What Will Football Look Like Next Decade?

If it still exists?
Flag football? Lol

It is going to be interesting. There is too much money at play but the NFL also wants no part of more lawsuits and whatnot. I have a theory on quarterback play that I have talked about in the past and relates to how the game will look...

Many high school/colleges went away from traditional QB's for awhile to get to more mobile QB's that could run. In my mind, this is what started to dilute the talent pool of QB's around the league. Now, I am not saying that this particular type of QB is bad for the league but you have to be able to throw the ball etc. It is good to be able to do both but the development of a true QB needs to mature through High School and a few years of college. It seems like their are more traditional QB's once again but they also are more athletic. What I am saying here is I expect the game to grow at that position over the next 10 years which will make the overall game better.

As far as officiating, rules and replay. That is going to continue to be an issue and most likely gets worse.

It is tough to watch at times now...