20 PED Suspension incoming (Braun, Arod.....)

From what I understand. They have documents for specific players purchasing specific drugs. That could prove to be damaging

We are not talking about illegal narcotics here. Possession of PEDs is not a crime, or most likely even against the rules of MLB. MLB will have a hard time suspending these players based off a list provided by a supplier.

This would be like a drug dealer getting arrested and then he said I sold to these people, so they are arrested as well. Real proof is needed, no matter how guilty someone may look.

And I stick with my feeling that they should just let all PEDs be legal. Kill yourself to give me a better product to watch. Works for me.
is there any clarification about Melky's status with this PED supplier? Is this a new suspension or just the one that he already got caught for.

Did he juice again after getting caught or just juice before with multiple suppliers? confusing.
is there any clarification about Melky's status with this PED supplier? Is this a new suspension or just the one that he already got caught for.

Did he juice again after getting caught or just juice before with multiple suppliers? confusing.

no clue. but i was wondering the same thing about bartolo colon. who knows where all this is gonna go.
I don't think either of them got caught again juicing. They're just associated with this Biogenisis company. Who knows maybe this company is the supplier who hooked them up with the original PED's but they already served their sentence for those 'crimes'. To punish them again is kind of fucked up.
I don't think either of them got caught again juicing. They're just associated with this Biogenisis company. Who knows maybe this company is the supplier who hooked them up with the original PED's but they already served their sentence for those 'crimes'. To punish them again is kind of fucked up.

yeah, my initial thought is this is the guy who hooked them up. but if bud selig has a hard-on for punishing these guys, maybe he punishes them twice for the same offense? How does the MLB do these suspensions? Like, for example, when you fail a drug test, do they force you to tell them who you got it from? or do the players just stick to the "i never took anything with my knowledge" blah blah blah. I'm guessing they just keep denying it, but with this biogenisis thing, i think bug selig is gonna punish these guys as a "second offense" if he catches them lying. which would be fucked.

According to ESPN's T.J. Quinn and Mike Fish, Major League Baseball is "expected to suspend [Ryan] Braun and [Alex] Rodriguez, along with as many as 20 players sometime after next week's All-Star break."
And I stick with my feeling that they should just let all PEDs be legal. Kill yourself to give me a better product to watch. Works for me.

I agree. It's the old chestnut - if PEDs make it so easy to succeed, how come everybody aint doing what Barry Bonds did? I consider PED use way behind mlb's lack of extensive use of replay and umps with known shitty zones being allowed to keep their jobs, re the most detrimental elements in the game today.
65 games... the amount of games the brewers have remaining this season




The dude flat out got caught lying. Very nice
MLB suspends Ryan Braun for remainder of season
By Tom Haudricourt of the Journal Sentinel
4:42 p.m. | (8) Comments
Major League Baseball has suspended Brewers leftfielder Ryan Braun for the remainder of the 2013 season and he has accepted the penalty, meaning he was caught red-handed either buying and/or using performance-enhancing drugs.

The suspension takes place immediately, so Braun will be suspended for the final 65 games of the season, beginning with the Brewers' game Monday night at Miller Park against San Diego. The sanction came as a result of MLB's investigatiion into the infamous Biogenesis clinic, which was exposed as having sold PEDs to players after documents were released to various news agencies earlier this year.

The suspension also exposed Braun as a liar because he has stated many times that he never used PEDs and never wavered from that stance. He recently told reporters, "The truth hasn't changed," referring to ongoing speculation that he would be suspended for PED use.

But Braun issued this statement about his suspension: “As I have acknowledged in the past, I am not perfect. I realize now that I have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those actions. This situation has taken a toll on me and my entire family, and it is has been a distraction to my teammates and the Brewers organization. I am very grateful for the support I have received from players, ownership and the fans in Milwaukee and around the country. Finally, I wish to apologize to anyone I may have disappointed – all of the baseball fans especially those in Milwaukee, the great Brewers organization, and my teammates. I am glad to have this matter behind me once and for all, and I cannot wait to get back to the game I love.”

“We commend Ryan Braun for taking responsibility for his past actions,” said Rob Manfred, Executive Vice President, Economics & League Affairs for Major League Baseball. “We all agree that it is in the best interests of the game to resolve this matter. When Ryan returns, we look forward to him making positive contributions to Major League Baseball, both on and off the field.”

MLB did not announce specifically what violations Braun committed. Instead, it merely stated that he was suspended for the remainder of the season for violating the Joint Drug Agreement in the Basic Agreement, and that he had agreed to it.

Braun informed his teammates of the suspension Monday afternoon in a clubhouse meeting, then left Miller Park around 3:15 p.m. He is the first player to draw a suspension out of the Biogenesis investigation, which reportedly targeted as many as 20 players, including New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.

Braun, who won the National League most valuable player award in 2011, becomes the first MVP to draw a suspension under the MLB drug program. Per rules of that policy, he will not be paid during the suspension.

Under the MLB drug policy, players who fail drug tests and do not win appeals are suspended for 50 games for a first offense, 100 games for a second and face a lifetime ban for a third. But because the Biogenesis investigation involved "non-analytical" evidence, in other words something other than a failed drug test, those penalties did not apply.

That left it to MLB, the players union and the player to negotiate any ban once it was decided to hand down a suspension. That apparently is the process that resulted in the 66-game suspension and Braun's decision to accept it. Recent reports suggested Braun might face a 100-game penalty and he could have been faced with that prior to cutting a deal.

In an interview session with baseball writers last week before the All-Star Game in New York, union executive director Michael Weiner said the union wouldn't resort to the appeals process if overwhelming evidence was uncovered against any player that made a suspension inevitable.

Because Braun accepted the penalty after previously saying many times he never had used PEDs, the MLB investigation must have presented him with overwhelming evidence from the Biogenesis investigation. MLB investigators met with Braun on June 29 to tell him what their investigation had uncovered. Braun declined to answer any questions about Biogenesis, as did other players who were interviewed, but he must have known at that time that he likely would be suspended.

Braun, 29, who recently returned from a one-month stint on the DL because of a thumb injury, has played in only 61 games this season, batting .298 with nine home runs and 38 RBI. He did not play Sunday, getting time to rest the thumb, after playing two games in a row for the first time since going on the DL.

Braun had staunchly denied using PEDs since it leaked out in December 2011 that he had failed a drug test in October of that year, at the start of the Brewers' playoff run. He tested positive for an extremely high level of synthetic testosterone but appealed the decision and became the first major leaguer to have a positive drug test overturned.

Arbitrator Shayam Das overturned the drug test over a chain-of-custody issue centering on the delay in shipping of Braun's urine sample to the testing lab in Montreal. Collector Dino Laurenzi Jr. didn't ship the sample the day he collected it, saying the FedEx office wasn't open. He waited 44 hours after the Saturday collection, shipping it on a Monday, and Das ruled that cast doubt on the condition of the sample.

Braun released a statement after the verdict, saying, “I am very pleased and relieved by today’s decision. It is the first step in restoring my good name and reputation. We were able to get through this because I am innocent and the truth is on our side.

“We provided complete cooperation throughout, despite the highly unusual circumstances. I have been an open book, willing to share details from every aspect of my life as part of this investigation, because I have nothing to hide. I have passed over 25 drug tests in my career, including at least three in the past year.”

MLB officials were not pleased with the verdict, however. In fact, they were so outraged that they took the extraordinary step of releasing a statement of protest:

“As a part of our drug testing program, the Commissioner's Office and the Players Association agreed to a neutral third party review for instances that are under dispute. While we have always respected that process, Major League Baseball vehemently disagrees with the decision rendered today by arbitrator Shyam Das."

Braun showed up at Maryvale Baseball Park the next day for a pre-arranged press conference and came out swinging. He staunchly maintained his innocence, criticizing what he called “a fatally flawed” process.

"If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I'd be the first one to step up and say, 'I did it,'" said an emotional Braun. "By no means am I perfect, but if I've ever made any mistakes in my life I've taken responsibility for my actions. I truly believe in my heart and I would bet my life that this substance never entered my body at any point.”

"I've always stood up for what is right. Today is about everybody who's been wrongly accused, and everybody who has had to stand up for what is actually right. Today isn't about me; it isn't about one player. It's about all players.”

While not mentioning Laurenzi by name, he openly questioned the collector’s process and motives, suggesting that it “would be extremely easy” for him to tamper with the urine sample. It was a compelling performance in which Braun made it clear that in his mind he was not exonerated merely on a technicality.

Braun’s accusations also prompted Laurenzi to issue a statement through an attorney defending himself: “This situation has caused great emotional distress for me and my family. I have worked hard my entire life, have performed my job duties with integrity and professionalism and have done so with respect to this matter and all other collections in which I have participated."

In the days and weeks after winning his appeal, amid skepticism from many baseball correspondents across the country, Braun often alluded to “the real story,” suggesting people would be convinced of his complete innocence if they knew all the details. He refused to divulge that inside information, however, saying it wasn’t in the best interests of the game to do so.

“The people that are close to me - my friends, my family - know the truth,” Braun told reporters one day after a spring training game.

Braun went on to another big year (.319, 41 homers, 112 RBI, 30 steals) that he considered vindication for his pre-season drug saga, the insinuation being that he didn’t need to cheat to be an elite player. He passed all of his drug tests – each player is subject to at least three random tests – and seemed free and clear of further MLB prosecution.

Then came the Biogenesis investigation.

In January of this year, the Miami New Times – a small weekly publication – published documents it had obtained from an employee of Biogenesis, a supposed anti-aging clinic in the Miami area, indicating major league players had bought performance-enhancing drugs from operator Anthony Bosch. Chief among those players was New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.

Subsequent reports by ESPN and Yahoo Sports revealed that Braun’s name also was listed multiple times in Biogenesis logs with money owed to Bosch. One ledger had “20-30 K” listed next to Braun’s name, indicating he owed Bosch $20,000 to $30,000 without specifying for what.

Braun quickly responded with a statement saying his attorneys owed Bosch money because he served as a consultant when they were preparing the defense for the appeal of his October 2011 positive drug test.

“During the course of preparing for my successful appeal last year, my attorneys, who were previously familiar with Tony Bosch, used him as a consultant,” said Braun. “More specifically, he answered questions about T/E ratio (testosterone to epitesosterone) and possibilities of tampering with samples.

“There was a dispute over compensation for Bosch’s work, which is why my lawyer and I are listed under ‘money’s owed’ and not on any other list. I have nothing to hide and have never had any other relationship with Bosch. I will fully cooperate with any inquiry into this matter.”

Obviously, the MLB investigation into Biogenesis showed that Bosch was used by Braun as more than just a consultant.

Lavelle resigns as president, CEO of School Specialty

Read and share your thoughts.
I know he failed a test a couple of years ago, but for him to be suspended due to this link to Biogenesis is a joke. Tony Bosch could easily be lying seeing as how he is getting a deal in exchange for his testimony. They are on a very slippery slope here. I understand that he has "agreed" to the suspension though. Just think that it's pretty bad they can suspend anyone with nothing more than documents and testimony of people who have incentive to lie.
Feel like he needs more than this tho. He shoulda got 60 just for that smug look on his face at that press conference when he won his appeal
imo he should be suspended multiple seasons, flat out disrespectful

sure, right after they suspend a-rod, he admitted to taking steroids for multiple years and received nothing...and right after Melky and Bartolo,, etc etc..
He still signed a huge contract that is guaranteed. Net win in the long run. A real punishment would be to void existing contact 65-100-full season doesn't matter. ....
No doubt...and the Brewers are done this year anyway. He just gets an extra couple months of vacation.

He should really do the right thing and give that MVP trophy to Kemp, its rightful owner.
"If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I'd be the first one to step up and say I did it"

Direct quote from the presser after he won the appeal
I love it when professional players constantly lies and declines about PEDS. And when they get caught, they play the "I'm only human....or I did know at the time what I putting into my body" role!

1. C'mon dude, if your going to cheat, at least own up to it
2. Dont ask us for forgiveness
3. The flat out lying and arrogance of trying to convince us is a big "F-U" to the fans of when you DO get busted!
hence why i think he cut a deal lol... what a dumbass

why dumb-ass,, pretty mart,, milwaukee losing, not going to playoffs, team will probably trade most of the team,,, he can take the rest of the year off,,,
others will be suspended,, spotlight will be on others... move on..nothing to see here...smart move by him and/or his people..
145.5 through 2020... minus 65 games worth of pay for production he will never be able to repeat.
I love it when professional players constantly lies and declines about PEDS. And when they get caught, they play the "I'm only human....or I did know at the time what I putting into my body" role!

1. C'mon dude, if your going to cheat, at least own up to it
2. Dont ask us for forgiveness
3. The flat out lying and arrogance of trying to convince us is a big "F-U" to the fans of when you DO get busted!

Bingo. I don't care so much about the PED's as I do the lying and acting like we're all idiots
Bingo. I don't care so much about the PED's as I do the lying and acting like we're all idiots

And to be honest I don't even care about roids. Let them all do it who cares

There aren't too many who seem to care about the PEDs. They should let them use whatever they want, the game was more popular than ever when usage was rampant. If they want to risk damage to their bodies in the future, they should be able to do so.
He's saying that there a hundred failed drug tests out there that have not been exposed and if the league really wanted to clean itself up.... those names would be exposed
You guys think part of the reason he seems to be getting off easy is cuz he's a Brewer? Selig, Brewers.....
No they shouldnt be able to use it. Just think about what that means

Yeah, I know what it means. Most were using anyway so what's the difference? Maybe being "allowed" to use isn't the way to say it....MLB should have just continued looking the other way as they had done for years and years.