20 PED Suspension incoming (Braun, Arod.....)

Agree with both of you. I think it's bullshit current players are being punished more severely due to the actions of players in the past. (I understand the cba has changed just seems players now are getting vilified to a degree as a result of the past)

I also think its bullshit selig looks the other way for a decade as steroids become ingrained in baseball and now he's up on his high horse casting judgement.

Arod is a weirdo obv but hope he wins his appeal.
Pretty obvious A-Rod's appeal isn't trying to say no he didn't juice. He just wants to know why the fuck do I get a 211 game suspension while others get 50. Not once has he claimed his innocence.
Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to see A-Rod banned from baseball forever, the suspension is much too harsh. I think its quite fair to suspend him for the 50 games that every other player has received, but I think the suspension can go as high as second offense, 100 games. A lifetime ban would've been completely inconceivable, but suspending him for 211 games, IMO, carries the same weight as a lifetime ban. That will be practically 2 full seasons out of the majors, coming back at an age where most players begin to think of retirement.

My question is: as I understand it, an appeals process normally takes close to a month to complete. Why is this appeal going to be dragged out until after the season?
oh and to JOB: Apparently Cano will be cleared of his involvement (smart of him to either steer away from it, or at least cover it up well enough that they didn't have anything on him). He's only the victim of uninspired baserunning.
Fuck Ryan Braun. He still hasn't publicly apologized to the urine sample guy. If I was him, I'd sue the shit out of Braun that POS.
Supposedly apologizing this week...he also has f said a word to his locker room...literally didn't show up the afternoon the suspension was worked out and hasn't shown since...
Braun is so much worse than AROD. Jesus how many free passes do you want. Just shut the fuck up and disappear