2012 - 2013 Offseason Thread

Yanks signed Youkilis huh? I heard he liked the way Johnny Damon's ass looked in stripes.

They Yag get gayer..... I love it

<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">4m</small>ESPN Stats & Info ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>ESPNStatsInfo
Zack Greinke closing in on $145M deal with pitching-rich Dodgers. Dodgers starters ranked 3rd in MLB in ERA last season (3.41).

i cannot wait for Keith Laws write up on this

from last week when it was just a rumor

[h=6]JMR (Chicago)[/h]

Myers for Shileds is a bad move for KC, right? Why wouldn't they try to do Myers for Profar? It would solve a problem for both teams.
[h=6]Klaw (1:08 PM)

Myers for Shields will be the death rattle for that regime. Myers for Profar isn't a good deal for Texas.
This whole fucking town blows - Chiefs and Royals. Both organizations are fucked from top to bottom. Love it!
I mean Ordozzi is better than Wade Davis right now (not to mention cheaper with more controllable years)

Leonards whatever

Montgomery is a reclamation project

and then they gave up Wil Myers for what? 1 year of Shields?? I mean its not like hes gonna get them to the playoffs or anything

what an awful awful awful trade
read a tweet that went like this: "atleast Jeff Franceour's job is safe now"
There are people in this town that actually say the Royals fleeced the Rays. WTF

I mean if Myers is a huge bust and Ordozzi just turns out to be average and Montgomery continues his fizzle out and Davis turns into something decent and Shields wins a Cy Young on his way to leading them to a division title and then takes the hometown discount to sign an extension, maybe....

But I dont see that as highly likely
How else is Moore supposed to get free agent talent? Glass will not open the purse and pay for anything. The only bullets Moore has to fire are prospects.
I'm glad to have JS in the rotation because it is an upgrade and to wait around for JO or WM to produce could take 3 or 4 more years. Its a move to try and win now and I'm fine with it.
Even if Will and Jake turn out to be studs there is no way KC keeps them and the talent already here on the roster long enough to make a run.

I certainly don't think KC fleeced anyone in this deal. It's a gamble and one I'm 100% behind because it's better than doing nothing or getting another Johnny Sanchez which is the same thing as doing nothing.
The net result for the Royals, assuming that the player to be named later is not significant, is that they probably added 3-4 wins for 2013 with this trade, and that's just not enough to get them into contention, or to justify giving up one of the top two pure hitting prospects (along with Oscar Taveras of the St. Louis Cardinals) in all of the minors. The deal reeks of a GM feeling pressure to improve short-term performance to keep his job, which is a terrible situation for any executive both personally and for the way it can inhibit his ability to make rational decisions

For Tampa Bay, this is a heist, a potential franchise-making deal that should allow the Rays to continue their run of contention on a dime for several more years as they acquire a centerpiece bat in Myers, a potential mid-rotation starter in Jake Odorizzi, and two other prospects, none of whom has more than a few days of major-league service -- meaning the Rays get six years of club control of each of them.Myers is by far the most important name here, a top-five prospect in all of baseball who has raked at every level and should have debuted in the majors this summer but was blocked by the Royals' Francoeur fetish. His swing is very simple and he has quick wrists to generate bat speed; he has lengthened his stride at the plate, giving him a longer finish for more power with the slight downside of some collapse on his back side, which probably explains the high strikeout rate in Triple-A. I could see him debuting this year with a modest average but strong power numbers, only to bring the average up in time because he's a smart, patient hitter who'll also increase his bat control as his body matures. In the long run, he's a potential top-five overall player in the league, and you don't get guys like that just any day.
Why trade literally the best prospect though

ya they have tons of guys, but they gave up not only their best one, but the best one for a guy who has struggled outside a pitching friendly park, and a long reliever
I mean if Myers is a huge bust and Ordozzi just turns out to be average and Montgomery continues his fizzle out and Davis turns into something decent and Shields wins a Cy Young on his way to leading them to a division title and then takes the hometown discount to sign an extension, maybe....

But I dont see that as highly likely

Is Dusty going to continue killing Mesoraco's career next season? and will Dusty be gone before they can do it to Hamilton
Is Dusty going to continue killing Mesoraco's career next season? and will Dusty be gone before they can do it to Hamilton
in fairness, Mes was atrocious last year...but he really got in the doghouse after the ejection and suspension when he knew Hanigan was hurt....then when Niovarro came up and outplayed what mes had been doing, it sealed his fate for '12.

But I woulda like to seen it 60/40 Mes/Hanigan to start the year and not 75/25 Hanigan/Mes....it never gave him a fair chance to get going and when he didn't hit in 100 AB Baker makes it out like it's settled...give me a break...

He also uses ridiculous stats like catcher ERA to warrant Hanigan play over him when he's catching Ceuto, Latos, and Arroyo....and Mess was catching Leake and 50/50 on Homer...give me a break

Baker just hates young kids unless it's Drew Stubbs for whatever reason.
how many games has Choo even played in center in his career....? Talk about a downgrade from stubbs lol....but I can't consistently bitch about how bad offensively stubbs is then bitch about the defensive downgrade
maybe i'm just underrating him then because i was thinking that bruce would be have a better chance then choo out there