2008 cfb - Time to post my week 1 card so far

Alright , need some input as I am considering laying some huge numbers with two primarily run-based offenses with wisconsin and pittsburgh. Wondering how many plays less there will be per game this year with new clock rules. Does anyone have a reasonable estimate on that ?? Big favorites that grind it out like those might lose some value. Anyway , if someone has an estimate or knows of an estimate i would appreciate the help, thanks.
Playing UTEP the week before the school's biggest game in two decades is a risky proposition. Great value on that number otherwise.
Agree with your thoughts on the Owls, though I'll be seeing 7 so not sure if i'll pull the trigger.. like the revenge spot though. That sure as hell was a quirky game last year. GL with your plays VK
Playing UTEP the week before the school's biggest game in two decades is a risky proposition. Great value on that number otherwise.

I love the spot. It's one of my angles. Texas Game is meaningless if they lose to buffalo. Price loses his job first week of the year if they lose to buffalo ( barring confusa title ). School loses a ton of revenue the following week if utep loses here. Not a normal lookahead in my opinion. In addition , week1 has never been a lookahead situation really in the past. Everyone is anxious to play football.

I am playing that game. probably moneyline. Money has come in on buffalo and am hoping it continues so that i can get the best odds possible. I will have a good writeup on this game after i lock it in. Lots to like with the miners here.
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Try getting a ticket through the UTEP ticket office. Game's sold out. That's about as frrequent as a lunar eclipse.

Who has UTEP been preparing for all spring? Texas or Buffalo. Unless you think Price is a lifer at UTEP the answer lays with the former.
Try getting a ticket through the UTEP ticket office. Game's sold out. That's about as frrequent as a lunar eclipse.

Who has UTEP been preparing for all spring? Texas or Buffalo. Unless you think Price is a lifer at UTEP the answer lays with the former.

Well of course they have been preparing more for the longhorns. But they should not be looking past buffalo. Teams like this should not be looking ahead period and rarely do. This might be a game where that could happen but not very likely , especially given it is a week1 game. Moneyline brutha.

Sold out , aye ..... hmmm we have our tickets in order or are we going to have to scalperoo ?? I am not driving all the way to El Paso just for Chico's Tacos ( though those are some good tacos ).

Over 50k for a home miner game. Got to love it.
Don't see how you can really like Hawaii. I think Florida is up 31-3 at half. Hawaii returns nothing from last year's team which couldn't hang with the SEC on any level. Hawaii taped out last year and will soon be a perennial mess and bottom feeder of the WAC conference after losing everything they did. Just don't see how they move the ball on the road in this type of environment... and we know they won't stop the Gators from getting 10 yards on a set of downs more than a couple times.
Don't see how you can really like Hawaii. I think Florida is up 31-3 at half. Hawaii returns nothing from last year's team which couldn't hang with the SEC on any level. Hawaii taped out last year and will soon be a perennial mess and bottom feeder of the WAC conference after losing everything they did. Just don't see how they move the ball on the road in this type of environment... and we know they won't stop the Gators from getting 10 yards on a set of downs more than a couple times.

I think the warriors return more than they are getting credit for. Certainly return more experience than the 4 starters steele and lindys and others say they return on defense. The graunke loss isn't as big as some think as he was being pressed for that starters role anyway. Florida is becoming very banged up , especially in the secondary and while they have depth of talent , it is young and inexperienced and will be tested. Given the injuries to date , it is more likely that gators goal is to get out of this game healthy. The hawaii offensive line is just fine and they have plenty of stockpiled talent at wr. I think hawaii runs slightly more than we are used to seeing.

Will the gators score at will ... probably. But the line is getting out of hand. You have a hawaii team that would be a td favorite or more on a neutral field against ulm and auburn is -27 home to ulm and florida is -35 to hawaii. You have a hawaii team that would be 8-10 point favorites over akron on a neutral and yet wisconsin is just 26.5 at home to akron and florida is -35 to hawaii. This game is lined as if the gators were playing duke , syracuse , toledo or temple .... hawaii is better than that. I think if you checked out most power rating sources , you will find that this number is significantly too high by power rating. While you can't look at power rating in a vacuum and have to examine the matchup , it is off by PR by as much as a full TD.

If florida is ahead 31-3 at halftime , hawaii bettors are by no means out of the game. Hoping to get a 37 but given florida injuries i doubt it climbs to much more even when the public starts betting florida, which they undoubtedly will , whether they are right to do so or not is a different debate. There are a lot of us Hawaii bettors who have no incentive yet to make a wager on this game as the money keeps flying in on the gators. At some point the hawaii money on the sideline will be put into play.

Would be somewhat surprised to see florida hold hawaii to single digits in this game. And that means you need florida to score in the fifties or sixties here to cover. possible. But if that is what you like , the florida TT is probably going to be a better bet.

Also , the georgia game has been exxagerated. The domination in that game was not anywhere close to what some are claiming and pointing to in regards to facing the next SEC opponent( and only a 31 point game there). The matchup is also different as the florida defense is vulnerable. Would not be surprised at all if Hawaii got to twenty and i don't mind taking my chances with plus 6 scores in that type of scenario.

Also , a concern that i have in laying big numbers with wisconsin and pittsburgh is that i am unsure how many plays we lose per game via the new rules. That is going to hurt huge favorites to some degree.

likely playing that game but want the number. It is going to be a blowout. but the number is too high by my capping. Have to trust that , hold my nose and hopefully cash my ticket.

If you got the game at open ... 27.5 or thereabouts , that is a different animal than 35+.
Here is what i mean concerning attrition for florida so far this offseason and why i think they are most interested in ending the game quickly rather than running it up ....

August 12, 2008

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</TD><TD>Adam Gorney
Assistant Editor</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Five Florida football players have suffered anterior-cruciate ligament (ACL) tears this preseason, and the two newest casualties are freshman linebacker Brendan Beal and redshirt sophomore offensive lineman Jim Barrie. Neither was expected to start, but the number of knee injuries at this point in the season is alarming.

The three other players that have torn knee ligaments and are out for the year are senior tight end Cornelius Ingram, safety Dorian Munroe and safety John Curtis.

Ingram considered leaving after last season for the NFL Draft, and Munroe was a projected starter. Curtis was expected to offer depth in the secondary.

<!--Start BBeal200_0324_KK Image--><SCRIPT language=Javascript>document.write(insertImage('http://vmedia.rivals.com/uploads/882/623017.jpg', '623017.jpg', 0, 267, 200, 1, 'Beal (above) and Barrie have each suffered an ACL knee injury.', 'Kim Klement', 1218564244000, 'BBeal200_0324_KK', 882, 'Align=right'));</SCRIPT><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=208 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=202>
</TD><TD width=6 rowSpan=4>
</TD></TR><TR><TD align=right>Kim Klement</TD></TR><TR><TD height=3>
</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Beal (above) and Barrie have each suffered an ACL knee injury.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End BBeal200_0324_KK Image-->Coach Urban Meyer said after Tuesday's practice that he doesn't believe the coaching staff is working the players too hard. It might just be bad luck.

"I looked at everything, that's our job to make sure," Meyer said. "We followed pretty much the same routine, but we're going to research everything we do. It seems like last year was a high ankle sprain, two years (ago) was the shoulder. Five ACLs, that's a tough deal."

That's not the only new injury updates, either. Freshman T.J. Lawrence, who moved back to wide receiver after working for a week at safety, has a shoulder subluxation (a temporary, partial dislocation), and Meyer said he's not sure how long Lawrence will be sidelined.

Freshman safety Will Hill suffered a concussion a few days ago. He practiced Tuesday and is expected to participate in Wednesday's scrimmage. Sophomore cornerback Moses Jenkins also suffered a concussion recently and has not practiced the last two days.

Junior cornerback Markihe Anderson has a sprained right wrist but he should be fine in the next few days. Senior wide receiver Louis Murphy has a sprained right ankle and wore a protective boot at Monday's workout.

Percy Harvin practiced "off and on" Tuesday, Meyer said, but the junior wide receiver/running back will not scrimmage on Wednesday. Redshirt freshman running back Chris Rainey, who had dealt with a hip injury he sustained in track season, was full speed on Tuesday.

Meyer said freshman defensive tackle Omar Hunter practiced Tuesday but was not involved with many contact drills. Matt Patchan, another freshman defensive tackle, is also being eased back with a pectoral muscle injury. Freshman cornerback Jeremy Brown has been sidelined for two days with back spasms.

"It's frustrating when guys are hurt, but at our staff meeting this morning I drew up our offensive line and drew up everybody when they're healthy and it's a pretty good football team," Meyer said. "We'll be all right."

Barrie's injury does not seem to play a major factor in offensive line depth. The starting five of Jason Watkins, Phil Trautwein, Maurkice Pouncey, Mike Pouncey and Jim Tartt should all be fine. Tartt is dealing with a tender shoulder, but it doesn't seem like a major concern.

Backing them up are Maurice Hurt, who practiced Tuesday, Carl Johnson, James Wilson and Marcus Gilbert. Meyer said Gilbert is playing like a starter and that he and defensive tackle Lawrence Marsh are the two most improved players on the team.

Wide receivers Carl Moore and Deonte Thompson are also on Meyer's most improved list.

"I was crushed in the spring," Meyer said. "(Moore) wasn't very good. He's one of (quarterback Tim Tebow's) favorite targets right now. They worked all summer and you can tell they worked all summer."

With the abundance of injuries at safety, redshirt sophomore Justin Williams, a former wide receiver, has moved to the defensive backfield. Meyer said Wednesday's scrimmage will be important for Williams.

"He's been there for two days," Meyer said. "Very athletic, moves really well. Can he understand it and learn it? Our secondary coach (Chuck Heater) is pretty excited about it."

News & Notes: Meyer said sophomore Joe Haden is playing like an SEC corner. He's also happy with safety Ahmad Black's progress in practice.
Great stuff VK on the UF/UH game and all the more reason I think team total is the only way to go. I can see your point now if it gets to the higher thirties. Been a big line move and your sitting much prettier now. Then, there is also what we talked about last night as far as # of plays.
Great Thread.......Tons of Info. I saw you moved off Middle Tennessee State. I was kinda watching that one too. What reasons did you decide not too move?
Thanks bar , pags , christian.

I will give ya the reasons on the mtsu no play tomorrow night if i can manage. They have suffered some injuries that are pretty panful to the team. Cliff notes version ... There were a couple of other major concerns and between the injuries and concerns and a line drop , i had to let it go.
Well of course they have been preparing more for the longhorns. But they should not be looking past buffalo. Teams like this should not be looking ahead period and rarely do. This might be a game where that could happen but not very likely , especially given it is a week1 game. Moneyline brutha.

Sold out , aye ..... hmmm we have our tickets in order or are we going to have to scalperoo ?? I am not driving all the way to El Paso just for Chico's Tacos ( though those are some good tacos ).

Over 50k for a home miner game. Got to love it.

Tickets have been procured, brother.

I been to El Paso 'bro; it wouldn't surprise me if Chico's Tacos is the best thing in that city. Congratulations on not having to live there any more.

I dug into the Buffalo/Miner matchup a little more last nite; I completely agree that there is no way the Miner's are looking ahead here...Price is a solid coach to have in this case. I have more lucid thoughts now on this game but I'm still not playing the Miner's, though I am much more open to being talked into playing them...really looking fwd to your thoughts on this game. I see it as being rather high scoring...

I been to El Paso 'bro; it wouldn't surprise me if Chico's Tacos is the best thing in that city. Congratulations on not having to live there any more.

I dug into the Buffalo/Miner matchup a little more last nite; I completely agree that there is no way the Miner's are looking ahead here...Price is a solid coach to have in this case. I have more lucid thoughts now on this game but I'm still not playing the Miner's, though I am much more open to being talked into playing them...really looking fwd to your thoughts on this game. I see it as being rather high scoring...

I was not kidding when i said i was looking forward to chico's tacos. I accept your offerings of congratulations. Suffice it to say that i have never had a desire to live there again. If you are ever there again , there is a place called "Cattleman's" that is actually just a tad out of town ... it's basically a ranch .... has great bbq beef.

I tend to not want to do writeups on games until after i play them but i will try to get it done by the end of the weekend. Playing idaho today so i will have that one done by the end of the week. Your assessment that it will be high scoring is dead on. Miners have some explosive playmakers on offense that buffalo has never shown the ability to contain and the miners have not shown the ability to tackle anyone. Get a nice little DC from new mexico and hopefully the team has bought into the 3-3-5 he brings with him. Will have more on this one , though i think i made most of my angles known in another thread , just can't remember which.
i know you made a lot of points about utep in my thread...<!-- / message -->

Just read thru that discussion; no further write-up is necessary, that is really good stuff...both of you. :shake:
I went ahead and played Idaho today at +28 at leroys. Had lunch at the palms and the number is there as well. Wish we had known , it could have saved a trip. This game might see 28.5 by kickoff but it was trending downward and i didn't want to lose the fourth full td. As I said , I will try to have a decent writeup on this game by weeks end.
Yeah. We hit it hard .. leroys dropped it all the way to 26. Still can get 28's at palms and charlies properties.
i'm sorry, I just don't see the reasoning behind Idaho here. What makes you think Arizona won't drop 50 here?
i'm sorry, I just don't see the reasoning behind Idaho here. What makes you think Arizona won't drop 50 here?

They could.

What makes you think idaho can't reach 20 ?

I will have a writeup on the game RSMS. We disagree about the game obviously and you can pick apart my reasoning after i give it. Like all my plays , they are just my opinion and i am wrong 42-43 percent of the time each year.
On Idaho and the Cincinnati Season win over, and Purdue season win under.

Against you on TCU, took the +7 with New Mexico.
On Idaho and the Cincinnati Season win over, and Purdue season win under.

Against you on TCU, took the +7 with New Mexico.

Well, i wouldn't have played tcu at 7 either.... though i wouldn't touch unm for anything. Atleast if i lose , someone i like cashes.

"I have no idea what's going on"
kyle, looking forward to your thoughts on the Idaho game as I'll be riding with you...from the bit of info. you have posted it appears we have similar views on the game...
Alright going to give some thoughts on the Idaho at Arizona affair

The Game : Idaho at Arizona

The line : Idaho +28

The play: Idaho +28

Idaho offense vs. Arizona defense

Idaho offensive line vs. Arizona Defensive line

Steele is off a little bit as far as who will likely be starting where for this vandals club up front and also who will start up front for the wildcats defensively. The starting left tackle for Idaho the first game of the year should be 6-4 310 pound Matt Cleveland. He was the most dominant player of the vandals spring practice and gets the nod to protect Nate Enderle’s blind side. This allowed Idaho to move last years second team all-wac LT kris Anderson ( 6-3 300 ) to LG and makes a formidable left side of the line for the vandals. At center they get Adam korby ( 6-2 291 ) back for yet another year of football. He has 35 career starts for Idaho at center and earned all-wac second team honors last year. RT Bates also returns after starting all 12 games last year. He weighs in at 270. They have another fatty weighing in at 297 in RG adam Juralovac who started 5 games last year for them and 15 starts over his career. The average size of this line is 293.6 pounds and averaged 7.8 starts per player a year ago. Pretty solid when you consider what the line did last year. They opened holes to the tune of 4.0 yards per carry a year ago and should improve on that quite a bit. Have to like the size and the experience of the line and it is one of the top 3 offensive lines in the conference.

The Arizona Defensive line returns ZERO starters to the defensive line,. With the loss of DE turner to problems with the law , the entire Arizona defense returns just two players. But lets look at the DL. They average out at 271 pounds. They have a combined 1 start. The four players who fill the starting rolls DE Elmore , De B Reed , DT Mitchell , NT mikaele had a combined 30 tackles last year and to make matters worse they are relying on unproven converted players to get the job done. Mitchell is a HS TE that they converted to RB and now are converting to interior DL , Elmore is a converted OL and Brooks Reed is a converted RB. One of the four DL that they replaced was second team all pac-10 and drafted by the chargers.

We have a rare case here where the Idaho vandals have both the size advantage ( 22 pounds ) and the experience advantage over the wildcats defensive line. The Idaho offensive line is a proven commodity that rates to improve while the Arizona defensive line ahs to be considered a downgrade from the team that gave up 138 yards a game on the ground a year ago. There should be holes for the Idaho back to run through in this game. By the end of this writeup you will see that this matchup is the significant part of my bet in this game.

Idaho RB vs. Arizona LB

Idaho has a very talented running back in Deonte Jackson. He was second team All-wac as a freshman gaining 1175 yards at 4.9 a clip last year. He was also adept at catching the ball out of the backfield with seventeen catches a year ago. At the time of this write up he is sitting out of fall practice with stiffness in his back but all signs point to him being full health for the opener. Make note of it for those of you who would wait to be certain before wagering as if Jackson is a no go there is a significant drop off at this position. As I stated above , Idaho should actually get a decent push from the OL vs. the inexperienced and slightly undersized ( only slightly though , I don’t want to exaggerate, its 22 pounds on average ) DL and that means he should reach the second level of the Arizona defense. The system Akey employs is mostly one back sets and utilization of the TE as a lead blocker at times.

Arizona will likely start Ronnie Palmer , Xavier Kelley and college BUST Adrian McCovy at linebacker. There is a chance that JUCO transfer tuihalamaka could get the nod. Palmer is the stud of this group and the only returning starter to the unit as well as THE ONLY ARIZONA DEFENSIVE PLAYER THAT I FORECAST TO GET SECOND TEAM PAC-10 HONORS THIS YEAR. They won’t have a single defensive player on the pac-10 first team defense. That is a rarity for this program. Palmer was the second leading tackler ( 83) last year and will likely be the leading tackler this year. Good player. The other two guys combined for 12 tackles. The line backing corp loses a first team pac 10 player to the nfl as well. Have you been adding this up ? Outside of Palmer the other 6 starters for the Arizona front seven had a combined 42 tackles last year !!! Asking a lot of this front seven to shut down the Idaho rush game in my opinion.

Idaho QB and WR vs. Arizona secondary

Clearly this is the weakness of the Idaho offensive unit right now. Nate Enderle has won the job again this year for the vandals. He was less than great last year. He completed just 44.3 percent of his passes and threw 10 td vs. 18 interceptions. It gets even worse. As a team the Vandals threw 13 td passes to their guys ,,,,, and threw 6 td via interceptions to the other team !! There were some excuses though. Enderle was a freshman and the entire team was learning new systems under Akey . Given a year within the system and a year of college experience , his level of play should be better. He also rates to get decent protection from the offensive line in this particular game , save the Arizona blitz packages, which might cause some issues. The vandals return the top 4 pass catchers from last eyar plus the production out fo the backfield from Jackson. The problem is …. They didn’t catch many balls last year. Again we are looking at a lot of returning starters and as noted by players all spring and fall , the fact that they don’t have to learna new system this year as they have in the past should help this unit and its timing with the qb the msot of all. I wouldn’t expect a ton of production from these guys against Zona but they are adequate and experienced.

Arizona loses a great player in Antoine Cason to the chargers and lose the opposite corner Fontenot to the nfl draft as well. They do return a combined 18 starts to the safety position from last year and they are quality players in Nelson and Cass. I guess you would have to consider safety as the most solid position on this defense to start the year. They have two upperclassmen they will rely on to replace the studs they had at CB last year. Hundley and Ross reportedly both have talent and have been steadily improving in the spring and fall. This is a very talented group of guys but can the corners be ready for game one ?? Also, there is no way you could expect coverage of this team to be better than a year ago …. And if so … again , not for the first game of the year.

I think this is where Idaho may struggle a bit. The QB has yet to show much consistency , accuracy or the ability to avoid the big mistake. Still , you should see improvement in all three of those categories and if he can manage to just throw one interception here and not more , I think the vandals could have an average day through the air.


Ok , lets not get carried away here. YES the vandals return 9 to their offense , and YES Arizona returns a whopping 2/3 ( depending how you view ness ) starters to their defense but also keep in mind the quality of talent that Idaho gets on offense as a whole and what stoops brings in for defense. But you would absolutely have to think that Idaho is capable of scoring on these guys. Idaho managed to score double digits in every game they played last year despite returning just 5 to the offense , starting a freshman qb and learning a new system run by different coaches after Erickson left for sunny Arizona ( a possible motivational angle as well , being in that state ? ). Now they are in year TWO and the qb has a full season of experience and the team has learned the system. They have the second to fourth best oline in the WAC by most estimations , return a stud rb , and all the receivers. They averaged 19.5 first downs a year ago. Why should they fail to get first downs and score vs. this particular defense in this game ?? It is game 1 for a lot of these guys on the Arizona defense. I cannot fathom that Idaho doesn’t improve dramatically offensively this year. 24 points seems a very reasonable expectation from an output standpoint from these guys and you would expect that to come by grinding out first downs with the proven back, Jackson while mixing in the pass vs. a capable wildcat secondary. Perhaps by seasons end this Arizona defense would be capable of more against the Idaho offense but replacing 4 nfl caliber players , including at least one at each level of the defense while returning just 2/3 starters , seems like too high of expectations to me.

Arizona Offense vs. Idaho defense

Arizona Offensive line vs. Idaho defensive line

I love this offensive line for Arizona.. Not sure yet whether they are starting Webb or Tretheway at LT but the line as whole will average out to about 302.5 pounds per player. They return a lot of experience as well and unlike the Idaho experienced guys , you are looking at some pretty highly regarded talents. Should look like this … RT Britton , RG Longacre , C Kerley , LG Baxter , LT Tretheway. Last year this unit was young but they return 47 starts from a year ago to the starting unit. They underachieved in my opinion last year and really had to play a lot of tough rush defenses in tough spots. The result was averaging under 80 yards a game running the ball and yielding over 2.5 sacks a game as well. You should see HUGE improvement in regards to both of those stats. Look at the quality of rush defenses they played against last year … BYU-9<SUP>th</SUP> , UNM 26<SUP>th</SUP> , Oregon st 1<SUP>st</SUP> , USC 4<SUP>th</SUP> , Oregon 38<SUP>th</SUP> , Arizona st 21<SUP>st</SUP>, UCLA 14<SUP>th</SUP>. So as you can see their lack of rushing ability is a little bit deceiving due to the competition they were playing. They won’t have that kind of problem here with Idaho. Experience , more size and level of competition should have these guys primed for a much better year and a big day against Idaho.

Idaho rush defense was probably not as bad as you would think , especially considering the number of games in which they were behind. They gave up 161 a game and under 4 yards a carry and while they had very few sacks , they also had less pass plays against them per game than most teams. They are big and fat in the middle and small on the ends for the defensive front. Difficult to give the exact average weight here but they will be smallish compared to Arizona for sure. The two ends who will start are Shaw and Rust and they go 255 . 231 respectively which is pretty small when facing a bunch of 300 pounders. The defensive tackles ….. I admit it …. I don’t have a clue who the week 1 starters will actually be but I think you can expect a rotation to keep them fresh. They do have some guys with size to fill the middle. Sekona , sataraka, faumui and lavarius should all see time this year and should spell each other from time to time. I am lacking in some information regarding these tackles and who is starting and have found no injury updates on any of these guys. So somewhat of an unknown for me here but they will be big and will lack experience. So they return 18 starts on the ends from last year but are hurting in the middle. Arizona should be able to exploit both , using size to dominate the more experienced ends and having a quality Center to control the middle. No reason at all to think that Idaho can slow down the wildcats here.

Look for the wildcats to run more in this game than in most games this year. Arizona attempted over 25 carries in only two games last year , both against swiss cheese rushing defenses in Northern Arizona and Washington State. Would expect that to be the case here as well for several reasons. First is that Arizona has to feel like that if they don’t turn the ball over they win this game. Secondly , they want to establish a better running game this year. And develop confidence in it. Thirdly and most importantly , Stoops has a stud QB in Tuitama that also happens to have major concussion history that he is battling. No need to put him in a ton of situations where that can happen against an overmatched Idaho defense. So I would expect 32-35 carries out of Arizona , mostly via Grigsby and he will have a huge day for the wildcats.

Arizona RB vs. Idaho linebackers

I don’t know how many of you got a chance to see Grigsby run and catch ast year for Arizona . This kid has a lot of talent and a lot of heart. He rushed for 4.4 a carry a year ago and also hauled in 35 catches as well. He is a quality back and very versatile.He rushed for a little over 700 last year and will top 1k this year. Dykes of Texas Tech fame runs the same type of offense here as he did at Texas Tech so you see one back sets , delayed hand offs , linemen spread VERY far apart. Look for Grigsby to find space between the tackles more this year.

The Vandals are really young at linebacker. I happen to hold the middle linebacker in pretty high regard. Jon Faraimo should be a pretty good centerpiece for this defense in the upcoming years but the guy is converting from DL to middle linebacker this year and I wouldn’t expect great things from him in this game. He will be surrounded by other young guys here as well. Dickson will start at strong side linebacker while Ferguson and Allen will likely split a lot of time at Weak side linebacker. This unit is extremely young and I have little reason to believe that they are improved as a front seven. In addition , Arizona sports one of the better Tight Ends you will see this year in college football and he makes for another impossible matchup for the Idaho defense.

Just cannot figure out how Idaho stops the Arizona rushing game with any consistency. Akey is good at scheming vs. the run and the vandals did hold over half of their opponents last year under 4 yards a carry but youth , size , speed and experience are all lacking here. Again this is the second year in the system so you might expect improvement as a team from an understanding standpoint but these guys just have not gotten enough snaps. Atrocious front seven on paper and Arizona will do what they want.

Arizona QB and WR vs. Idaho secondary

Arizona has a top notch QB in willie tuitama and the senior is battle tested. He is capable of making all the throws in the offense and now that he has seen what Dykes likes to do for a full season he should only improve upon last year. Especially with a maturing line that should give him more time to throw and batter down and distances with a superior rungame than last year. Pretty impressive for the tenth rated pass attack last year. If there is one problem with Tuitama it is that he is slow in the pocket and has suffered a few concussions over the course of his career. A bad combo and one that I think comes into play here in the minds of stoops and dykes. Tuitama will have a lot of quality targets to throw to. They return their four top receivers from last year including a 1000yard receiver in Mike Thomas and as I previously mentioned , one of the better receiving tight ends in college right now with Gronkowski. This qb/wr combination is going to be difficult for just about any defense to defend this year and that includes Idaho. The starting wr unit with TE return over 2500 receiving yards and almost 200 receptions. Again , that was in the first year of the system and while facing some tough defenses a year ago. Should be better this year.
Idaho was simply atrocious vs. the pass last year. Allowing 66.2 percent of the passes to be completed against them while yielding 27 td to just 11 interceptions. They gave up over 3000 yards through the air at 257 a game and the amazing part is that they did this while opponents only attempted 31 passes a game. However , this unit appears to be the strength of the Idaho defense this year. They are pretty sound at the safety spots with Shiloh keo ( 24 starts last two years ) and a CAL transfer that was
highly regarded at the other spot. One corner position is will be manned by Williams who started every game last year bu the other corner spot will be a question mark with an offseason injury causing some concern. My guess is that Hunter gets the call but can’t say that with much confidence. A pretty solid unit all in all but just not good enough to match up with what Arizona brings to the table as far as talent and scheme. Throw in the fact that wr is the least talented position on idahos offensive side of the ball and this secondary is not getting a great test in practices either.
Arizona will be able to succeed in the passing game against this secondary but the possibility of an interception is not out of the question with this group and they don’t lack speed either. Dykes is a master at this offense and creating mismatches that he can exploit. There is absolutely no depth for Idaho in the secondary which is also something that this particular offensive system can exploit.


Arizona is going to score gang,…… and score again …. And score again. They have all the tools to make a bad defense like Idaho’s look even worse. But I would expect Arizona to be slightly more vanilla here than in any other game this season. The wildcats should have a lot of incentive in keeping tuitama upright and given the ability to run , they should do that a lot more here than in most games. Stoops is going to want to instill some confidence in the rush game and into the defense . All of this can be accomplished by taking care of the football via the running game. The cats are going to pass of course , that’s what they do best and what the offense is designed to do…. But if I am coach there are only two ways I can come out of this game a loser …. One is by turning the ball over in quantity and the other is by allowing star players to get hurt. You eliminate both by running more. Dykes does come from the school of running it up but stoops is a defense guy by nature. Just get through the game has to be the thought , especially while on the hot seat. If tuitama gets hurt , this guy is going to lose his job.

Special teams and coaching

Idaho -- senior kicker 9-10 under 40 yards , 3-5 40-49 and 2 of 3 from 50+. Senior punter 40.7 avg. One of the best kicking units in the WAC and actually makes phil steeles top 25 in terms of special teams with Keo returning punts. I don’t have them ranked that high myself

Arizona --senior kicker 13-16 under 40 yards , 8-9 40-49 yds , 0-1 50+.. Soph punter , first tema pac10 43.7 average . More talent and speed in return game. I give a slight edge to Arizona in special teams but it is as close to a wash as you see in college these days.

As far as coaching , I give the edge to stoops and I also give some coaching motivational angles here to stoops as well. He needs a good season to keep his job. Throw in having dykes as an OC and the edge becomes slightly more.

How I see the game playing out

I look for akey to try and slow the game down and control the clock with his big experienced offensive line vs. the inexperienced converted players on the Arizona defensive line and mixing in the pass as needed. Jackson should find room to run both between and outside of tackles and with just 2 or 3 returning starters on defense I would expect a missed assignment or two from the wildcats as well. First downs will be grinded out and when bogged down in scoring position they have a kicker who can get the job done. When Arizona has the ball I see them doing basically anything they want offensively. I suspect that will mean protecting tuitama and the football more than most games involving this team. They will have success with grigsby , the TE and the receivers. I think we see nearly 70 rush attempts in the game combined and with both teams moving the ball , we see a more limited number of possessions. Tick tock tick tock . Anytime I can get 4 td when I think a team can reach 20+ points vs. the opponent , I am probably going to bet the game. Arizona is 3-14 as a home favorite over their last 17 , and has won just one game by 28 plus points since the start of 2004 ( +9.5 vs. ucla they won 52-14 .. And I had zona hehe woot ).

Final score Arizona 44 Idaho 23
I got long winded again.

Still have the utep game to summarize and will get to my reasoning on letting the mtsu game fall off my list of potential plays.
nice write-up...may give the over in that game a long look. great points you make to back idaho; not a fan of those huge spreads personally though. it's possible zona scores 50, 60, 70 points...if you're this confident idaho is able to steal a couple, over might be worth a look
nice write-up...may give the over in that game a long look. great points you make to back idaho; not a fan of those huge spreads personally though. it's possible zona scores 50, 60, 70 points...if you're this confident idaho is able to steal a couple, over might be worth a look

I was just 7-9-1 last year with my double digit dogs, so it wasn't a strength of mine. Did much better at the lower lined games. I can see Arizona getting to fifties but don't see much reason for them to run it up and plenty of reason to slow it down a little when they get up big.
I did a lot of discussing concerning the UTEP at Buffalo game in Broadwayjoe's college football thread for week 1 and he has given me the ok to cut and paste the discussion into my thread so that i don't have to do a long winded write up again. He and I disagree about the outcome of that game and you will see that he addresses almost all of the concerns that one would have with the UTEP side of that play. He makes a lot of valid points. Here is how the discussions went .........
Can't lay the points will Buffalo - why not? they got significantly better as the year progressed last year, and they are returning 18 starters...you think it's more likely for utep to travel from texas to buffalo and get a W with that sorry ass defense? bottom-feeding team in a bottom-feeding conference in an out of conference game with a coach who's all but fired with an inferior defense, rushing attack (significant downgrade from marcus thomas to jackson in my opinion), and coaching ...on the road? just don't see it being very likely they win this game.

I can give you several reasons why you shouldn't lay the points with buffalo and also disagree that the team vastly imrpoved last year at the end of year.

--Buffalo has now lost 23 of their last 24 games played against FBS opponents that are not currently part of the MAC conference. Their lone victory came against ucf in 2004. UCF went 0-11 that year.

--Last years record of 5-7 from Buffalo was a mirage. Lets look at their victories.
At temple --buff 42 temple 7. buffalo dominated this game getting 11 more first downs and holding temple to 10 first downs , negative yards rushing and just 141 total yards. Domination and a deserved victory
home to ohio. buffalo 31 ohio 10. 22-18 fd edge , plus 2 in turnovers , about a 120 yard advantage. deserved victory
home to toledo. buff 43 toledo 33. buffalo was out first downed 16 -31 !! outgained by roughly 90 yards. Buffalo had a 75 yard td pass in that game and a fumble recovery for touchdown as well. They were not the better team.
home to akron. buffalo 26 akron 10. buffalo was again outgained and outfirstdowned. 18-21 and 280 vs 327 respectively. They were the benefactors of plus 3 in turniovers.
at kent st. buff 30 kent 23 overtime. outgained again though by only 17 yards and both teams had 21 first downs. The game went to overtime because the kent st kicker missed an extra point early in the game and then had a chipshot 29 yard field goal blocked near the end of regulation.

--The Buffalo bulls outfirstdowned and outgained their opponent in one game the entire season and that was at temple.

--buffalo did especially poorly vs big offensive lines like the ones out of conference. The bulls DL this year averages 269 pounds and LOSES AN NFL CALIBER PLAYER. I bolded this because buffalo simply doesn't produce that many nfl caliber players and he is imposible to replace. The kid accounted for 10 of buffalos 23 sacks last year and his replacement this year weighs 247. UTEP brings in an offensive line that averages out over 303 pounds. 40 pound differential might spell trouble for Buffalo losing their best defensive player.

--Buffalo also loses a player from the offensive line to the nfl. As i said above these are rare birds for this program and replacing him with a guy who has been with the program for 5 years and is getting his first start doesn't instill confidence. Still the buffalo line is big and the UTEP line is tiny but it means less in the new defense that utep will use this year of 3 dl , 3 lb , 5 db. They brought in the Defensive coordinator from UNM and we should see a lot of improvement this year from utep defensively , though it would be hard to think they are completely prepared and used to the system for game 1.

--This game is a HUGE game for both mike price and the UTEP MINER football program. How many times does buffalo face a team that is looking forward to playing them and not looking past them ? UTEP has put an emphasis on this game. Big motivational edges to the miners

--UTEP outperforms the number as a road dog. This team with Price as head coach is now 9-3 ATS as an away underdog.

--In addition to generally being bigger and faster than buffalo the miners also destroy buffalo when it comes to offensive playmakers. While willy is a decent qb who manages games well , Vittatoe is a special player. As someone who has followed the UTEP program , I can tell you that i think he will be the best UTEP qb EVER. He should only improve as a player from his freshman record-setting season of last year. Jackson , while slightly less of a player than Thomas was due to injury , is a very talented kid. Moturi is a tougher cover for Buffalo than any player they will defend in conference ( they do have kinder and maclin to defend ooc ).

--Special teams in a field goal spread game are huge. UTEP has excelled in special teams and will again this year. Martinez does not just have an accurate leg but has an accurate leg from distance.
utep kicker last year 7-7 from 40-49 yards , 2-4 from 50plus
buffalo kicker last year 2-7 from 40-49 yards , 0-0 50plus
in addition , due to emphasis on the unit , the miners consistently are explosive in the return game. In a game lined as closely as this one is , the special teams needs to be considered more heavily than your average game.

UTEP has the talent edge , the speed edge , the size edge , the motivation edge, the skill player edge , the special teams edge. Buffalo has the homefield and a slightly better defense than what utep brings unless the miner defenders have bought into the new defense in the spring and fall.

Wrong team favored and i would never rush to lay points with a team that is looking for its second ooc victory since september of 2002.


excellent points vegas...lots of good stuff in there particularly some of that insight on utep ...a little rebuttle...

disagree that the team vastly imrpoved last year at the end of year - still not so sure why you disagree with this other than your opinion that some of their wins were mirages because of the way they play...i unfortunately watched several buffalo games, and i can assure you that they looked a lot more comfortable, confident, cohesive, and all-around way better of a football team at the end of the year...

--Buffalo has now lost 23 of their last 24 games played against FBS opponents that are not currently part of the MAC conference. Their lone victory came against ucf in 2004. UCF went 0-11 that year. - i like a good trend every now and then as much as the next guy, but i really don't think this applies here in a program trying to get turned around to the extent buffalo has blown over the years and it being the pre-gill "era" (HA) and now they will be trying to build momentum and think they are in hunt for a mac title/bowl game...so i don't necessarily think that they lack motivation

--The Buffalo bulls outfirstdowned and outgained their opponent in one game the entire season and that was at temple. - never claimed they were explosive or high-powered on offense...but they had an increasingly effective running game that should benefit from the 3-3-5 switch, a qb who doesn't make mistakes and should be better with a year of experience, and the ability to control the clock and play keep away which is the only way to beat an explosive offense. also helps they are playing an awful, awful defense talent-wise...also i disagree with you that these are anomalies and buff should have lost all those games....obviously a huge part of the game is the ability to hang on to the football and make plays on defense that cause turnovers...

--buffalo did especially poorly vs big offensive lines like the ones out of conference. - this is a trend/situation that i wasn't aware of...i will look into this further thanks

---The kid accounted for 10 of buffalos 23 sacks last year and his replacement this year weighs 247. UTEP brings in an offensive line that averages out over 303 pounds. 40 pound differential might spell trouble for Buffalo losing their best defensive player. - agree it will be tough to match that same pressure from last year, but they have 8 returning starters on that squad that was the strength by far of the team and the 2 corners were freshmen that will be a lot better with a year under their belt

--They brought in the Defensive coordinator from UNM and we should see a lot of improvement this year from utep defensively , though it would be hard to think they are completely prepared and used to the system for game 1. - aware of this and not a fan of this system personally, especially vs teams like buffalo. they don't have the talent to make the system work either because they haven't been recruiting for the system. i see zero changes early on and agree with your last statement that they won't be prepared defensively

-- UTEP has put an emphasis on this game. Big motivational edges to the miners - you seem to know more about utep than i do, but i just don't see how there can be a motivational edge with texas on deck and them having to travel so far...just don't see it. and price i believe is a lame duck coach and not a good one so any excitement and motivation he tries to create has a good chance at failing

--UTEP outperforms the number as a road dog. This team with Price as head coach is now 9-3 ATS as an away underdog. - don't have the numbers, but don't believe c-usa performs well against the number ooc, and i consider utep to be one of the worst teams in the conf

--Special teams in a field goal spread game are huge. UTEP has excelled in special teams and will again this year. Martinez does not just have an accurate leg but has an accurate leg from distance.
utep kicker last year 7-7 from 40-49 yards , 2-4 from 50plus
buffalo kicker last year 2-7 from 40-49 yards , 0-0 50plus
in addition , due to emphasis on the unit , the miners consistently are explosive in the return game. In a game lined as closely as this one is , the special teams needs to be considered more heavily than your average game.
- good points...just hope to keep the returners off the field and i think there is a good chance of that because they won't be punting much and it's not like they'll be scoring everytime down either... a ball control offense is one that they have and that is what they need here

UTEP has the:
talent edge: overall, yes. but on one side of the ball i'm not so sure. i agree with this overall though....
the speed edge ...yes
the size edge ...concentrating on one side of the ball again imo..a 3-3-5 is not a significant size advantage taking all into account
the motivation edge - agree to disagree
the skill player edge - yes

Buffalo has the:
homefield advantage - something i hold a lot of weight on, especially with long travel and no rivalry present
slightly better defense - i would argue a way better defense; more experienced, more talented, better track record, better play-makers, comfortable with their system, and have a system that is much more equipped to their opponent than vise versa

i would also argue a big coaching advantage
i would also argue the better running game

under gill their ooc has been absolutely brutal by the way...just did some digging:


at auburn
at bc
at wisc


at rutgers
at penn st
at cuse

the only games that they had ANY chance in hell of winning were cuse (in which they were very competitive) and maybe, maybe baylor, who they only lost by 13...but regardless they played zero mid-majors ooc, so i don't see how you could hold a whole lot of weight to that


lol , well we see it differently. would wish you luck but i will be on the other side so it would be hollow as far as this game is concerned.

Mike Price loses this game , he is fired. I am a big Turner Gil guy too but price is a good coach , you have to remember the utep program was in the crapper almost as much as buffalo prior to his arrival. Small coaching edge to buffalo i agree.

Disagree that buffalo has the better rushing game this year than the miners. Certainly the miners had a better rushing game than buffalo last year and against similar levels of defenses. They rushed for more yards on less carries. Of course the buffalo run defense was better than utep. UTEP defense was an atrocity last year, giving up 4.8 a carry.

I did not see many buffalo games last year. I did see them against syracuse and bowling green and was unimpressed by both efforts. Both of those games happened late october or later. Those were also two of their worst performances down the stretch though too ..... so i have to consider that.

UTEP should NOT be looking ahead to Texas. This is the game they are focused on. This game is the most important of the whole season for the program. Buffalo. Without a win here , revenue losses for the school will be huge , the coach will be fired at seasons end ( barring conf usa title ) and the kids will struggle to buy in to the program. Motivation will definitely not be an issue for this team. IT should be factored in as a positive for the team.

For all our mutual love for turner gil , he is 0-7 against non-MAC teams by an average score of 36-10 since taking over at buffalo. A lot fo those teams were much better than what UTEP brings to the table though ... i think 5 of them were ranked and buffalo was picking up a check.

As for the mirage statements.... yes i think they deserved to lose to toledo and kent st. and dont find any loss that comes close to being a game they deserved to win ( miami ohio being the only candidate at all ).

You are right about the miner size defensively , the 3-3-5 is meant to counteract that deficiency in the rush game. I am not a fan of it either but it certainly worked for Lewis with the lobos and i doubt they can regress much from last years rush defense.

Wish you luck in the other games but i am against the rest of the forums ( everyone seems to be in love with buffalo on forums across the net ) and you on this game.

That should give you a pretty good idea of the pros and cons of each side of that game. Thanks for letting me cut and paste out of your thread joe.
Your write ups are awesome VK. Lots of great cappers and info all over CTG. Last year I was just on the sidelines, hope to contribute more this year. Can't wait for Aug 28 to get here !

:cheers: to the tower of power LOL
UTEP Miners shift gears to prepare for Buffalo

<!--subtitle--><!--byline-->By Bret Bloomquist / El Paso Times
<!--date-->Article Launched: 08/13/2008 11:39:17 PM MDT

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var requestedWidth = 0; </SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript> if(requestedWidth < 300){ requestedWidth = 300; } </SCRIPT> Defensive lineman Chris Moore of UTEP, right, worked against offensive lineman Cameron Raschke during a drill Tuesday at Camp Socorro in Socorro, N.M. (Victor Calzada / El Paso Times)

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Gallery | Miners Mania

SOCORRO, N.M. -- UTEP devoted a large part of Wednesday's morning practice to preparing for its opener against Buffalo.
"This is the most we've worked on (an opponent) this early since I've been here," coach Mike Price said. "We normally don't work on a team until we come back (from Socorro).
"I really want to make sure we emphasize Buffalo. It seems everyone else in El Paso is looking forward to Texas, but we're looking at Buffalo."

Health issues: The team continues to take a step forward and several steps back on the injury front. Clarence Ward, who had worked his way onto the first team at cornerback, pulled a hamstring and now the team is working with five cornerbacks (a list that doesn't include Josh Ferguson, who is a safety now).
Jeff Moturi was held out of the Wednesday morning practice with some minor dings, while Tufick Shadrawy is close to returning to full drills as his injured quadriceps improves. UTEP had an empty backfield look at one point in the workout and the five receivers were Kris Adams, Pierce Hunter, Evan Davis, James Thomas II and Jack Freeman. On the plus side, Royzell Smith, who had been out with tendinitis in his knee,
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returned to practice.

Going live: Thomas II wore a blue jersey for his reps at quarterback Wednesday morning instead of the normal red no-hit jersey, meaning he could be hit by the defense.
"He's got to take live hits and tackling," Price said.

Demps update: Quintin Demps' quest for a roster spot in Philadelphia seems fairly secure after the first half of the preseason.
Andy Reid complimented the UTEP alum this week.
"You can see that he had a lot of interceptions in college, and you always want to see if that carries over to the pro game," Reid told the Philadelphia Inquirer. "In these practices, you see him getting his hands on the ball and making catches."
As he did at UTEP, Demps is playing safety and corner.
"That makes him a valuable guy if he can continue to improve in those areas," Reid said.

Higgins update: Johnnie Lee Higgins achieved a dream this week -- he rated a No. 1 highlight on an ESPN SportsCenter countdown.
The list was the top five plays of the opening week of the NFL preseason, and Higgins' 53-yard punt return against San Francisco topped it. The return itself was nice, but Higgins earned No. 1 with his salute to the Olympics, a celebration handspring/backflip with a perfect landing.

What a kick: At the end of Tuesday's morning practice, UTEP had a field-goal kicking contest between its graduate assistants. The defensive coaches won on a field goal by Robert Rodriguez.
For those of you interested , the Hawaii football program should finally be declaring whether Funaki or Alexander will be the starting QB after todays practice.
outstanding stuff here Kyle...I agree that RB Jackson is a key to this game, as is the lack of returning starters from Arizona's offense...I echo your thoughts on most all areas of your write-up...
Brent Rausch is the starter

Yup , Not going to lie ,,,, this shocked me ...

Posted on: Friday, August 15, 2008
<!--headline-->Rausch expected to be No. 1 at QB<!--endheadline-->

By Stephen Tsai
HawaiiWarriorBeat.com Editor

The ballots have been counted, and all signs point to Brent Rausch being named the University of Hawai'i football team's No. 1 quarterback.
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Head coach Greg McMackin said he, offensive coordinator Ron Lee and quarterbacks coach Nick Rolovich made their joint decision at the end of yesterday's practice. Last night, McMackin said, the choice would be revealed during today's practice.
But the signs point to Rausch, who threw 48 percent of the passes in 7-on-7, team and red-zone drills yesterday. In addition, he was the quarterback on two of the four two-minute-drive series. Until yesterday, the snaps were spread evenly among Rausch, Greg Alexander and Inoke Funaki. "(Rausch) did great," Rolovich said of yesterday's workout. "He made some great throws. He knows where to go with the ball. The guys buy into his personality. He's vocal. He's confident. He wanted it."
Rausch, a transfer from College of the Desert, was third on the depth chart behind Alexander and Funaki last week. But since Saturday, he has received the highest scores every day. The coaches rate every pass of every drill of every practice.
"Brent keeps going like this," said Rolovich, raising his left hand in an upward-step motion. "When you look at it day by day, the graph goes (up)."
Yesterday morning, Rolovich told McMackin: "Let's see what he's got. Let's give him a chance."
It was agreed that Rausch, for the first time in training camp, would be the leadoff quarterback in the passing drills.
On Wednesday, Rausch did not participate in the afternoon drills because of tightness in his right (throwing) elbow.
"Nothing to worry about," Rausch said.
Indeed, he came out firing yesterday, lasering completion after completion in the red-zone drill.
He also excelled in the two-minute drill. To add to the drama, the defense was allowed to blitz and the offense was told it had to use silent counts. Against an aggressive defense and the clock — graduate assistant Craig Stutzmann would yell out the dwindling time — Rausch remained poised, completing passes to the flats and downfield.
"I love the way he throws," Rolovich said. "He's very accurate. He has a strong arm. He throws a pretty ball. He controls it. He knows where he wants it, and he puts it there."
Rolovich also is impressed with Rausch's U-turn in attitude. Entering training camp last week, it was decided the rotation would go like this: Funaki, a fourth-year junior who exited spring training as the co-No. 1 quarterback; Alexander, a junior-college transfer who has only two years to play two seasons; and then Rausch, who has three years to play three seasons.
Working with inexperienced receivers, Rausch had fallen behind Alexander and Funaki. Rausch became visibly discouraged.
"He was upset about it," Rolovich said. "I told him: 'What are you getting upset about? You're getting reps. You're in Hawai'i.' I want to see how tough people are.
"In the first few days," Rolovich added, "he struggled. I think it was his mindset, 'Oh, they've got me out of the competition. I'm just taking reps to take reps.' (After) the first two days, he was low on the grading. He was low on body language. He wasn't a good teammate as far as getting people going. He was quiet. He was kind of going in the tank. I said, 'Look, if you want to go in the tank, go in the tank. This isn't over for you.' "
Recalling the conversation, Rausch said: "I had to suck it up, quit being a little baby. I'm glad he put it on me like that."
First, Rausch focused on gaining composure.
"I was stressing too hard about making my throws," Rausch said. "I couldn't relax. ... I was down on myself. I definitely was. I thought I was going to be third string. Then stuff started coming together. I came out of my shell. Now, I can relax, look around and make my throws."
For Rausch, it has been a remarkable ascent.
When he was young, his father gave him two extra-curricular options: football or boxing. Rausch's grandfather, Hank Rausch, was a Wisconsin champion boxer.
Rausch picked Option A.
His neighborhood high school football team was led by a 5-foot-7, 220-pound quarterback who was the head coach's son. Figuring he would not play much at that school, he instead enrolled at Desert Chapel High in Palm Springs, Calif. That school competed in an eight-man-on-a-side football league.
The offense did not have tackles or a fullback. When four receivers were used, Rausch was alone in the backfield, with little protection.
"It was pretty fun," Rausch said. "I was a running back and quarterback in high school."
He then attended College of the Desert for two years, playing football — 11-on-11 for the first time in years — for one season.
Dan Morrison, who was UH's quarterbacks coach last year, spoke highly of Rausch to Rolovich, who was an assistant coach at City College of San Francisco. After Morrison left UH to join June Jones' new coaching staff at Southern Methodist, Rolovich was hired as the Warriors' quarterbacks coach in January. Rolovich remembered Rausch, and made the recommendation to Lee and McMackin. Rausch had visited UH on a family vacation the week before receiving the scholarship offer.
"It's a good school," said Rausch, who quickly accepted. "I watched them a lot (on television) last year. I love their offense. It's a good place for me, being a passing quarterback. I'm not much of a runner."
Soon after, UH also offered a scholarship to Alexander.
"It's always good to have a challenge," Rausch said. "It makes everyone better."
In the final twist, SMU made a scholarship offer — the day Rausch signed a national letter of intent with UH.
The offer was made through Rausch's junior-college coach. "He didn't even tell me about it until the day I signed," Rausch said. "It didn't get to me. But I didn't even consider going to Texas."
Rausch, if chosen, will be stepping into the scrutiny. The last two UH starting quarterbacks — Tim Chang and Colt Brennan — are in the NCAA record book. Brennan finished third in the Heisman Trophy voting last December.
At 6 feet 4 and 190 pounds, Rausch has drawn comparisons to the lanky Brennan. Rausch dismisses such talk.
"I don't want to be compared to him," Rausch said. "He's a great quarterback. He definitely has a different style. He's definitely better than me."
Rolovich, who was UH's starting quarterback in 2001, understands the pressure of being the quarterback of the state's only Division I football team.
"Texas Tech wants to call itself Quarterback U or whatever, but coming after Colt Brennan is not the easiest job in the world," Rolovich said. "(The successor) needs to understand the importance in this state. That is a lot of pressure. Somebody has to handle it."
Rolovich was in the Denver Broncos' training camp soon after John Elway retired.
"(Brian) Griese struggled with it in Denver," Rolovich said. "Those are the experiences that I can vocalize. The people of this state have a passion for this football team, especially for this position."
Wow. . some great writeups you've provided here, Kyle. Thanks buddy. . and keep up the good work!

Need some help ...... could someone please post an accurate up to the minute depth chart for middle tennessee state blue raiders.

Appreciate it. I know i need a lot of help but i try to help too , so if someone could find that for me i would appreciate it.
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Gang , I eliminated UAB today as a possible play. This game sort of falls in line with the utah/michigan game in that I cannot get my head around some of the unknowns involved. There are better positions for me to invest in , i think. These types of games are where a person can get a nice edge over the books if they do know what to expect. Unfortunately that isn't me this time.

As a result of recent injuries the troy/mtsu line has gone back up to 6 most places , so i am looking over that one again. Not sure that i have accounted for every injury though.

BC feel free to post the 8/5 depth chart here if you still got it. If anyone has one closer to todays date , i really would appreciate that.