***** 2014 MLB Playoffs In-Game*****

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The Cards have scored twice as many runs in the 7th inning as they have in all their other innings combined over 3 games. That's nuts.
Well what did the O's do against the Tigs in the 8th inning of that series? Had to be incredible.
Well what did the O's do against the Tigs in the 8th inning of that series? Had to be incredible.

Don't get me wrong. Such a big single effort means that inning (the 7th) should claim a decent percentage of STL's total runs after 3 games, but even the inning the O's scored their 8 in (the 8th) is still only seen to claim 57% of their total output (& that's on top of their having had a big 8th inning of 4 runs in game 2 as well). That it amounts as much as 66% of STL's output, when, unlike the O's, they can only claim to have had one truly decent sized outing for that particular inning, I think is what really shines a light on their offensive futility elsewhere.

Another stark way of rendering matters would be to note STL has only scored 3 total runs before the 7th inning in 3 games.
Kershaw starts with a K of Carpenter, but the latter looked like he was deliberately building up the count (as opposed to his early striking previously in the series). A guess might be STL are out to get to LA's pen asap.
Excepting the WC games, no team full stop has been shutout. So STL ticket holders have to rest on the fact LA only gets 1 from this inning (presumably).
he wasn't happy with the ump...i like strikes being called from the knees up to the letters, many more high strikes should be called and they aren't...i have a problem with strikes being called off the corners though because it encourages the hitters to reach for pitches they shouldn't be. a pitch at the catcher's mask is almost always called a ball, but they are actually strikes lots of times...even if a pitch is half an inch off the plate at the waist though, i think it should be called a ball.
Biggest game of the season for the Cardinals' 22nd ranked offense, and they have 1 hit through 6. Living up to their rating against a quality opposing starter would seem to be the relevant observation.
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