***** 2015 MLB/NCAA/Baseball In-Game Chatter *****

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damn CoDat...why you taking an HIV test if you've had previous negative tests and are in a monogamous relationship?
I don't think the HIV is so scary anymore, more concerned about liver, pancreas, basically anything else
damn CoDat...why you taking an HIV test if you've had previous negative tests and are in a monogamous relationship?

My last test was like just before I got married I think. During my physical I think I said some keywords that made him want to give me a check. Fatigue, swollen glands....I'm a damn hypochondriac and when I saw he was testing for HIV I did some reading on the Internet and saw how long you can have something like that undetected scared the shit outta me.
Just goggled it thanks. Damn hope Copeland pulls through quickly. Nothing good happens after midnight.

I would say a majority of the times I've had sex have been after midnight but my timeline is skewed a bit because I typically work out after midnight.

I could easily say nothing good happens before noon, but at times I get some of my best work done from 5-7am. Gotta keep it interesting.

remotely pause when they say the word cocaine and they'll make you think you've got Hep and liver failure is immanent
Ever since I've had kids I feel like it's the damn end of the world every time I get a cold. I was always so used to just being able to worry about myself and now I have three little ones to worry about leaving behind. It feels like the weight of the world sometimes.
Ever since I've had kids I feel like it's the damn end of the world every time I get a cold. I was always so used to just being able to worry about myself and now I have three little ones to worry about leaving behind. It feels like the weight of the world sometimes.

I have pretty unhealthy death anxiety when I think about it, but not really about the specifics, like a cold, or problems with my pancreas, or getting hit by a bus. We all gotta die of something, so I try not to think about it.
I just consider my death day a race against the Indians winning the Series. Death sure seems to be in the lead.
I'm not signing up for offshore books, ever again

Got a fucking call while I was busy as shit from SBG Global last week, haven't played with them in 15 years

Fuck the offshores
death might be your ultimate healing

I really don't want to be hit by a bus though. Just because people always use that as the example of the "you-never-know" death. And I don't want to be eaten by a shark. Because I've feared that fate since I was like 6 or 7.
Why is the CTG brass running around with hair on fire about the mlb contest?
I really don't want to be hit by a bus though. Just because people always use that as the example of the "you-never-know" death. And I don't want to be eaten by a shark. Because I've feared that fate since I was like 6 or 7.

A trip to Hawaii or even San Diego would suffer because of this

I was snorkeling in Maui once and a monk seal beached while I was out amongst the sea turtles, prolly woulda shit my heart out my arse if I saw that thing swim by
The more people involved, the better it will be. I think it's the 2nd best contest ctg has ever had
Since I will forgo my entry due to qualification into the Masters pool, here my picks:

1. Jason Day 2. Rick Fowler 3. Adam Scott 4. Zack Johnson 5. Jimmie Walker

Winning score -8, low round 65

Rain will make the greens receptive but will reduce the advantage of length that we've seen the last few years, wouldn't be surprised to see Zack be in the hunt on Sunday if the forecast holds
It does seem to be shaping up as a good contest. I'm just afraid to turn on electronics lately. I think my programmable coffee maker asked me if I had registered for the mlb contest this morning.
I've haven't gotten a call from an offshore in years

Fucking blows, I have a very strong disregard for them

If I were to not have a local, I would either drive to Vegas or not bet, many reasons, no need to go into it
Are Canadians even good at CFL? Bullshit rules and all? 55 yard line?

I've become a Canadian soccer fan because they need one
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