odd ritual.
Are you suggesting to just do away with the National Anthem altogether? It really is an odd ritual.

No, I am not. I don't think it is an odd ritual at all. Of course, it has happened at virtually every major sporting event that I have ever watched, so maybe it is just normal to me because of that.

I suppose it is an interesting point about the national anthem being political in and of itself, so I think an argument could be made that the company is asking people to do something they might not be comfortable doing. Not a very good argument but certainly a better argument than the "player has a right to protest" argument, which is clearly not a logical stance in the context of being at work. In addition, a good amount of the pay that professional players get revolve around their public persona as well. That is not deniable. This is a horrible image that the NFL is having to deal with, made worse by the most vocal advocate of the protests being a moron who cannot articulate his perspective very well.

Do you think employees should be able to protest while on the clock, KJ?
I don't like protesting or clocks in general, figured I'd made that clear.
I mean it's all fine and dandy to joke. But you come in guns blazing and then don't address my point. My point is that the Raiders (in the case I am talking about) decided to allow this behavior which means that the blame should be on them (or the NFL as a whole) and not the player specifically. Therefore, instead of just being angry at the player, as I would if he did other stupid things in his private time like marching for BLM, ANTIFA , Germans, ISIS or other hate groups, I have to take it out on the organization who is standing by and allowing it.
Sheesh! can we talk about something that will bring dollars into our pockets

Best advice you can give someone is to tell them to never bet on sports, but besides that, I have a thread with my college football bets in it and have posted plays here for 11 years. What the fuck have you been doing?
Bet against any team with Anthem protesters. They are a selfish cancer to their team and it will cost them at least one game per year per team more than the statistics and match ups will indicate. They will also have less fan support as a team which will hurt their HFA. Plus God will hate them more and so they won't recover fumbles.
You have as much right to be turned off by it as they have to do it.. I do think of all the outrage I've seen over this vk yours is the most valid point I have seen about the workplace.

Personally I don't care what they do it doesn't effect me or my ability to enjoy the game I love. all the rules changes the last decade + resulting in game being put in refs hand more than ever does far more to dampen my enthusiasm than what these dudes choose to do during the anthem..
Let's be real, professional football players, while it's oh so cute to claim they play a game for a living, are virtual pawns in a massive chess match. I really feel so badly for the owners and the commissioner, Just a struggle to get by.
I saw a pretty good Derek Carr coupled with shitty secondary for the Raiders. If they don't get help in the secondary the Raiders are gonna have to outscore their opponents to get wins instead of getting help from the D.

It's a shame too cause there are some high priced free agents in that secondary who aren't living up to their contracts. Oh well, just preseason so hopefully they can get it together.

Over alert
I actually was gonna be a bit low on Oakland this year but have raised them up a bit at this point, not that I put much into preaseason. Still have KC/Oak in the division even after the Ware injury but am very comfortable including the Raiders in the playoffs now especially when the AFC East is somehow now a bit of a question mark. AFC South will be a battle of attrition, can't convince me the darling Titans aren't the best there.
Raiders were fun to watch last year.
They found a pretty good QB1. Wonder what his brother would have done if he hadn't spent so much time on his bum?
I tend to bring it up frequently but David Carr absolutely went to the worst situation possible and his career was over before it started
I actually was gonna be a bit low on Oakland this year but have raised them up a bit at this point, not that I put much into preaseason. Still have KC/Oak in the division even after the Ware injury but am very comfortable including the Raiders in the playoffs now especially when the AFC East is somehow now a bit of a question mark. AFC South will be a battle of attrition, can't convince me the darling Titans aren't the best there.

I tend to lean titans in south unless Watson can prove ready and claim starting job sooner than later but either way def a dog fight between hou and ten and per usual I seriously doubt a wc comes from a division 10 wins easily takes and good chance both end w 9 and it goes to tiebreakers or some shit.

The fact fish get jets and bills twice I think put them in drivers seat for a WC, imo it theirs to take if they play as they capable of consistently enough.

West gonna beat the crap out of each other as their no easy games in that division. Still like other WC to come from here and gotta say that oak until they can show me they can beat the consistent steadiness of chiefs who outta win division.

Strange not talking the afc north for wc and maybe ravens will be right there. Everything I've read been talking up their defense in a big way it just hard for me to get last years mess in the secondary out my head. Then who knows about flacco? Without him they buried as mallet terrible. Imo Cincy's d has aged and not been restocked enough for them to compete, adding weapons for dalton I just don't think cuts it as if the d pourous I only think there so many times he will be good Andy and win higher scoring affairs.
I honesty had no idea mccaffery was that quick and explosive till watching him this preseason. That dude is gonna be making plays all over the field for panthers. And Benjamin looks ready to really asset himself as a big time wr. Man the NFC south is freaking stacked!
NFC South is loaded. Let's not be shocked when Atlanta finishes 4th in the division
No I saw someone go to their job and protest rather than do it on their own free time. It would be like going down to the local starbucks and some asshole working in there protests that interracial coupling should not be allowed. Not.Even.Close. Horrible analogy.
1. The business should not allow it. Your opinion only. It's the businesses decision whether you, I, or anyone else likes it.
2. If I disagree with them, I should exercise my right to not shop at starbucks anymore. Feel free.
3. The player I am talking about basically said anyone who has a problem with his protest is a racist. So fuck him. If it walks like a duck...

I actually have less of a problem with specific players as I do with the team or league for permitting it. Go protest on your own time. Since the team and league allow it, I must assume they agree with it by implication. So I then exercise my right to not pay attention to the NFL this year. They won't miss me, but my bookie will.
Mine would miss me as well but somehow they seem to always survive.

incidentally, the American flag seems pretty prevalent in the NFL logo ...

NFC South is loaded. Let's not be shocked when Atlanta finishes 4th in the division

Man if it wasn't for fact I'm so high on the defense it be easy to dismiss them, we have seen plenty of teams lose far less heartbreaking SB and not bounce back. Can't imagine there not a hangover losing that game they all but had won. Like I said tho, that defense man are they young and athletic, as great as the offense was it was emergence of those youngsters on the defensive side during the playoffs that made them the threat they were. Now all those rookies they played a year older and wiser and they continued adding to that group this offseason.

I want to knock them down cause love what Tampa doing, think panthers certainly bouncing back, and just the history of turnover in this division is insane. I don't think the offense will be as prolific but I think that d is a scary good unit in the making and don't get me wrong the offense still plenty capable of scoring points just don't think it be at same level but it prob won't have to be..

I think week 1 at Chicago a interesting game for them. I'm gonna like bears as doggies quite a bit this year now that fox has the formula that has made him a formidable dog his whole career with that solid run game and better than being talked about defense.
That is a lot of people (a majority) that you think are walking the duck walk of being a racist.

Either I am misunderstanding you, or you are an idiot.
All fine and dandy but I will never sit by and let someone call me a racist without calling them a fool for saying such.

If Bengals defender is suspended, and with the new offensive talent they have, they could be a good over team at the start of the year.
a. understandable -- but lets go private with that and we'll clean up the mess.

b. interesting take on the bunglets
Def good point on bengals as I certainly see them as a much more offensive team now. Not convinced that a good idea for them but should lead to some shootouts against any team that can block up front and give WRs time vs that questionable secondary.

Off top of my head Seem to recall last year was a nightmare for them in red zone, that may have been mostly w/o their te tho?? Nothing worse than long drives settling in fgs for a over..
Bungals play Ravens week 1 so not much of over there, who knows bout flacco and I wouldn't trust mallet to beat high school corners. Everything I hear bout balty is the defense is really good as well not a team I'd trust the ginger water pistol against.
Under 51 in Chicago looks really good to me. As long as glennon doesn't do anything stupid early on forcing bears out of their comfort zone playing catchup in 2nd half. I'd suspect fox won't give him many chances as best way to attack atl freakishly fast d is probably gonna be pounding the rock straight at them which right up his alley. Bears will have success on the ground but drives will probably stall anytime atl forces them into passing situations.

Bears d a pretty underrated unit imo and they catching atl at the right time early on under new oc. When falcons do score I'm confident in saying they will have to work for it as fox teams typically play disciplined and force long drives. No way will see 51 on another bears game the rest of the season imo.
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I love me some Tampa but it gonna take shamis and co awhile to hit their stride imo. Feels little crazy to me they have been bet all way to favs in Mia and will prob be laying 3 before kickoff. Not sure if that the Tampa hype machine, cutler unwarrented hate machine, or a magical combination of both but wrong team favored imo.
Hell looks like lions another who perception gonna create value on week 1. I think zona a fine team who may have 1 more run if Palmer can stay healthy and regain zip on ball (I havnt seen any of cards this preseason, how his throws look?) .. regardless that still doesn't justify them less than fg dogs and quite possibly favs in det by kickoff. My early PR has teams basically even i think books had line right at open w det laying the fg. While lions hf might not quite be 3 (debatable anyway) the fact it a early start for zona surely makes lions advantage a full fg imo..
He didn't throw much in the offseason to preserve arm strength this year and looks better than I can remember in recent history so far. Arians is absolutely on board with not abusing his arm and quite honestly Stanton has looked unreal too...hell Gabbert seems to be thriving in exhibition season under Bruce too as the third. It's crazy that Gabbert with his 7th OC (I believe)
Don't care how those other 2 look I've seen them play before so for me it Palmer or bust!! Lol.. Being mizzou fan I never understood what anyone saw to take gabbert in top 10. Obviously very few have a chance w that many coaching changes but I'd argue he got most them fired!!
I was pissed the Cards brought Gabbert in but after watching him so far I could be convinced he's never had the right coach/system and obviously zero continuity....of course he's playing catch against guys that will likely be cut at this point so there's that
Think I saw some cards/bears preseason, I was either late to start or Palmer didn't play cause didn't see him. But yea I was shocked how well gabbert was doing. That said when he was drafted my 1st thought was "what dumb ass scout thinks he has a NFL arm, can read a defense, or make half the throws?", all I saw in college was him dinking and dunking in that silly spread and never accomplishing anything when forced to look past his 2nd read.. maybe I'm a tough critic tho :)
Think I saw some cards/bears preseason, I was either late to start or Palmer didn't play cause didn't see him. But yea I was shocked how well gabbert was doing. That said when he was drafted my 1st thought was "what dumb ass scout thinks he has a NFL arm, can read a defense, or make half the throws?", all I saw in college was him dinking and dunking in that silly spread and never accomplishing anything when forced to look past his 2nd read.. maybe I'm a tough critic tho :)

No I thought the same thing when he came out of college...'Blaine Gabbert? Seriously?' But people who get paid a lot more than me apparently think he's worth a damn. To be fair he's pretty much gone from one bad situation to the next in the NFL but has looked capable at times.
No I thought the same thing when he came out of college...'Blaine Gabbert? Seriously?' But people who get paid a lot more than me apparently think he's worth a damn. To be fair he's pretty much gone from one bad situation to the next in the NFL but has looked capable at times.

In fairness to us I'd be willing to bet the guys who made that decision probably being paid exact same as us for their player evaluations at this point!! Lol.

Im willing to concede even the most talented qbs would be hard pressed to succeed if placed in the situations gabbert has been put in throughout his career. That said him being insanely overvalued in his draft has a great deal to do with his circumstances being poor. Obviously not his fault, I don't expect anyone to answer that draft day phone and tell the team on the other end they making a mistake they should maybe wait a few rounds as more a project!! lol.

Just saying if he was the franchise qb the jags apparently thought he was it pretty likely his situation would have been much different as the front office wouldn't have found it necessary to continually fire qb coaches/oc's/head coaches for failing to develop their huge reach!!

certainly possible he has matured to the point of realizing all the work it takes to succeed at qb in this league and he still hungry to start in this league. I don't think his arm great but I've never thought that was his biggest issue, there plenty of successful qbs that don't have elite arm talent, his arm good enough. fair or not he never struck me as a guy willing to put in all the required work to truly learn the position. maybe situation is part of that, if he gets taken later in draft by a team w a established starter and more competent coaching staff they teach him what it takes and he improves all the things he did poorly for so long.

He certainly with the right coach now and I'm sure been humbled plenty since his early years. He has measurable's that can't be taught like size and athleticism, not too late if he has in fact matured to point he willing to do the work. most the areas he was always lacking are learnable, some simply repetition others tougher like reading defenses, seeing the field and going through progressions quickly.

I can't really argue there more potential there than I ever really saw before based off a few throws I've seen him make this preseason that literally had me say "wow" and not just "wow was that really gabbert?" But wow, that was a throw you don't see many guys make very often!!
Would have never guessed I'd have a longer conversation about gabbert than ripping jags when they drafted him:, or about any 3rd string qb, safe to say I'm jacked up for football! Lol
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Lol, we had to start some scrub named Lindley a couple years ago in the playoffs. 3rd string matters.
Really wish they would skip preseason week 4 and crank up the season a week early. I'm ready w several plays already.

Locked in

Atl/chi u51 (2x)

Pit/cle u47 (1x)

Will absolutely be on phins just no sense playing at +2.5, seems like could very well be at least +3 at some point if not I'll take best ml I can get.

Lions still just a lean as need to do little more work, another where no rush as line appears to be only moving more cards way. Would love lions in a teaser if line flips and 6 point tease gets me +7 or more. Eagles would make excellent teaser partner pushing them over a td against skins in what I think A game they could very well win if skins don't make some drastic steps forward between now and then, worst case if skins have figured things out I'd expect a one possession game.

Debating if I should grab rams +3 now? Can't imagine that line holds once everyone starts making plays and realizes luck probably not playing. Strongly believe Indy without luck is the worst team in the NFL, with luck they a poorly coached team with bad oline play and a suspect defense..

Aints/minny u48 has my interest, I just noticed this one so gonna dig into it more but initial thought is 48 with a game Sam Bradford playing qb??? Saints defense has nowhere to go but up and even if they still bad it will take minny long stretches of the clock on scoring drives whether by ground or thru air with Bradford playing dink and dunk 4 yards at a time with very few incompletions. Hell long as saints stay between viks skill guys and the end zone minny offense will stall out on their own anytime they get a penalty or a negative play puts them behind the sticks as Bradford will throw it 4 yards on 3rd and 8 (or more) pretty much every time!!

Under Payton saints have always been committed to the run game and everything they did this offseason points to possibly even more rushes. Love Vikings defense, physical and well coached, and don't get beat for big plays so while saints tend to go about their scoring drives pretty quickly I'd expect more plays than typically takes them on scoring drives.

Oh and let's not forget Vikings games are no longer in a dome (that accurate right?) that should help keep scoring lower.,

I don't see many teams putting up more than 24 on this minny d, I don't see captain checkdown and the minny offense scoring more than 24 all to often unless assisted by defensive or special teams scores (not worried about Bree's throwing pick 6's) as long as saints don't fall way behind early I like the chances of this staying under, what are the odds a Bradford lead offense jumps all over anyone?
That Rams +3 line reeks imo, don't know how anyone feels comfortable with that. Whole world gonna be on them getting a FG at home against a backup....just an odd line.