2019 St. Louis Cardinals

Literally losing my mind. Especially after reading some st louis articles trying to put a positive or at least apologetic spin on Fowler. What will it take for Mo to finally ditch this useless piece of shit???

The narrative around here is vomit inducing, can’t turn your head without hearing how Fowler gonna bounce back. Never mind the fact there absolutely no freaking evidence of such. Their stubbornness/unwillingness to eat that money is gonna cost them this fuckin season. Can’t see them carrying 5 outfielders out of camp so O’Neal gonna be wastng away in minors I suppose. At least he hits bombs, be nice if he struck out less but his power and defense be a big upgrade over Fowler being a black hole in the lineup and below average defender. Honestly not sure Fowler defense is any better than Martinez who at least a solid hitter. None of it matters tho, appears no matter what happens it Fowler’s job and they prob put him in the 2 hole! Lol. Pathetic.
New hitting coach seems to be paying off eh @2daBank O‘Neal walking more k‘ing less

He bashing the ball that for sure, 5 hits, 4 bombs and a double! For some reason the spring stats page I pulled up doesn’t show obp, walks, or strikeouts.

Fowler is 2 for 16 w no extra base hits.

Need to find me a better stats page to see walks and strikeouts. I don’t typically take much of anything away from spring numbers but in this case I kinda do. Fowler been so awful I feel like it should be on him to produce some this spring to even make the 25 man roster, especially when we got a potential 30 hr kid tearing the cover off the ball!!

Of course none this matters, this been predetermined and it sucks!
Fowler got a hit today! Sad when this is noticeable. At this point I don’t even know what I’m hoping for here? I hate him so much I want him to be horrible and cards to just eat the money, I know they won’t so guess need to be rooting for him to at least be a replacement level player!! Of course injury would be best case! Lol
Fowler got a hit today! Sad when this is noticeable. At this point I don’t even know what I’m hoping for here? I hate him so much I want him to be horrible and cards to just eat the money, I know they won’t so guess need to be rooting for him to at least be a replacement level player!! Of course injury would be best case! Lol

I‘m rooting for a torn acl. So i guess you can root for the torn rotator cuff?
Waino pitched really well yesterday vs mostly Stros regulars!! He did get a few fortunate liners hit right at ppl but still think 4 shutout innings pretty impressive when you consider how Stros lit up the pen guys, so wasn’t a case where Stros just wernt hitting.
Flaherty out pitched sherzer for 5 innings today. I try not to read a bunch into spring but I do think it important for pitchers to look “right”.

On same note of lying about not reading much into spring (lol) our whole starting outfield has been atrocious at this plate. Hard not to worry about this when they all big question marks, Fowler obviously, ozuna can’t trust, bader still has to prove he can consistently hit at this level (that be less important if the stinking corner outfielders could do their jobs). I forget exact numbers but those 3 combined somewhere in the 5 for 60ish range, scary, lol.
Carlos gonna start the season on the injured list. God I hope we don‘t have those starts from him like after his return from the DL last summer
Appears they plan on Reyes being in the pen. Obviously I’d rather he started but should make the back of the pen incredibly strong w him, miller, and hicks, then who knows w Carlos, he could end up being our closer.
Appears they plan on Reyes being in the pen. Obviously I’d rather he started but should make the back of the pen incredibly strong w him, miller, and hicks, then who knows w Carlos, he could end up being our closer.

Given his control issues I think pen makes more sense?
Given his control issues I think pen makes more sense?

I dunno, feel like maybe if he pitched more innings he sort that out and really nothing worse than a Mfer coming out the pen and walking guys. That was kinda a issue for our pen last year even when they were doing ok, as a whole the k:bb ratio was not good.
i assume the decision to how they use him will be based off whatever they think best for his health.
No way Fowler will be starting much as the season rolls on - last year was not a fluke. He's toast.

I mean we would like for that to be true. Unfortunately cardinals have a big thing about playing guys they overpaid. Think we mostly all agree cards be better off with O’Neal or Martinez playing right but just wouldn’t count on it, they incredibly stubborn in this regard and gonna give Fowler every opportunity to cost us games. Maybe if he still sucking up the joint in a month they will reconsider but not holding my breath. Now that he hit 2 bombs yesterday that all but ensures he will get at least a month if not more! Lol.
Our offense coming to life a little these last 2 days, good thing cause I was starting to really worry about our outfield. Lol.

How awesome is it we inked goldy to a 5 year deal?!???!!! I’d prob been happier w 4 years but think we got a pretty good deal paying less than 30 mil per.
Our offense coming to life a little these last 2 days, good thing cause I was starting to really worry about our outfield. Lol.

How awesome is it we inked goldy to a 5 year deal?!???!!! I’d prob been happier w 4 years but think we got a pretty good deal paying less than 30 mil per.

I worry about the extension tho isnt all the money what made Ozuna so complacent and underachieving last year?
I worry about the extension tho isnt all the money what made Ozuna so complacent and underachieving last year?

Ozuna didn’t get any money I don’t believe. Pretty sure just 1 year to avoid arbitration deal and this his contract year. Either way it don’t worry me at all, goldy nothing like that lazy Dominican. No chance he works any less hard cause he got paid.
Ozuna didn’t get any money I don’t believe. Pretty sure just 1 year to avoid arbitration deal and this his contract year. Either way it don’t worry me at all, goldy nothing like that lazy Dominican. No chance he works any less hard cause he got paid.

Yay white people lol?
I guess saying he didn’t get any money is a stretch, 9 mil last year and 12.5 this year but they were to avoid arbitration deals and he a free agent after this season. He didn’t get the huge payday for lots of years yet.
I’m not sure how good I feel about our lineup, top 4 looks pretty strong, real strong if Ozuna has a better year. But 5-8 little suspect w yadi-Fowler-Wong-Bader.
I’m not sure how good I feel about our lineup, top 4 looks pretty strong, real strong if Ozuna has a better year. But 5-8 little suspect w yadi-Fowler-Wong-Bader.

Yadi was a lot better hitting-wise in the first half last year. Maybe he wore down in the second half?
Yadi was a lot better hitting-wise in the first half last year. Maybe he wore down in the second half?

Not so much worried about yadi, not sure he ideal for the 5 hole: just the overall strength of 5-8 a little concerning. I think Wong will prob have a solid year, not sure about baders ability to hit rhp, and of course Fowler pretty much a free out.
So much for mikolas during the day. God damn chacin killing him, damn pitcher has more hits/runs/rbi’s Than our top 4 in lineup!! Ugh
Wong gonna have amazing year now that moron matheny gone!! 2 Jacks. At least swop him and put Fowler garbage ass in 8 hole. Maybe they should just tell him not to swing! When he walked he scored!! Lol
Mikolas‘ high xfip last year indicating regression this year?

Prob some, think a 3.25-3.5 type era fair to expect. He never gonna be a guy advanced metrics love anyways, I’m Not of the opinion they the be all end all. Plenty of very good pitchers in my lifetime did it with good control and keeping ball on the ground and those just not qualities the advanced stats value much.
My brother was telling me he thinks Fowler gets at least a month, probably right. I was fed up w him already, this gonna be a long month.
My brother was telling me he thinks Fowler gets at least a month, probably right. I was fed up w him already, this gonna be a long month.

Still waiting for you to wack him in the knee with a golf club! You a strong dude, make yourself useful
I jumped on cards +107 for 2marro. I promise this won’t turn into some disgusting homer thread, just can’t resist plus money on what I think incredibly equal teams, had these games been in stl and milw was the dogs it have been them or nothing. Most likely will see me take flaherty pretty much anytime they give me plus money on him.

0-1 so far.
Chacin had more hits, runs, rbi’s Than the top 6 of cards order today! Lol.

Kinda a bummer to lose a game where we got 4 rbi from the 7-8 spots!!
These cards tv guys seriously sucking Fowler off for getting walked twice. Never mind he has had 2 great chances to drive in runners and hasn’t touched a fuckin ball. Guaranteed Martinez drives at least 1 in those 2 spots!!!