**********WORLD CUP IN-GAME***********

Honestly, I think the drink gets the better of him but deep down i think he is just someone who desires to be liked and has strong opinions, which makes the former tougher. And with regard to CTG, I think he had a lot invested in the site emotionally so when it soured, it was like a bad marriage breakup. I don't think he is all that bad and I did have a not so good experience with him when I met up with him but again, attribute it to the drink.

I am a forgiving sort.
Interesting half time coming up

Croatia has nornally been using their offensive subs around 70, i wonder if the situation leads to that coming sooner

BCs stats about the 2nd half goal too

Secondly, deschamps has a history of sitting on a lead, i think that would be a big mistake here

Does the euro final start to play in their heads though, they were completely controlling play, hugo hit his head and clearly was a bit concussed, then a long shot beats him
That Croatian goal reminds me of the Argentine one that gave the Argies that 2-1 2h lead. It was a great shot, don't think the GK was at fault/could've done much else. Thing is, like in that R16 game, France answered next (then it was to tie, here to take back the lead). Croatian defense isn't going to cease to give chances, and as they're not robots all those ET minutes will show in the end. IMO the Croats needed to score 1st & play from the front. Having to come back every. single. time. kills you in the end, and add on the soon-to-be dead legs, it just spells trouble.
I wish they could do it without any outside stuff though

After that big bluff, they had a break and cynns rail let him know about a few of them, on a more temperamental player than can lead to tilt

I wish it was no re entry to the room if you leave
Alright, here is the deal KJ and VC. Put each other on ignore. Do not mention each other. Do NOT quote each other. Any off hand comments will also be looked at as conversation between you two. ZERO, Zilch. You break it once(in here or anywhere on forum) and you're gone till the fall. This is like s broken record with you two. STOP. Grow up. Enjoy the games...
Carl robinson should be fired

His team got smoked yesterday, rather than flying home with them and making them better he flies to toronto to do TV

He was so bsd yesterday too, rushed over when rooney subbed on to shake his hand, pretty sure he asked for his jersey after the game
Carl robinson should be fired

His team got smoked yesterday, rather than flying home with them and making them better he flies to toronto to do TV

He was so bsd yesterday too, rushed over when rooney subbed on to shake his hand, pretty sure he asked for his jersey after the game

I remember when people were saying he was using it as a stop to get to Europe , lol the guy is going get fired