2008 cfb -- time to post my week 12 card so far


This claim is disputed
updated through week 11
overall 67-55-2 54.9%
Sides 43-38-2 53.1%
moneyline dogs 1-1
totals 23-16 58.9 % <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Getting started early and i am ahead of schedule in my capping already.

ok i went 4-5 last week which was disappointing but i feel it was a normal type week for me. i think i had 5 bets capped really well and 4 bets not so much which is about what i do each week. however , instead of benefitting from a bad beat and going 6-3 , i suffered one instead and finished 4-5. it happerns. All in all not unhappy other than maybe the notre dame bet.

Alright lets recap last weeks card from worst capped to best capped

Notre dame +3 --loser-- I have lots of problems with this bet in retrospect but first lets go over the game. Notre Dame was flat. Boston College had WAY more emotion for this one than the irish did. Game took a really bad turn when clausen missed an open receiver and the result was an interception return for td. The final score of this puppy was 17-0 and could have been worse if not for a couple of missed fg by the eagles kicker. BTW the fg kicking for this team is nothing short of awful and should be considered before making a bet on BC. This is a game where the yardage stats are going to be a tad deceiving. Notre Dame had a 16-13 fd edge and a 292 - 242 yardage edge. However , the irish committed 5 turnovers , had a punt blocked and failed twice on fourth down in BC territory includinga 4<SUP>th</SUP> and 1. But boston college just played very conservatively on offense in the second half with a big manageable lead. ND never had a goal to go set of downs in this game. Clausen cannot throw a wet ball which really hurt. Here is a game where I knew in advance that notre dame would struggle to run the ball but where I thought they could pass with success. And they had open guys all over the place but clausen couldn’t hit them/ He was overthrowing almost everything. Maybe the wet ball , maybe clausen. I HATE betting teams that I know will struggle to run and in retrospect wish I had not made this bet. A sunny day , instead of a wet one would have helped though. To add to the misery of this play I got the worst number I ever saw available on the game. Nice work by me… not.

Marshall/ecu over 44 --loser--really was hurt by costly drive killing penalties in the first quarter including one that took away a td run on first and goal and penalized ecu 15 yards . Marshall ahd a ten yard holding penalty on goal to go and that resulted in a missed fg. I suppose this game could have turned out much differently but I did not get the production from the offenses that I was expecting. A late marshall td and missed fg by ecu took the game into overtime tied at 16 … and giving this old dog some hope. But strangely marshall threw three straight times in overtime and then missed the long fg attempt. Ecu connected and the bid for the ever rare lucky win was over. 580 yards and 36 first downs is not what I want when I bet an over.

Colorado st +10 --loser -- hehe well a large part of the bet was my belief that csu could move the ball on air force and they did ….unfortunately they had NO answer for the air force attack which was running on all cylinders in this one. Complete domination by air force offense. Each team had 19 first downs and air force had a 101 yard advantage so that was not too bad with the +10 but csu gave up a ton of big plays in this game. Also missed a bunch of opportunites that would have made this far more interesting. Fairchild went for it on fourth and goal at the one at the end of the first half and the csu back ran it in but the qb snapped the ball a half second too late and they were penalized for delay of game. Csu kicked the fg and it was 21-17 at the half. Csu was then driving to start the third quarter when farris threw an ugly interception. Air force quickly capitalized with a td and then farris threw another interception which resulted in an air force td and csu lost all their heart after that. It went from what looked like was going to be a third quarter lead to being down 35-17. Thought I would share this with you because I thought it was amazing ……..WITH 12:18 LEFT IN THE FOURTH QUARTER AIR FORCE HAD THE BALL FIRST AND 10 AT THEIR OWN 27 YARDLINE AND PROCEEDED TO RUN OUT THE GAME CLOCK. This Calhoun guy can coach by the way .. The play calling was incredible.

Florida state -6 -- winner --fsu overcame a bad start to win and cover this game. Each team had 22 first downs and fsu had roughly a hundred more yards of offense. I benefited from an interception return for a td that completely changed the outlook of the game. This bet was under the assumption that fsu could stop the bread and butter run attack of Clemson and then let Clemson ineptitude throwing take over … I got half of that equation right as they held Clemson to 2.1 yards per carry ( some sacks distort that in their favor some ) but they had all kinds of success throwing on the fsu defense. Had you told me prior to the game that Clemson would put up 27 , there is no way that I make this bet. Give fsu credit for playing hard for a complete 60 minutes and this team is finally starting to live up to expectations

Iowa +8 , under 43.5 winner/loser -- well I have been saying for weeks that I thought iowa would beat pennst straight up but never did make a money line play on them. Game was a tale of two halves as pennst controlled the first half but iowa made defensive adjustments and controlled penn st in the second half. The lions benefited from some second half turnovers but otherwise struggled. A late interception thrown by pennst gave iowa one last drive to win the game and they made several key conversions along the way and won. I don’t even feel bad about my total bet here though I would not make the bet again. Basically lost the total because of the part of the field that the turnovers occurred. I have to admit I love this iowa football team and they continue to do their part at making me money. Pennst had a 24 -19 fd edge and a 289-272 yardage edge and given the freebies that iowa gave them , they should have won the game. But the bet was clearly a good one.

Nebraska +3 -120 winner -- Was in doubt for most of the game. There was an incredible play in this game by reesing. It seems there is an incredible play by that kid every week. He got absolutely nailed ona play outside the pocket but somehow not only stayed on his feet but threw a td pass on the play after the defense understandably thought the kid was going down. I know it is going to be hard to believe ….but I lost the turnover battle AGAIN. My turnover ratio this year is sickly. Nebraska had a 24-22 fd edge and a 495 - 422 edge in total yards. This was a game I did not get to see and I have yet to go through the play by play for an accurate accounting of what happened. But the bet looks good on its face at this point. Would be interested to hear from anyone who watched this game.

Purdue/mich st under 53 winner -- never in doubt despite Tiller being an idiot more times than I can count and having it blow up in his face. He went for it on fourth and 1 at around his own 30 yard line in the first quarter down 7-0 when he was getting no push from the o-line. He also threw the ball with under thirty seconds in the first half in his own end down 7-0 and it was intercepted and returned for a score with a few ticks left on the game clock. Moron. Purdue defense did a good job containing ringer for the most part as they were able to load up to stop it due to the weather conditions. Hoyer was therefore limited in what he could do. Purdue offense was completely shutdown all day long as their lone score came in the last minute of the game to avoid the shutout. 28 combined first downs and under 500 total yards of offense in a game lined 53. Yummy .. Nice to have an easy one.

Tcu -1 loser somehow -- not much to say here. If you read everything I had to say concerning that game in last weeks thread and last weeks tcu at Utah thread then you know why I feel this game was capped well. Everything that happened in the game fell right into place except for the score. Tcu could easily have won this by 3 td or more. Don’t really want to open up a bad beat wound so I will leave it at that. I think other than my eastern Michigan +22 game , this one was my best capped game of the year.

Wanted to point out another reason i feel ok about my 3-3 finish on sides this week .....In my six bets on sides vs the spread i lost the turnover battle 5-16 ...so -11 turnovers over the 6 games.

locked in

ncstate +4
TEXAS -12.5
oregon -3
maryland +3
notre dame -3
ucf +7.5
sjsu/nevada under 53
notredame/navy over 52
buffalo/akron under 61
purdue/iowa over 43.5

strong leans

rutgers +7.5
lsu -18

talk me off leans

south carolina +21.5 eliminated thur
purdue +17.5 eliminated thur
fsu -6.5 eliminated thur
washington +7 eliminated wed
byu -5.5 eliminated wed
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Great recaps as always.

TCU, nothing more to say. That was a game capped perfect. Your right though, number 2 behind that WMU game. Iowa under which I added late made me mad but we still got the ats. With how the scoring was going I thought I may get a lucky push getting that +9 lickety-split. Glad Iowa won though. They really hung in there. Twelve minute drive by the Flyboys? Wow, thats amazing. Thought you could only see that in NFL.

Well, I have been in a funk for two weeks, lets get outta it this week.
Great recaps as always.

TCU, nothing more to say. That was a game capped perfect. Your right though, number 2 behind that WMU game. Iowa under which I added late made me mad but we still got the ats. With how the scoring was going I thought I may get a lucky push getting that +9 lickety-split. Glad Iowa won though. They really hung in there. Twelve minute drive by the Flyboys? Wow, thats amazing. Thought you could only see that in NFL.

Well, I have been in a funk for two weeks, lets get outta it this week.

Will be interesting to see where the lines come out this week because there are more games that i think deserve a look this week iflines comeout near expectancy. We will have a big week next week. Hell you would have had a fine week if wasington st had not found some flukish way to score 28 points with just 12 friggin first downs.
what up buddy..great year man...

Next week looks like a weak schedule to me for some reason...not a lot of good games unlike te past few weeks..but that's just my opinion.

WOndering how many scary will be getting at the swamp....

Florida beat two dogshit teams riddled with injuries and a bad LSU team at home in last 3 weeks, now everyone thinks they are number 1. I think Scary can put up a fight..hoping it's not a night game and that I am catching at least 13.
Will be interesting to see where the lines come out this week because there are more games that i think deserve a look this week iflines comeout near expectancy. We will have a big week next week. Hell you would have had a fine week if wasington st had not found some flukish way to score 28 points with just 12 friggin first downs.

Still amazed myself man.

Cannot even explain.

Day just started off wrong with Michigan's defense playing like it was 97 or 06 all over again and being disciplined. Then the worst D1 qb ever having a perfectly managed game..lol

LSU game stressed me out big-time too.

I'll be around most of day tomorow. Trying to get tix for Det-Bos game at 6....if not I'll be around for early releases.
what up buddy..great year man...

Next week looks like a weak schedule to me for some reason...not a lot of good games unlike te past few weeks..but that's just my opinion.

WOndering how many scary will be getting at the swamp....

Florida beat two dogshit teams riddled with injuries and a bad LSU team at home in last 3 weeks, now everyone thinks they are number 1. I think Scary can put up a fight..hoping it's not a night game and that I am catching at least 13.

Hehe ... i can't get a florida game right this year ... leaned vandy if anything yesterday and was wrong again. If you like south carolina i guarantee that you get a good line. they can't make these florida lines big enough to keep the average bettor off of them. Looking impressive and they seem to get the money most weeks too.

Saw you cashed yet another bama ticket .....
Avoiding florida games myself but s carolia certainly presents more problems for them than the cupcakes they have been trouncing.

i kind of see some opportunities next week..... but never know until the lines come out. Really can't wait for others line predictions to break down the circled games more prior to release.
Still amazed myself man.

Cannot even explain.

Day just started off wrong with Michigan's defense playing like it was 97 or 06 all over again and being disciplined. Then the worst D1 qb ever having a perfectly managed game..lol

LSU game stressed me out big-time too.

I'll be around most of day tomorow. Trying to get tix for Det-Bos game at 6....if not I'll be around for early releases.

had no idea you were a big celtics fan ..........................:tiphat:

i watched most of the michigan game and they actually looked faster than someone.

that loss last week obviously left a hangover for minny. I don't think it helps that brewsters name keeps popping up whenever people talk about coaching vacancies either.

fear the gopher , no more.

Hated that team since 1987 when I was 7ish and started watching sports. Only good thing about them is the Irish clovers..reppin my heritage:tiphat:
VK, yeah..i had an up and down day..kinda like BAR..think I ended up juicing out after a late ND ML add...gotta go over numbers tomorrow...I was so happy bama and iowa hit though that I almost didn't care. Michigan was an anomaly..that game was weird...I'd bet it 10/10x with Sheridan back there though.

Sorry for going off on my day here...

ANyways..I had a vandy ticket and did you see the end of the game? Vandy had a very good chance of pulling that backdoor...

I noticed that UF has been blocking punts like it's Beamer ball..what's up with that?

That's what makes them scary, their special teams gives them great field position.
I would play Minny again too Hunt..

everything just came together today...

I was a bit scurred seeing line drop down again last few days....told me something...between Nicky and that defense...you cannot cap that.
VK, yeah..i had an up and down day..kinda like BAR..think I ended up juicing out after a late ND ML add...gotta go over numbers tomorrow...I was so happy bama and iowa hit though that I almost didn't care. Michigan was an anomaly..that game was weird...I'd bet it 10/10x with Sheridan back there though.

Sorry for going off on my day here...

ANyways..I had a vandy ticket and did you see the end of the game? Vandy had a very good chance of pulling that backdoor...

I noticed that UF has been blocking punts like it's Beamer ball..what's up with that?

That's what makes them scary, their special teams gives them great field position.

Yeah , what makes it real tough on the opponent is if you max protect the kid returning kicks can take it to the house on you if coverage is bad. Release your blocks too early and it gets blocked. Luckily for the gamecocks they throw interceptions long before the punter gets out there ......
BAR...I was in shock from 12pm till 3pm for real...in every phase of the game.

They wanted it more and they executed...although the ticket lost it was great to see that RR has not lost the team and that they are not quitting.

Sheridan managed the game....

but like you said, you can't cap the defense transforming in 1 week like that...impossible...or Sheridan playing out of his mind.

FYI, Minor seperated his shoulder
Yeah, maybe a bit and whats his name..Decker was hurt then out...

But you could not cap Michigan defense playing that good..and one of the worst QB's in modern history not turning ball over and actaully averaging over 10 yards per completion...

never saw it coming..at all..
Didn't know that about Brandon...wow..

Your right man...program wise...I will take it...just wish I had the cash in my pocket..lol
VK..Minny was definitely hungover...they failed to realize that they aren't good enough to walk over anyone, even a bad UM team.
with that said//it's gonna be interesting to see what the offense can do with a real qb.
Minny was definetly hungover from the NW game. To lose on a pick 6 . Most teams dont shake of those type losses.
yeah notre dame was flat for me and i have to wonder if that was hangover from quadruple ot loss to pitt.
yeah notre dame was flat for me and i have to wonder if that was hangover from quadruple ot loss to pitt.

I hit that UNDER pretty hard . Figured both offenses would struggle but that was a suprising game . One of the few totals I really nailed today . ATS though was great going 20-6 ..also really sucked on 2nd Hs today ......owe a thanks to Pags and DMoney for keeping me off WVU. Some crazy endings today . Even Kansas State scores 2 TDs in 1;30 with the ball on their own 6 yd line(busted teh 2nd H under) ...thankfully only had Mizzou 1st Half....I had the UVA game pegged perfectly and should have pounded that one . Wake 1st score , 1st H and game but UVA 2nd H only played 2 of the 4 though. As UVA was off the tough loss vs Miami in OT...

ND offense hasnt been good on the road all year so I think its a tad more then just the Pitt game.:cheers:
I hit that UNDER pretty hard . Figured both offenses would struggle but that was a suprising game . One of the few totals I really nailed today . ATS though was great going 20-6 ..also really sucked on 2nd Hs today ......owe a thanks to Pags and DMoney for keeping me off WVU. Some crazy endings today . Even Kansas State scores 2 TDs in 1;30 with the ball on their own 6 yd line(busted teh 2nd H under) ...thankfully only had Mizzou 1st Half....I had the UVA game pegged perfectly and should have pounded that one . Wake 1st score , 1st H and game but UVA 2nd H only played 2 of the 4 though. As UVA was off the tough loss vs Miami in OT...

ND offense hasnt been good on the road all year so I think its a tad more then just the Pitt game.:cheers:

wow sounds like a big day.

i think clausen struggked with the wet ball. he ws very inaccurate even with lots of time to throw and consistently overthrew receivers. So either he was doing something consistently wrong with his feet and/or delivery or he struggles in that type of weather.
Calling it a saturday,.... will be up early going through box scores that i havent gotten to yet tonight and will be around to talk football. Recommend the "sunday morning coffee" thread stickied at the top on sundays. cannot wait to see the line predictions for this week.

hope you all had a better week 11 than i did.
---Congrats to Dmoney for seeing the Michigan side in this one.

Dmoney's premise was Minney is a fraud. Let's look at their RESUME

-----who have they beaten????? Illinois? Not a great team and plays down to level of competition big time. Struggled with NIU, BG, Montana State, Indiana. Ohio State blew them out, struggled with Purdue, lost to NW. Minney has not blown anyone out to speak of besides BG I guess but thanks to +4 or 5 TO's stats were identical.

Now, I still think Minney is a decent club but realistically not as improved as made out to be perhaps, or maybe the better word is they have flaws. Pass defense is a strength whereas rund defense is not. Kafka doing what he did running similar plays as Michigan on zones spelled trouble in the run game. As well did the fact that Michigan matched up extremely well with Minney offense. Not a deep threat to stretch the field or a real spread out quick attack.

....Betters always remember the last game. After the Purdue shootout they said, that's it, Michigan's defense is toast, put a fork in them. that was a defining game in alot of ppl's eyes. Always keep in context. Both offenses scored a ton, at will, it happens, where the pace and momentum of a game overcomes both defenses to make them play worse then they are. Michigan prior had not performed up to expectations on D but not nearly as bad as being made out after Purdue game. They still were really high in statistics, and with that talent, weren't as far off as one might think.

Also, qb situation very eerily similar to NW last week. Both starters out, both perceived as lesser teams.
Last Week IMO should have been a BIG indicator to lay off this game. Same same same situation. If Minney couldn't cover that should of been weary of them covering this.

I will say this, it was an easy bet to take and for those who made the bet, very legitimate reasonable reasons were in place to take Minney. IMO you had to be a very astute and veteran capper to lay off the Minney line. I'll say this, with the injuries and public joe seeing last performance vs. IU for NW and Purdue for Michigan, would have thought 70 and higher % on Minney. Not the case at all, pretty even money. That's partly why I played it thinking it wasn't a sucker bet. IMO these % stats perhpas fudged a little, falsified to further sucker more money on Minney side cause I think most had it as a Minney or no play.

Just think there were several reasons to maybe take a step back and say Michigan could be in this one, but very hard to notice before the fact. If I could of laid off this game I think it would of showed an advancement in capping ability.

Overriding theme is Minney, yes, have improved, but a better wait and see approach because don't know if there is enough evidence there. Michigan matched up nicely, and I'll say it again, this game was played last week vs. NW. If Minney could not cover that a seed of doubt should have been planted how they would cover vs. Michigan. And if it was then ppl reason look how bad Michigan looked though vs. Purdue.

--Initially shocked as hell at this outcome. Soon realized not that surprising.

Don't think Minney is crap though either but maybe haven't proven enough and with this matchup didn't bode well. Have to learn how to "feel" these types of games.
yeah dmoney killed it this week. Best totals player out there....anywhere

.......This business we are in is a very humbling experience. It's like baseball, we are going to stike out a lot. 60% is an F on a test but great here, better than great, exceptional.

.......This is what is so fun and intriguing about it though. The challenge is soo high. This is not about the money but about beating the odds.

The Minnesota game is an example of how difficult this is.
kyle, i'm a big10 fan and i knew iowa was underrated, but wasn't as confident to the extent that they were underrated as you were. excellent work on this team. i wish i would have taken that moneyline; don't mind it too much as most of the game it looked like a losing proposition, but wanted to say thanks for making me take a closer look at the hard facts you put out there on this team. it was a nice ride over the last few weeks. it's too bad it has likely come to an end now as they have climaxed. pretty damn good game by stanzi
---Congrats to Dmoney for seeing the Michigan side in this one.

Dmoney's premise was Minney is a fraud. Let's look at their RESUME

-----who have they beaten????? Illinois? Not a great team and plays down to level of competition big time. Struggled with NIU, BG, Montana State, Indiana. Ohio State blew them out, struggled with Purdue, lost to NW. Minney has not blown anyone out to speak of besides BG I guess but thanks to +4 or 5 TO's stats were identical.

Now, I still think Minney is a decent club but realistically not as improved as made out to be perhaps, or maybe the better word is they have flaws. Pass defense is a strength whereas rund defense is not. Kafka doing what he did running similar plays as Michigan on zones spelled trouble in the run game. As well did the fact that Michigan matched up extremely well with Minney offense. Not a deep threat to stretch the field or a real spread out quick attack.

....Betters always remember the last game. After the Purdue shootout they said, that's it, Michigan's defense is toast, put a fork in them. that was a defining game in alot of ppl's eyes. Always keep in context. Both offenses scored a ton, at will, it happens, where the pace and momentum of a game overcomes both defenses to make them play worse then they are. Michigan prior had not performed up to expectations on D but not nearly as bad as being made out after Purdue game. They still were really high in statistics, and with that talent, weren't as far off as one might think.

Also, qb situation very eerily similar to NW last week. Both starters out, both perceived as lesser teams.
Last Week IMO should have been a BIG indicator to lay off this game. Same same same situation. If Minney couldn't cover that should of been weary of them covering this.

I will say this, it was an easy bet to take and for those who made the bet, very legitimate reasonable reasons were in place to take Minney. IMO you had to be a very astute and veteran capper to lay off the Minney line. I'll say this, with the injuries and public joe seeing last performance vs. IU for NW and Purdue for Michigan, would have thought 70 and higher % on Minney. Not the case at all, pretty even money. That's partly why I played it thinking it wasn't a sucker bet. IMO these % stats perhpas fudged a little, falsified to further sucker more money on Minney side cause I think most had it as a Minney or no play.

Just think there were several reasons to maybe take a step back and say Michigan could be in this one, but very hard to notice before the fact. If I could of laid off this game I think it would of showed an advancement in capping ability.

Overriding theme is Minney, yes, have improved, but a better wait and see approach because don't know if there is enough evidence there. Michigan matched up nicely, and I'll say it again, this game was played last week vs. NW. If Minney could not cover that a seed of doubt should have been planted how they would cover vs. Michigan. And if it was then ppl reason look how bad Michigan looked though vs. Purdue.

--Initially shocked as hell at this outcome. Soon realized not that surprising.

Don't think Minney is crap though either but maybe haven't proven enough and with this matchup didn't bode well. Have to learn how to "feel" these types of games.

Well the quality game was illinois but we are talking about a team that almost got beat by ULL and did get beat by Western michigan. Going into the michigan game the gophers were giving up roughly 130 yards a game at 4 yards per carry on the ground. I think situationally in retrospect ( because i dd not eally feel this way prior to kickoff--twenty twenty vision is nice :) ) that it might have been a bad spot is all. Would be surprised now if we saw too many great efforts out of this club this year. On a side note , i think this particular game bodes well for the michigan program because a lot of teams with michigans storied history would have shut down the season already ( see auburn and tennessee ) but Richrod still had the guys playing hard. I am telling you ... once he gets his types of players in there for his system , michigan will be back.
yeah dmoney killed it this week. Best totals player out there....anywhere

.......This business we are in is a very humbling experience. It's like baseball, we are going to stike out a lot. 60% is an F on a test but great here, better than great, exceptional.

.......This is what is so fun and intriguing about it though. The challenge is soo high. This is not about the money but about beating the odds.

The Minnesota game is an example of how difficult this is.

I think he might even be better with cbb totals ..........
kyle, i'm a big10 fan and i knew iowa was underrated, but wasn't as confident to the extent that they were underrated as you were. excellent work on this team. i wish i would have taken that moneyline; don't mind it too much as most of the game it looked like a losing proposition, but wanted to say thanks for making me take a closer look at the hard facts you put out there on this team. it was a nice ride over the last few weeks. it's too bad it has likely come to an end now as they have climaxed. pretty damn good game by stanzi

Team has been a cash cow and i am not ready to concede that they get overvalued this week , though it seems logical given purdue performance and iowa huge upset. Iowa will benefit from a strong homefield the way texas tech did after the longhorn game ...to help keep them up. Team has played hard every game this year so i expect taht to continue. They block and they tackle.

This was a team i was pimping in the offseason , and they just keep making me money. Have a feeling you are right ... the party is over now but i won't concede it until i actually see a line where they are overvalued. i don't think it has happened yet this year.
Here is the thing about Scary..

The defense is good, but, I don't know if the LB's are fast enough sideline to sideline for this offense. UF is just on fire right now. I also refuse to bet on a team who switches QB every play. I really can not stand it at all.
Here is the thing about Scary..

The defense is good, but, I don't know if the LB's are fast enough sideline to sideline for this offense. UF is just on fire right now. I also refuse to bet on a team who switches QB every play. I really can not stand it at all.

not a fan of the qb rotation either. Florida has played a pretty cushy schedule though. I don't want to get in their way right now anyway.

Besides i think the last two times ( or 2 of the last 3 ) that i have bet on south carolina they failed to score a second half point.
not a fan of the qb rotation either. Florida has played a pretty cushy schedule though. I don't want to get in their way right now anyway.

Besides i think the last two times ( or 2 of the last 3 ) that i have bet on south carolina they failed to score a second half point.

LSU and UGA?
Nebraska was the right side without a doubt. They should have won by 3 or 4 TD. KU scored a garbage TD late to cut it to 10 and then recovered the onside kick and moved the ball a bit after that. That made the yardage battle seem a lot closer than it was. NU dominated the LOS on both sides of the ball. Turnovers were the only thing that kept KU in the game.
Nebraska was the right side without a doubt. They should have won by 3 or 4 TD. KU scored a garbage TD late to cut it to 10 and then recovered the onside kick and moved the ball a bit after that. That made the yardage battle seem a lot closer than it was. NU dominated the LOS on both sides of the ball. Turnovers were the only thing that kept KU in the game.

thanks cubsker. i like to hear how the game played out when i didnt see it and we all know games are won in the trenches. important info moving forward i think.
Just wanted to say I would take Minny 100 out of 100x with Sheridan back there for UM...It would be like taking candy from a baby...but he transformed into Iron man or some shit.
what up buddy..great year man...

Next week looks like a weak schedule to me for some reason...not a lot of good games unlike te past few weeks..but that's just my opinion.

WOndering how many scary will be getting at the swamp....

Florida beat two dogshit teams riddled with injuries and a bad LSU team at home in last 3 weeks, now everyone thinks they are number 1. I think Scary can put up a fight..hoping it's not a night game and that I am catching at least 13.

LVSC has UF-21 and its a 3:30 game on CBS
Hey, VK

UNLV is screaming at me. Thoughts?

i wouldn't lay a td with unlv. no strong opinion or thoughts on that one right now.

i will say that rebels defensively struggle to stop the run but are much better at defending it in these pro set types of offenses as compared to the spread type looks. moore should have a good game against the rebels though.

wyoming stuffs the run and unlv has gotten creamed by every team that has done that but wyoming is vulnerable through the air.

Game will be totaled pretty low so 7 is a lot of points in a game like that.

i don't have much of a current opinion but will get back to ya
Gonna take a look at Illinois and Kansas State this week.


probably avoiding both games though i think kstate and nebraska are two teams going different directions right now.

illinois hosting tosu seems like a good line to me and wont be betting that one.

gl though to you in those two.