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Geno not waiting for last two picks lol
Pats LOVE LSU playersPats a lock to get Simon now with all those picks
and AD will continue to run a train on the pack defense
Wrong SimonPats LOVE LSU players
Wrong Simon
yea the lil thingsHis main problem is he doesn't know how to run routes or read coverage lol
What happened? I missed it.
true, but still trueWrong Simon
was it teribble to so so?any1 else hear that dude yelling
Omg at this Dallas pick lol
jerry jones is single handedly ruining that franchise, i mean they do have two 2nd round picks to get him right after the trade?? at least he did trade down to get him i guess. he was great buds with AL, and we are seeing it get worse every year now.
he does interview wellEJ Manuel about to be interviewed on ESPN Radio if anyone's listening. Was pretty impressed with his interview earlier, and I hadn't heard him interview in the past.
he does interview well
I don't deny that they need a real GM but this case is way overblown. There's no panic when you actually trade down 13 spots. This draft has been characterized as deep but not star laden by everyone. The 31st spot is first round in name only; talent-wise this year it's the second round. In that respect, with the need being there and with an extra pick in their pocket, Frederick fits. I'd give it a B.31. Travis Frederick, G/C, Wisconsin: MILLEN HIGH-PRICED SCOREBOARD THAT MAKES PEOPLE BLIND KIELBASA Grade
Travis Frederick!?!? The Wisconsin lineman who was considered a third-round prospect? There were other reaches in the first round, but this takes the cake. It seems like the Cowboys panicked with all of the guards flying off the board, which is the worst thing you can ever do in the NFL Draft. It's never been more obvious that Dallas needs a real general manager.
[h=1]Eunice NFL Prospect Arrested for Allegedly Threatening Officer[/h]Posted: Apr 26, 2013 10:28 AM by Ian Auzenne
Updated: Apr 26, 2013 11:00 AM
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An LSU cornerback and NFL Draft prospect was arrested in Eunice Thursday night for allegedly intimidating a police officer.
According to police records, Tharold Simon's car was blocking Beulah Street when an officer asked him to move it. According to the report, Simon told the officer, "I own Eunice," and "I'm gonna buy these projects and you are gonna be mine," (sic) before finally moving his vehicle. The officer noted in the report that Simon spun his wheels and "backed the vehicle in an aggressive manner" and turned his radio "all the way up" while moving his car. The report also says Simon told the officer that "the mayor was on [his] side" and that the officer would be fired if he wrote a ticket. Simon is charged with public intimidation, resisting an officer, and unnecessary noise violation. He was released on bond.
Simon, a graduate of Eunice High School, is expected to be selected in the middle rounds of this weekend's NFL Draft. Eunice city officials are scheduled to proclaim today "Tharold Simon Day" during a ceremony this evening. Eunice Mayor Rusty Moody says the ceremony will go on as planned.
"In the United States, our justice system says everyone is innocent until proven guilty," Moody said.
RosterWatch <s style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>RosterWatch<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">1m</small>
Reports out of Dallas: Jason Garrett had head in his hands when Cowboys made pick, scouts were seen arguing with Steven Jones before pick.