2018 CFL In-Game

Sammy, Montreal signed that Armageddon dude this week and now the Edmonton skies are full of smoke. Universe?
Wow TSN talk about glossing over the truth “a problem with a couple of police officers”

For those who don’t know Orlando Bowen’s story, he was attacked by two crooked fucking Toronto cops who beat the shot out of him, planted drugs on him to justify it and ended his football career. Thankfully he was exhonerated and the cops went to jail.

Yeah TSN, just a little problem with a couple of fine police officers. Whatever.
I hate officials calling penalties for something a player said.

Grow a skin you morons. If you can’t take a little verbal abuse you have no business being an official. Sticks n stones...
17-10 BC lead at HT

Wow can’t believe what I’m seeing here. Montreal’s offensive line suddenly looks capable. And Pipkin has obviously matured since we last saw him last year.
That double ejection hurts the esks more than the ALs.

Can’t believe you eject players over a little punching.