***** 2014 MLB Playoffs In-Game*****

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BC, how are you leaning in the next game?

I lean to Wash but not enough to bet them before dealing with them live. I'm for the Over, just thinking about my approach. By my reckoning, we're on to see some early runs for once in an NL game. Stats for both pitchers indicate it's well possible.
Well I'm obv. for your total, so BOL. These NL games have so lacked runs in the 1st 6 innings, just seems like the conditions are here w/this fixture for that trend to get shaken up a bit.
Williams seems to be lacking intuitive feel as a manager. I thought we'd see some sort of shake up in his ordering of the lineup for tonight's game. Werth/LaRoche simply isn't working at the heart of their order. Harper is hitting, why not promote him a place or 2? Before this game they'd managed 1 run before the 7th inning in 3 games. That demands addressing in some way.
i think he's an idiot, not quite donny boneball, but still bad...and even with all the names, the gnats offense sucks
Sandoval shouldn't have been swinging on a 2-0 count, but then he just swings willy-nilly at the best of times & comes off to the degree he does, so it's hard to argue with his scatter-gun approach.
that was lardoval's fault...loaded with 1 out, 2-0 count, and he jumps at the 2 ball pitch instead of putting pressure on the pitcher
Before this game there'd been 63 runs scored by the 6th inning, 55 runs scored between the 7th & 9th innings. Lot of late runs in regulation these playoffs.
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