Week 10 ML Dogs


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Let's get this thread started early this week!

Week 10 are we seriously in Week 10! Where has all the weeks (and my money) gone this year!!??

We have 2 games on Tuesday Halloween Night!

Early Games Look like we could have a Dog bite... Let's get some winner's out there everyone! Its almost Black Friday, need some winners

Already wrote more than enough bout it in discussion thread, don’t make to much fun of me but I really think mizzou could beat Uga! I freaking love them with the points, this the 1st time I’ve said this in 2-3 years but I’d be shocked if dawgs cover this number! 16 points? Mizzou is gonna score 20ish. Not real confident in saying what Uga will score but I can’t imagine it more than 35!
Agree on Mizzu. First one that jumped out at me as well. Worth a nibble.

I just hope Drinkowitz lets his OC spread it out and bombs away: I still don’t trust this guy, we saw how he pulled the reigns in the minute cook threw those picks vs lsu. I mean I understood the way they played it vs uk and scary, I kinda warned guys expecting shootouts I didn’t think they would play it that way. I have been crazy good with playing the mizzou wr props. Played and cashed burden alt numbers on top his posted total 3 weeks straight starting k-st game. Then by time the lsu game got here everyone had learned bout him and his number went from 80ish to 107.5! I thought lsu would take him away so I switched to Wease, turned out he hit his number before half then lsu started doubling him in 2ns half and Wease cashed (better week early than late i say), uk finially figured out ya gotta double/bracket/something to take him out but Wease number was low again and expected he be pulling in the 1st downs, cash again! The scary game Wease number goes up to 80 from the 50s I had been playing, I had a feeling they would be more balanced. Basically said that game all came down to scary offense vs mizzou d, I knew If mizzou d got stops they wouldn’t air it out. I wasn’t 100% the d would stop scary just knew If they did the style would be more balanced. So burden and Wease numbers were to high but there cooper sat at only 35 yards and he been quietly getting 50+ every week, sure enough cooper gets 50 before half! Im on a 6 straight wr prop streak w mizzou! Not trying to sound like bragging asshole just super proud how well I’ve had them down!

I just don’t think Uga can stop this offense if Drinkowitz has the guts to spread it out and let cook throw it all over the yard! What I worry bout is drink trying to be balanced and run for no yards on 1st and 2na down which will give cook a nightmare trying to throw on obvious pass situations against this d. This the exact same thing I felt coming into k-st game, k-st not Uga obviously but before that game mizzou had refused to open up, the prior week against stinking mtsu they continued running into a wall for 2 yards a carry leaving them in a tie game w mtsu late into 3rd qrtr before finically opening it up! Wasn’t sure if they would go back to that crap or open up vs k-st, obviously they did and started their role of 3 straight games cook aired it out, I just hope Drinkowitz has the guts to throw it all around in this game! Only way they have a chance.

Mizzou held Uga to 26 last year. Lot of red zone stops. I dunno if Beck is better then Bennett or not? Mizzou d is still a question mark for me. But I feel confident they can score 20-24. I don’t really think they gonna win, they could tho! I feel like this gonna be something like 30-24. I like mizzou team
Total over, that is crazy prob 1sy time in 3 years I’ve liked a team total over against Uga! I like Wease ov 46.5 as that is way low for him but im thinking to forgo Wrs this week and roll with Cook over 241.5 passing, if he don’t go over that tigers are toast imo. Actually shocked it this low but I guess the way they played the last 2 weeks helped us out here. This game nothing like those, he gonna have to throw all game to be in this game! Right now that my fav play
Bc all day. If anyone thinks cuse deserves to be a favs here please enlighten me! I been fading these clowns ever since they got into conf play, they had some ppl tricked w that garbage schedule but nothing has changed a them. Schrader is garbage, terrible passer who isn’t nearly as athletic he thinks, the scheme has always been trash. They did used to have a pretty good rb but he gone. Bc seems interesting w this duel threat qb who unlike Schrader is actually athletic!
As much as I hate to say it ASU is worth a look. They've played much better as of late and Utah just has too many injuries. How Barnes is their best option after Rising is beyond me. He holds onto the ball too long and often makes the wrong read. If Utah can run it they win but I'm not convinced that they can, every RB is dinged up as well.
As much as I hate to say it ASU is worth a look. They've played much better as of late and Utah just has too many injuries. How Barnes is their best option after Rising is beyond me. He holds onto the ball too long and often makes the wrong read. If Utah can run it they win but I'm not convinced that they can, every RB is dinged up as well.

I really havnt seen ASU all year, don’t even have a clue what they do well or poorly? Lol. Appears they have been playing pretty solid since their bye, holding down huskies the way they did has to be something! Never woulda thought anyone could hold that team without a offensive td!

Far as your squad goes they deserve so much credit for being able to have this season dealing with more injuries than I imagine anyone else in the country! That said it seems like almost inevitable at some point the wheels fall off, nobody could hold that against them, maybe that butt kicking by ducks that I assume all but eliminated them from being able to reach the pac12 championship is the straw that breaks the camels back? I’ll def take your word for them more than mine! I just dunno I could ever bet on them to lose at home against a team with a 2-6 record! I couldn’t even pull the trigger on ducks even tho I thought ya’ll were clearly overmatched in that game, I’ve just gotten burnt so many times going against utes in games like that I was scared to do it again! Lol.
I think vtech is gonna beat Louisville. This one is prob much more realistic than mizzou beating Uga. I think Hokies are actually gonna win out and play noles in the acc championship game! Crazy I know. I like the Drones kid playing qb, love how aggressive they are on both sides the ball! They blitz like crazy and do it well enough to constantly get into the opposing teams backfield and they dial up some really nice shot plays on offense w a solid run game that Tough to stop cause drones a very good runner and they design plays where it makes it very hard to have numbers in both areas the run could go. I been more and more impressed w this team every week.

Admittedly I don’t think I have a great feel for ville, maybe they better than I think but not only is their resume far from impressive they have played close games with a bunch of crappy teams, I dont think they better than the Hokies. All the duel threat qbs they have faced have given them trouble and Drones legs better than any they have faced.

My one concern is if Brohm can draw up a rushing attack to beat the blitzes. Obviously it can be dangerous to go about stopping the run with this style as there a much greater chance a team can hit a home run with no guys in the 2nd and 3rd level to make the tackle. That said I rather a d play this aggressively and give up a few long runs opposed fo letting a team gash them for 5 yards a carry all way down the field eating up the clock and keeping the offense on the sideline. I’ll go down swinging w aggressiveness all day! Amd the fact this team plays aggressive on both sides the ball has me growing rather fond of them!! We will need Drones to be more accurate in the passing game this week, against cuse they dialed up some excellent shot plays but he missed on most of them, not by much just slight overthrows most the time, then there was one that was totally on the wr as I dunno wtf he was doing! He must have lost the ball cause instead of continuing his route and potentially running right underneath the ball he got all turned around and did sone kind of goofy looking spin thing making it look like a poor pass since it landed 5 yards over his head!!

Anyways the bottom line is this, Look closer at ville resume and how close some the games they have played vs teams who are not good, realize ville caught their toughest 2 opponents in terrible spots.

I promise there no way they beat ND if they wernt at the end of a brutal run of travel and tough games, Irish clearly ran out of gas in the 2nd half and just couldn’t stop the run.

Then last week they caught Duke who been a shell of themselves since Leonard went down!

The other games to point to? Ville beat Gtech in a game the jackets dominated for a half but we have learned since that game Gtech apparently forgets how to play football in the locker room as they have blown lots of games in the 2nd half!

They had to hold on for dear life to best a crappy indiana team.

13-10 to a terrible ncst team! Then they got smashed by a garbage pitt team!!

There no way ville is the 13 th best team in the country! Honestly I don’t think they w top 20 team. On the other hand I think Hokies are playing like close to a top 20 team since acc play began! Granted fsu the only good team they played, they score wasn’t flattering in that game but Hokies held their own after noles jumped out 22-0. The kind of teams ville been skating by Hokies have been taking apart! Im very confident there no chance ville covers this number and honestly I will be surprised if vtech doesn’t win!!
Found my five:
Kansas State
New Mexico
Georgia State
Arizona State

Couple others with potential:
North Texas

Played two 4, 5, & 6-teamer RRs with above pics...only difference is one with N.Tx and one with the Terps.

As much as I hate to say it ASU is worth a look. They've played much better as of late and Utah just has too many injuries. How Barnes is their best option after Rising is beyond me. He holds onto the ball too long and often makes the wrong read. If Utah can run it they win but I'm not convinced that they can, every RB is dinged up as well.
Jax St hung but couldn't get it done. Pitt battling currently. 2daBank with more faith than me in Utah...... Hard to go against them at home. Oregon just played that damn good. If the Ducks win out they should be in the CFP.