2018 CFL In-Game

Fascinating stuff

It is very fascinating.

Like meeting ppl all over the world. All the big wigs come in.

It’s pretty decent. I like learning about recalls defects. And how manufactures are complying with requirements.

Went to dinner with this hot shot lawyer from Washington DC and another engineer cool guy from Washington DC. Very interesting. They appreciated some of my spiritual words.
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Sammy I couldn’t have been more dead wrong on how I looked at this game. You called it froM the start sir. Nice work. Calg just mentally 500 times stronger than Sasky
Sammy I couldn’t have been more dead wrong on how I looked at this game. You called it froM the start sir. Nice work. Calg just mentally 500 times stronger than Sasky

I just find there is no point betting vs Reilly or Mitchell. These 2teams are stacked offensively. Defensively pretty good also. Good young head coaches who out scheme their opponents.
Sammy in college 3 of my fraternity brothers and myself got invited to a driving course, big CJ school and they were training the newbies about how to handle DUI

Their mission was to have different levels of alcohol, one guy drank 2 beers, one guy a 12 pack. Another was 3 shots of vodka, then there was me...almost a fifth lol...then we had to drive the course. Cones, directions, walls, etc. 2 hours then the driving course. A fifth in 2 hours is not healthy, at least they had food.

I almost became a crash test dummy that day, damn near ran into a concrete barricade at 25 mph lol and ate a couple orange cones for lunch. Man that was a blur...then had to walk the line, backwards alphabet, etc. Was insane
Sammy in college 3 of my fraternity brothers and myself got invited to a driving course, big CJ school and they were training the newbies about how to handle DUI

Their mission was to have different levels of alcohol, one guy drank 2 beers, one guy a 12 pack. Another was 3 shots of vodka, then there was me...almost a fifth lol...then we had to drive the course. Cones, directions, walls, etc. 2 hours then the driving course. A fifth in 2 hours is not healthy, at least they had food.

I almost became a crash test dummy that day, damn near ran into a concrete barricade at 25 mph lol and ate a couple orange cones for lunch. Man that was a blur...then had to walk the line, backwards alphabet, etc. Was insane

Sounds amazing. Like a lot of fun.

I would love to drive like crazy on that track.
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Kj I drove a speed track as well but not drunk.

I floored the car and accelerated like crazy on a straight away for like 500 metres and then there was a sharp left turn. I went so fast straight away jammed the brakes at 475 metres and the car skid right off the track and we were grinding on the support fence as in trying to get the car back on track which I eventually did.

The trainer was like holy fuck buddy how many cars have you. stolen?
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Kj I drove a speed track as well but not drunk.

I floored the car and accelerated like crazy on a straight away for like 500 metres and then there was a sharp left turn. I went so fast straight away jammed the brakes at 475 metres and the car skid right off the track and we were grinding on the support fence as in trying to get the car back on track which I eventually did.

The trainer was like holy fuck buddy how many cars have you. stolen?
Did you answer him honestly?
Is it true that Roy Shivers quietly implemented a reverse racism and only had black Qbs in the mid 2000s? Rocky butler. Kevin glenn. Henry burris. Cprey joseph. Neolone greene.
Did you answer him honestly?

There was 2 other guys in the back seat who were also driving on the track.

Trainer says to then guys you are driving like your delivering flowers. This guy now he’s driving like he’s chasing pussy. He loved my fast and furious aggressive manoeuvres.

I had to zig zag between comes like a s pattern.
I floored the gas on that drill and my hands were moving the steering wheel like a hundred miles an hour. Imagine flooring the car abd quickly steering then flooring again. Flooring braking flooring braking flooring braking.

They were impressed with my time. When the car hit the finish line the engine was full on smoking overheating.
Too funny.
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Crazy but mascots are employees of the team, on a year round salary I've learned. They have to go to functions all the time and tow the company line

I do know one and even though he doesn't mascot on the road he travels w/the team....has been quite the wing man. Those stories are nuts, like he just has sex to appease the mates
I’m setting up a new command centre.

In my new office I’m having s nice desk. Monitor. Nice chair.

Gonna put 2 nice 42 inches TVs mounted on wall with led lights. Up high on titled brackets so TVs are tilting down.
I know the Ticats mascot was a volunteer for years. He even paid to maintain the suit himself.
It’s only since a billionaire bought the team that it’s become a paid position the way it should be.
Kinda funny my mom today told me the first time she went to that gal's house the owl followed her into the restroom, said she couldn't pee with a fuckin owl staring at her lol....I'm sure it was a misunderstanding