If it really is just a calf strain that series is done , even if he out it’s probably done
If it really is just a calf strain that series is done , even if he out it’s probably done
You never know... might sound stupid, but maybe this lights fire under their asses to prove people wrong... i wouldn't count them out.
No way that kd injury is just a strain. He tore something for sure. Throw a major clusterfuck into his FA plans bc he’s not gonna get a long term deal while he’s still rehabbing that. Same thing that happened w Boogie
God this game 6 is is so pathetic as of 1st quarter. At least the Warriors have an excuse for playing lousy. If I had any balls, tomorrow I would put half my bankroll on the Bucks for the championship...
Klay a top 10 player but his career just hit a wall with Durant and that iso ball.

Next year will be fun to watch an underdog Dubz play the way they should
This is the swan song, has to be. Credit to them though. Big time credit.

I don’t think they get the credit they deserve , they are a miracle Lebron block away from going for a 5th straight ( I think that’s right )
They had one of the best defenses ever. It dropped off this year but it doesn't matter. You take away the greatest scorer in the world and they won the last 5+ quarters. Amazing. The next series is a cakewalk either way. Pray for Milwaukee, just so we don't have a short Finals.
And yes I know that they looked amazing w/o Durantula.... But a full season w/o and a team deprived of any young building blocks... This is the swan song unless they do 'sumtin big' this summer.
I do agree this is the swan song , assuming Durant is gone

Power goes to whatever LA team lands Kawhi, which at this point would point to Clippers