***** 2015 MLB/NCAA/Baseball In-Game Chatter *****

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you see this new bagger in your living room

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I have a friend from Kenya, she got detained for questioning when coming back to the US one time in Houston, immigration, blah blah

They asked if she's ever sold drugs and she said yeah because she wanted to be honest :faceslap:
I have a friend from Kenya, she got detained for questioning when coming back to the US one time in Houston, immigration, blah blah

They asked if she's ever sold drugs and she said yeah because she wanted to be honest :faceslap:

you should see the interrogation they put everyone through going to Israel
I have a friend from Kenya, she got detained for questioning when coming back to the US one time in Houston, immigration, blah blah

They asked if she's ever sold drugs and she said yeah because she wanted to be honest :faceslap:

yikes, why would she say yes?
well you see, she does it for a living

and growing up in Kenya, even though she now speaks English very well, she at one point had a hard time distinguishing literal and subjective meanings and didn't want to lie
Got a buddy thats living in Kenya. Some town called Nanyuki according to his facebook. Dont think I have any interest in visiting Africa
my boss offered to pay my way if I go to N. Korea

I just don't see the point in going even if you could. It is going to be a government led tour where your ability to take photos is heavily restricted. You aren't going to see anything other than what they want you to see. If you make a mis-step they may very well throw you in prison or a work camp
I just don't see the point in going even if you could. It is going to be a government led tour where your ability to take photos is heavily restricted. You aren't going to see anything other than what they want you to see. If you make a mis-step they may very well throw you in prison or a work camp

Agree. I think anyone wanting to go over there is an idiot to put it lightly
My dad had to stop on a flight for re-fueling in Dakar a few years ago. No one was allowed to exit the plane unless it was your final destination. Then even without anyone entering the plane they made everyone stand up and searched the seats and scanned the entire plane with some sort of light thing...he didn't know what they were looking for. Dakar seems like a place I would try to avoid
I think it would be interesting. I got sick of going to the Caribbean a long time ago. I wanna see something very few can see
My dad had to stop on a flight for re-fueling in Dakar a few years ago. No one was allowed to exit the plane unless it was your final destination. Then even without anyone entering the plane they made everyone stand up and searched the seats and scanned the entire plane with some sort of light thing...he didn't know what they were looking for. Dakar seems like a place I would try to avoid

Thats fucking crazy
I would go to Kenya in a heartbeat. My ex's parents went, the photos of the safaris and resort were incredible
Shaker just won us two Brewer tickets for Friday night on a twitter trivia. Beat me by about 2 seconds (and I'm the one who got it right).
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