did you happen to see Dan Millers interview on the inside of the Lions draft room on SAT.? very interesting.
Pretty sweet room with more bad decisions made in there than a drunk in a whore house.

No, I didn't see that. I'll check for it and see if they replay on the Sunday night show here in 30 minutes.
man i had no idea the lions signed ronald curry. i love it. megatron bryant johnson and curry. and word is culpepper lost 30 lbs and looks real good. maybe detroit passes on stafford now and takes an OL or curry? could potentially have the best LB core in the NFL with sims, peterson, curry

I like the pickup a lot too.

Yes, Culpepper has lost weight. I'll give him credit there. We shall see though. I am still mad they played him so much last year. Managment needed to see if Stanton had any potential ever. Still cannot believe they wasted an early 2nd round pick on him.
Managment needed to see if Stanton had any potential ever. Still cannot believe they wasted an early 2nd round pick on him.

I never understand things like this.

They have every chance to play Stanton to see if he's got something, they don't and now they look like they're going to give up on him.

The Browns are basically openly talking about giving up on Brady Quinn. Why do you draft these guys so high if you're never going to give them an honest chance? It becomes a wasted pick and evidence your front office doesn't know what it's doing.

I understand coaches try to win, but at a certain point, as a front office, you have to step in and say, 'guys, we're 0-10, we can officially rule out the playoffs and an extra two wins with veterans doesn't help anything. Let's see exactly what's on this roster.'
Amen to that.

Marinelli was focused on at least getting that one win. And obviously he knew he was gone. But that was just an absolute blunder on their part and one many NFL teams do.
^ the stanton pick, based on what they did with him (especially if they draft stafford) may have been the worst draft pick the organization has made. like joe said we had every chance to give stanton a shot to see what he had last year and we never did. i feel bad for the guy
Why don't they give him a shot this year? Why has this coaching staff given up on him as well?
I like Curry going to the Lions. I know a lot of people think you can't pay a LB 30 million + with the 1st pick. I say bullshit. If your a team making a choice why not pay a guy who you know will be solid. Curry is the Best Player in the Draft. Guys with his skills at LB don't come around often. He will be a gamechanger. I watched this kid a lot in college and I honestly can say he is amazing. I would take him #1 with no hesitation. Hey the Texans took Mario whats the difference. Alot said the Texans were stupid but I admire the front office for taking who they thought was the BPA at the #1 pick without buying into all the hype of Reggie Bush. Don't get me wrong I think Bush is a great player but he still has a lot to prove while Mario is doing his thing.

Lions should take Curry. He is a player you can build a top defense around. Defense wins championships. Look at my Saints as an example.
Oddly enough, I think the Texans taking Mario is part of the argument against taking Curry.

Because the Texans never got an identity from Mario. Now, you can look back and say other teams washed out with the number one pick or whatever, but Mario's not a bad player, that's kind of what hurts here. Had he washed out you could just say, well, they blew it. But they didn't. They got a good player, they just didn't get a game changer and a face for their franchise.

Had they taken Reggie Bush or VY they would have--now, those may have been blown picks, but they would have sold tickets and gave their fan base something to rally around.

Now we all know that Curry looks like he may be the best pick possible in this draft. But I just think it's a stretch to say he's going to sell more tickets and be more of a face for the franchise than Stafford.

Right now, if I'm the Lions, I'm sorry, but I'm either drafting OT or QB. If I'm drafting OT I'm making the case that we're building the foundation for the future, we're starting over and we're building a winner. If I'm drafting QB I'm saying that today is a new day and this is the new face of the franchise--and we're putting him out in the community every waking hour he's not out on the field (and God help us all if we're wrong).

You could draft Curry and make that same first argument, but say that you're building from the defense out. But everybody in town is still going to know that, great, we have a LB corps, but we still don't have a f**king offense--and they're not going to show up.

Maybe I'm wrong, though.
Oddly enough, I think the Texans taking Mario is part of the argument against taking Curry.

Because the Texans never got an identity from Mario. Now, you can look back and say other teams washed out with the number one pick or whatever, but Mario's not a bad player, that's kind of what hurts here. Had he washed out you could just say, well, they blew it. But they didn't. They got a good player, they just didn't get a game changer and a face for their franchise.

Had they taken Reggie Bush or VY they would have--now, those may have been blown picks, but they would have sold tickets and gave their fan base something to rally around.

Now we all know that Curry looks like he may be the best pick possible in this draft. But I just think it's a stretch to say he's going to sell more tickets and be more of a face for the franchise than Stafford.

Right now, if I'm the Lions, I'm sorry, but I'm either drafting OT or QB. If I'm drafting OT I'm making the case that we're building the foundation for the future, we're starting over and we're building a winner. If I'm drafting QB I'm saying that today is a new day and this is the new face of the franchise--and we're putting him out in the community every waking hour he's not out on the field (and God help us all if we're wrong).

You could draft Curry and make that same first argument, but say that you're building from the defense out. But everybody in town is still going to know that, great, we have a LB corps, but we still don't have a f**king offense--and they're not going to show up.

Maybe I'm wrong, though.

Your not wrong. If the Lions want to sell tickets then Stafford will be ther choice. I just think with a guy like Curry you can't go wrong. You can still get some offense with the picks yall have. They can trade the 20th pick for some offense or they might have Sanchez still at 20. I think they may trade up with the Saints at 14 and grab sanchez. Just think if you got a QB and Curry in the 1st and you still have pick #33. The Saints would get there 3rd and maybe something else. Just a thought and probably not going to happen.The point is they have the picks and if a team is willing to give up a player you might land a QB by trade on draft day. Maybe Lienhart would be a possible trade. Maybe a change of scenery would do his career good. There is more than 1 way to get what they want. The lions just have to be agressive come Saturday and I personally believe they will do good. We shall see.:cheers:
Good points, Naw.

I think the Lions could sell drafting Curry, but it would only be a quick fix. Because to do it you'd kind of have to talk down the top of the draft offensively.

Since the Lions have so little on offense outside of Megatron, they'd need a good reason not to try to take the best offensive skill player on the board first. The OT reason is a good one. The defensive reason isn't bad, but Aaron Curry didn't destroy college football. He wasn't even on that great of a team. So the only thing anybody knows about him is that he's supposed to be good--but f**k who isn't supposed to be good at the number one pick in the draft.

So to sell him they'd have to say, 'yeah, we're building the best defense in the NFC North, probably the league, come watch it's going to be incredible.' And when they were hit with, 'um, OK, but you still don't have an offense,' they'd have to say something to the effect of 'we thought we'd be overpaying at that spot for the offensive talent on the board, we didn't think that about Curry.'

Which is a fine answer. Right up until Stafford runs a team to the playoffs in 2010 or Jason Smith starts going to Pro Bowls every year. Then people look back and say, 'those clowns were just like the clowns before them, f**k this team.'

Which they'd say if Stafford blew, but at least the Lions could then say, 'hey, we took a franchise QB, THE position, we didn't take another WR or a shot on something else, we tried and he sucked.'

What's both funny and sad in this is how much pressure the current system puts on teams to get their first pick in the draft absolutely right if they're pretty much anywhere from number one through about 10. Because if you miss it's so damn costly.

The Lions are bad because they're mismanaged and that, but they're also bad because when their front office has blown top picks in the past, they're locked into those horrible contracts for horrible players. The cycle perpetuates if you either have bad scouting/management, bad luck, or both.
Good points, Naw.

I think the Lions could sell drafting Curry, but it would only be a quick fix. Because to do it you'd kind of have to talk down the top of the draft offensively.

Since the Lions have so little on offense outside of Megatron, they'd need a good reason not to try to take the best offensive skill player on the board first. The OT reason is a good one. The defensive reason isn't bad, but Aaron Curry didn't destroy college football. He wasn't even on that great of a team. So the only thing anybody knows about him is that he's supposed to be good--but f**k who isn't supposed to be good at the number one pick in the draft.

So to sell him they'd have to say, 'yeah, we're building the best defense in the NFC North, probably the league, come watch it's going to be incredible.' And when they were hit with, 'um, OK, but you still don't have an offense,' they'd have to say something to the effect of 'we thought we'd be overpaying at that spot for the offensive talent on the board, we didn't think that about Curry.'

Which is a fine answer. Right up until Stafford runs a team to the playoffs in 2010 or Jason Smith starts going to Pro Bowls every year. Then people look back and say, 'those clowns were just like the clowns before them, f**k this team.'

Which they'd say if Stafford blew, but at least the Lions could then say, 'hey, we took a franchise QB, THE position, we didn't take another WR or a shot on something else, we tried and he sucked.'

What's both funny and sad in this is how much pressure the current system puts on teams to get their first pick in the draft absolutely right if they're pretty much anywhere from number one through about 10. Because if you miss it's so damn costly.

The Lions are bad because they're mismanaged and that, but they're also bad because when their front office has blown top picks in the past, they're locked into those horrible contracts for horrible players. The cycle perpetuates if you either have bad scouting/management, bad luck, or both.

I hear you but look at it like this. If the Lions select an OT with the 1st pick who will he block far? If they select say Curry he can change the game. I am not trying to sell Curry but i watched a lot of the games and can tell you he is the real deal. Will he be a good pro that remains to be seen but he has the goods. QB is like a CB in the 1st. Its either hit or miss which is scary for any organization to make that choice because it will cost them.So if you find a QB to trade for or can get a solid one later its not as costly.

The Lions have fucked up and they are paying for it but anything with time can be fixed.Everybody knows this is what they are trying to do and a lot of pressure will be on Stafford if he is selected. If an OT or LB is selected the pressure is still there for performance but not as much. Either way the Lions can't go wrong. There the #1 pick and can get a good player to fill a need.

There is so many ways for them to address QB Saturday.Its just up to the organization to make those choices for their teams future. Saturday could start an amazing season for the Lions or their choices could make the team stay the same. The Lions have the tools to make it happen they just have to use them. Like I stated I think they will be agressive and it will pay off. Off course yall play my Saints the 1st game and I have to root against yall. I will be in the dome that day getting my swerve on.
Good discussion fellas...also keep in mind Detroit has 5 of the first 66 picks I believe.
Stafford is the SEXY pick #1.

Guy has a CANNON!! The minute he is taken I am ordering a STAFFORD Detroit Jersey!

Ladies will be going CRAZY!!!
What season was this from?



They are doing the new logo/uniforms today. Started an hour ago. Still haven't seen the uniforms. Was curiuos so I went to the team website and that was staring me in the face.
They are doing the new logo/uniforms today. Started an hour ago. Still haven't seen the uniforms. Was curiuos so I went to the team website and that was staring me in the face.

I bet that was as pleasant as waking up to Steed at the foot of your bed wearing nothing but a towel and a smile looking for a little action to start the day.
Truthfully the Lions have the bad fortune to have the top pick in a down draft.

The best position seems to be on the OL. If they had the balls to do it, they'd just go there, reference the Browns and Joe Thomas making the Pro Bowl as a rookie and be done with it.

But they have no face of the franchise. And as good as Curry may or may not be, he may not even be an every down guy. It's extremely hard to both justify paying the price for that, and build around it.

Typical Lions luck.

Could be worse, though, you could be the Browns and have to accept that any pick you draft in the top eight to ten will almost certainly break something and miss six months to a year of action.
I'm sold on Aaron Curry..I jsut think he is solid dude and the best player in the draft. Lions would definitely have a great linebacker core. Yeah he might not play every down but the guy is a game changer imo.
Disagree Hunt, there is really no way you can take a guy number 1 overall that only plays 2 downs. I just can't justify that at all.

Totally agree Joe, I think they should take Smith, say to their fans, look this how you start to build a team, look at what Joe Thomas did his rookie season (although I think Thomas is much better than Smith) and go from there.
I understand where your coming from, but Curry is the best player in the draft...and the Lions have way too many needs.
WHy do you guys think he will only play 2 downs every series? He will man the MLB spot.
i'd personally love to see curry/peterson/sims but as long as we dont take stafford im a happy camper
I agree..shore up the middle, draft Curry, a Def. tackle at 20 then a stud safety.

Games are won up the middle and in the trenches.

killer kowalski has an article on mlive about how if he was drafting who he would pick.... this is how it went

First pick (first overall) -- Aaron Curry, LB.
Second pick (20th overall) -- Peria Jerry or Ziggy Hood, both DTs.
Third pick (33rd overall) -- Louis Delmas, S

another article on ther said louis delmas (outta wmu) might be the best safety in the draft
Lewand Hints That Stafford Will Be The Pick

Posted by Mike Florio on April 20, 2009, 4:38 p.m.
Ever since we reported that the Lions have settled on quarterback Matthew Stafford as the first overall pick — and that Stafford is telling his friends about it — we’ve been looking for reports that directly or indirectly corroborate our position.
And, you know, ignoring those reports that contradict us.
So we’re embracing with open arms Tom Kowalski’s take on Tom Lewand’s Monday press conference, during which the Lions’ new logo and uniforms were unveiled.
Kowalski came away from the press event thinking that Lewand hinted Stafford will be the selection.
“If we look at just next year, I think that’s short-sighted,” Lewand said. “I think we have to look at – whether it’s the first pick, the 20th pick, the 33rd pick or the 82nd pick – you need to look at guys who can come in and contribute long-term for this franchise. And that’s the goal. When we talk about building our franchise through the draft, that’s what you look at. It’s not the quick fix, it’s not who can come in and help immediately – although that’s important and you want that, too. But if you look only at that, you’re missing the forest for the trees.”
Possible translation? Don’t be shocked if the first overall pick sits the bench in 2009.
Of the other options for the first overall pick, Stafford is the only one who likely wouldn’t play right away, barring injury to Daunte Culpepper. (Or, as the case may be, an untimely case of tonsilitis.)
So, yeah, Stafford’s the guy. Barring something incredibly unforeseen.
I hear Lions really like Maclin and want him.

Could you imagine if the Lions selected a 6'0" WR with the number one pick? When noooooooooobody has that guy going much below eight?

It would only be funny if the property you owned in downtown Rock City was insured for fire.
Lions say they should be able to sign their pick before the draft... guessing this means stafford. fuck
Lions fans chant for Curry & boo Stafford

From the DFP:

Fans chanted Curry's name during Monday's unveiling of the Lions' new logo. They also chanted for the Lions to avoid Georgia quarterback Matthew Stafford.

But while he said he appreciated the fans' passion and wanted their opinion, team president Tom Lewand gave no indication the Lions would take their advice.

"I think what's important for us is that we listen to our scouts and our coaches and the people who have done the work and watched the tape on these guys, whether they're quarterbacks or defensive linemen or offensive linemen," Lewand said. "We've had people who know the game of football watching every game of their collegiate careers, doing a lot of work behind the scenes off the field -- the comprehensive evaluations necessary to give us the best chance to make the right pick for our organization."
think what's important for us is that we listen to our scouts and our coaches and the people who have done the work and watched the tape on these guys, whether they're quarterbacks or defensive linemen or offensive linemen," Lewand said. "We've had people who know the game of football watching every game of their collegiate careers, doing a lot of work behind the scenes off the field -- the comprehensive evaluations necessary to give us the best chance to make the right pick for our organization."

hope these arent the same people who picked joey harrington.. and charles rogers... and mike williams.. and drew stanton.. and jordan dizon... should i go on? brian calhoun anyone? shaun cody did great. teddy lehman too.
Lions fans chant for Curry & boo Stafford

From the DFP:

Fans chanted Curry's name during Monday's unveiling of the Lions' new logo. They also chanted for the Lions to avoid Georgia quarterback Matthew Stafford.

But while he said he appreciated the fans' passion and wanted their opinion, team president Tom Lewand gave no indication the Lions would take their advice.

"I think what's important for us is that we listen to our scouts and our coaches and the people who have done the work and watched the tape on these guys, whether they're quarterbacks or defensive linemen or offensive linemen," Lewand said. "We've had people who know the game of football watching every game of their collegiate careers, doing a lot of work behind the scenes off the field -- the comprehensive evaluations necessary to give us the best chance to make the right pick for our organization."

Fans don't know shit...well, maybe more then Matt Millen...Detroit has to trust their new regime. Didn't Philly fans boo the selection of The Greatest QB in Eagles History?

Mully :cheers: