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******2016 CFB In-Game******


Actually, it turned out to be the right call. It baited the moronic Miami coach into kicking a FG instead of trying for a TD. Conceivably, Mullen could have known that his opponent was a moron. He said he knew they'd block the kick.
I have been terrible all bowls season. Didn't see the first 3 quarters of the miss st Mia oh game. Explain why their was no scoring. Over ticket here.
pretty much ^

disinterested favorite that never led and allowed MOH to just piddle around. Funny thing was - MOH very easily could/should have been 21-0 in 1Q. MOH hurry up there at end meant snapping it with 5 sec on play clock not 1
Unfortunately I have under in this next one and I'm in the VK camp of believing this game will somehow be the score fest
I've found the keys to match this bowl. Watch man in High Castle and just have these games on in background - much more enjoyable
ya it was a shitty throw.... and a drop ... and a drop on a shitty effort after multiple drops earlier in the game when he should have been trying extra hard
I read an article yesterday saying that Arkansas is moving to a 3-4 from 4-2-5 next season and they may make the change for some/all of bowl game. Strikes me as odd
It was one of the worst games I saw all season.

Miami bled the clock all game, preventing it from turning into a replay of MSU-Samford or MSU-UMAss.

Miami had time to run a half dozen more plays on the final drive to score a TD, but instead, the coach played, first, to run out the clock and lose by one and, later, to kick a FG. It was insane.
Only reason I took BC team total over is because of that first game...figured the winner would get their tt in this one after that shitfest lol. Virtually zero capping involved
What makes you like Vandy twink? I had them pegged as a team I was going to be against regardless of who they played, and I think NCSt is actually decent. Has to be the best team we'll see today.
The game hinges on one thing.. did Vandy QB Shurmur and their passing game really come to life or was it a product of bad defenses? If it was a product of playing bad teams it's a bad matchup for them. If it was for real then they are a good bet as a dog. I know this - they will give 100% - absolutely no chance they aren't engaged mentally.