2018 CFL In-Game

pinny 2nd half

This is such a hard game to play 2H. Missed opportunities in the first, the wind, the kickers’ mental state...GL on whatever you play boys. I have no clue what to play so I’m sitting on my Full game bets.
This is such a hard game to play 2H. Missed opportunities in the first, the wind, the kickers’ mental state...GL on whatever you play boys. I have no clue what to play so I’m sitting on my Full game bets.

Same here.
The wind should die sometime in the 3rd so it won’t be as much of a factor late.
That kid is a weapon. Very few kickers I think made a difference, but guys like Paredes and Medlock (who I still don't know how he never played in the NFL) are huge in this league...and coaches knowing when to use them is huge as well.
That kid is a weapon. Very few kickers I think made a difference, but guys like Paredes and Medlock (who I still don't know how he never played in the NFL) are huge in this league...and coaches knowing when to use them is huge as well.

I thought medlock would be the next vanderjagt when he went south but he didn’t stick for whatever reason. Doesn’t make sense. Field goals are pretty much the same in either league. Slightly tougher in the cfl due to wider hash marks.
That kid is a weapon. Very few kickers I think made a difference, but guys like Paredes and Medlock (who I still don't know how he never played in the NFL) are huge in this league...and coaches knowing when to use them is huge as well.

Yes you need the little skinny soccer guys kicking your goals.
Not the big strong legged guys like Ty long Ritchie Leone and Boris bede

Those guys are wild on fgoals. Need the smaller delicate guys that have touch on their kicks.
Hulu yeah surprised but kickers get changed a lot.

You have to make pretty much 80 percent and make all the game winning kicks or you are done.
What was the penalty there??

I didn’t see it either, but then again I didn’t see late hit either on Masoli that led to the Ham FG.

You’ve said before these refs in this league are bad though, so nothing surprises me.
Perfect example of bad coaching and inexperience by Jones. If he lets the clock on 2nd down run down to zero by the conclusion of the play at worst he has to punt WITH the wind to start the 4th Quarter. Little detail but good Canadian coaches take advantage of these things.
Ottawa looks like the best eastern team. Despite their offense being kind of bullshit-

They need a mobile q.vb. But only so many QBs.
I would like to see mike Reilly on Ottawa.

Would be a very good team.
Pay attention boys...2nd game in a row that the Hamilton line has been completely owned in the 4th quarter. For sure seems like fatigue/conditioning big time
Big flag!!

Scary did you run a crazy pattern in your house. Like fake one way and deak back into the kitchen

Great route buddy.
Ok scarf.

Now run to your tv turn back and cut through your kitchen to your hallway and the ball will be waiting there for you.