Week 1


Pretty much a regular
Wasn't gonna post cuz of the stupid shit from that guy on here. Won't say names, but sure anybody that read my threads would know what I mean. I have been stressing all week. Anyway I bet Tulane +6 but didn't put it up, but also bet the cocks, oh my, what a debacle there, embarrassed to admit I actually bet on them. Will put this up quick about game time. Then will put others for the rest of the week later I suppose.

Rutgers at Wazzu team total over 34 risking 165 to win 150

Just figure Wazzu has qb back, and a slew of receivers. Don't see any reason they won't light up Rutgers sorry ass pass defense. They were about the worst last year in the country. Didn't want the overall total as much, cuz I don't trust Rutgers to put up a bunch of points on the road, although they could, since Wazzu's defense is awful usually.
Guess I shouldn't worry about that situation. Guy claiming I threatened him and he's gonna send the cops here. He could, but I will tell what will happen then. I will make bail in a few hours, although they take forever here to get you out, will end up being 5 hours. Those lazy fucking co's in Lincoln. Guess haven't been there in a while, maybe they are quicker now. But as soon as I get out I am filing charges against him for fraud, so he would be stupid. Cuz I have the tickets we split, have the texts with all the amounts and he didn't pay for a month, so whatever. I mean I would never try to bring cops into anything if it could land my ass in jail on the comeback. Plus up there in Minneapolis you could find yourself a threat in there in that jail, a big city like that. Then he would see a threat haha. Some real mean motor scooters in that place I'm sure. Well I mean the guys in Lincoln are nothing nice, stole my damn food one day, but there would be 20 times worse.

Ok, I am definitely done talking about that crap. Have just been stressing cuz I don't want jail. Just cuz he said something about it.

Anybody reading that hasn't read my other threads lately would be like, what the hell is this guy talking about?
Thanks Rex, good luck to you too.

Man I just better not post. Looks like that guy is stalking me ha, in my browsers. I am not saying anything else about that. I have moved on, no way I'm doing anything about it, unless something happens to me, then I will have to, and it will be a huge ordeal. Going to jail, getting out, filing charges. What a bitch that would be.

Done, done, done, will not, post every about it again.
Thanks braves. Tulane is gonna win at least probably. Guess not sure yet. Wazzu looks not so good, but it's early. I was reading the Rutgers coach quotes, and he was saying were so bad against the pass last year just cuz we always played to stuff the run, ha, I was thinking well maybe you shouldn't have. Guess that may be the case, they look better tonight against the pass.
Well that was some shit. Tulane should have won. Oh well, as long as Tulane gets the ball 1st in OT can't lose then with +6.
Yes, FG Tulane. Now let's go Tulsa TD, and I got a winner. The non posted winner ha, but also put up my non posted loser.
That was some bullshit. Tulane leading the whole game then blow the cover by a point in OT, ha that figures with the way everybody is screwing me over lately. Oh well Wazzu is gonna cover the team total.
Well there's a winner on Wazzu. Should have been 2-1, fucking Tulane what a debacle that was at +6, that kicker for Tulane should be shot, uh oh that's a threat ha, just kidding about being shot. I mean if I counted all the times I've been threatened to be killed or you know somebody wishing death on me on the phone or on the web, fuck it would be a lot ha. On covers back in the day, people would threaten me daily lol. Really I don't give a fuck what anybody says to me, if they are at more door threatening me then I care, otherwise I could give a fuck. Guess will look at Friday's games now. Have been a drunk coma for the last few days. Snapped out of it at 2 today. So got a lot of games to look at. Will put some up later here tonight I think, or I guess it is after 12 now.
Anybody reading this now, is probably like what the fuck is he talking about? Tuck has lost his mind. No it's just about this bullshit that happened here a while back. Nothing should come of it unless the guy is just willing to roll the dice, cuz he get's a stiffy off getting somebody in trouble, while risking his own freedom. That is madness to me, but ok.
I added on one here for Friday. A lot of suspensions for BYU, and a lot of road chalk.

BYU at Uconn +16.5 at -102, risking 153 to win 150

I didn't really want to to bet this game until I saw the suspensions. These are crucial I think Jordan Johnson and Robertson Daniel, both starting CB's are out. So they have a guy that switched this year from WR, and a guy that has never played in the FBS at starting at both corners. Also Marques Johnson is out, he is suspended a big boy in the middle on defense at NT. Jamaal Williams their leading rusher at RB anyway is out suspended. Devon Blackmon suspended at WR, and Nick Kurtz, I mean I'm not sure really where those guys fit in cuz they were both transfers so who knows. I was just thinking with both starting corners out for BYU that maybe that dumb ass Cochran at qb could get something done throwing. He started the last 4 games Cochran, didn't play much before that, and he did light up some bad pass defenses. Plus top 2 WR's back for Uconn this year from last year. So maybe Cochran can at least throw for some yards at home and keep em in the game enough to cover. Also did see where Diaco the new head coach for Uconn shut down BYU the last 2 years at Notre Dame when he was the DC there. Like that matters ha, that was with Notre Dame players, but still, fuck maybe he can cook up something to help out I don't know. Really Taysom Hill for BYU could just run all over my ass, and wreck my hopes here, hope not.
If u like UCONN why not just go under?

Only way they stay close is if BYU doesn't score much after dominating the LOS, which they will do. UConn should want to shorten the game I'd think. Hope you win tuck.
Fucking Diaco though is talking about playing Whitmer at qb too, really whichever one they aren't great for sure, but I would rather they just stick with Cochran. Oh well, guess will just hope Cochran lights up those backup corners early and doesn't leave.
Well I was just thinking with both starting corners out for BYU, couldn't it be possible Uconn could at least throw some on em? I mean BYU does have better linemen, but one guy is out on the D line. Then a linebacker may not play as well. Uconn does have a 1000+ yard receiver back, and the 2nd leading guy. So 2 backups will be matched on em. Guess if BYU just blows up the Uconn o line all the time then they can't hit em.
Fuck it sucks when I get a disagreement from kj, oh well, I'm in so we'll see. Yeah, I mean the O line for BYU is gonna be superior to the Uconn d line. Shit may be a bad idea ha, probably.
I was wrong a couple times tonight tuck, don't worry

I don't like this first week anyway, just throwing out my thoughts. I'm not on BYU in any way, just giving an opinion
Ok that makes me feel better. It always worries me when you kind of disagree a bit, or don't like a pick of mine. I am just hoping that those backup corners are gonna get beat since Uconn does have a 1000+ yard receiver back, and the 2nd leading guy as well. What sort of swayed me was that one just moved from WR, and then the other has never played this level of ball. But maybe BYU's big boys on the D line will prevent anything from materializing there. I mean I'm sure a guy matched up against a backup that switched positions could beat him, when he had over 1000 yards, but I guess exploiting it will be the thing.
I'm not sure about the Bowling Green and CSU vs CU games. So move on. Shit I am gonna have to get cracking early tomorrow.
Fuck I am really not sure about Uconn either, but I took em. That is a lot of road chalk though for fucking an opener when you have a bunch of guys suspended. Know Uconn sucks ass, but oh well, I ain't scared, never scared.
It kind of sucks I'm not going to the opener for the Huskers. My brother is taking his wife, damn it, ha. Well he said he would rather go with me, but she wanted to go so bad, so I said ok. So not gonna be in row 43 in the north end zone. For my Huskers we have good news, Byerson Cockrell has been kicking ass and will be the new nickel back. He is taking over for Charles Jackson who got hurt early in spring ball. I wouldn't buy into this hype about he is going to be pretty good, except it is the other defensive backs that are commenting about him in the paper, not the coaches. Cockrell is from East Mississippi Junior College, and well good thing we got him cuz I was worried when Jackson went down. Rose though at middle backer, that is a loss that is gonna be felt, especially early. He is our best linebacker for sure, a playmaker, sucks he got hurt.
Fucking I'm going to the Miami game, fo sho. Will be fired up for that one. Shit me and my bro will be the loudest, and drunkest mothafuckas in our section in the north end zone. Shit I am worried about that game. Hope the Huskers don't go down there. I wonder about that new qb for Miami, guess will check the Ville game see what happens. Fucking the problem is Duke Johnson and then receivers that can work us. Man that is a problem just the athletic talent of Miami, cuz I know they have that.
Good my stalker went away ha. Well I mean he can bring whatever he wants, but I am gonna come back at his ass if he does anything. Why you would risk it? Fucking I don't know. He said he was gonna, guess we'll see. Cuz I will get bailed out right away, so then charges coming his way. Shit if you wanna do that bullshit then go for it, it's stupid as hell but ok. Just saw in my browsers he's gone now.
Shit I am not to be fucked with. You can fucking say anything about crap over the phone or whatever, shit, I got crap on you, like fucking fraud, so go for it. If you wanna be in jail then ok. I don't, that's why I won't do anything. Shit I could have some guy that I could put away for 5 years, and if I was doing a day in jail, I would be like oh fuck I am not doing that haha. I mean if you haven't been in jail you don't know how bad it is. If you are in there for 5 hours it seems like a week ha.
Really that isn't even a consideration in my mind. If I have anything going on where I could charge a guy with something, I don't do it ha. Well if anything comes back to me, fuck then I'm fucked. You gotta fucking realize shit isn't whatever your fucking mind says it is, cuz it isn't man. You do anything it can come back on your ass, then your in jail.
And I will tell ya, you don't wanna be in jail. Man that sucks ass, whoa, it is terrible. Any involvement with the cops, is a bad idea, if there is anything that could come back on you. Know that, been there done that.
That mothafucka he ripped me off. So I have the tickets and the text messages have em all. Well his whole thing was I will bet with this guy, and then if we win I get paid, splitting tickets on the horses. Cuz he figured I would pay, and I did. But then he was thinking if I lose I am not gonna pay, so that mothafucka was gambling for free then you know. Then the crazy shit is he is after my ass, for some dumb reason, after he already ripped me off. I mean if he even comes after me, I am coming after him no doubt full bore, lawyered up and we can go. Well and I am charging his ass with fraud.
That guy is just fucking not gonna give up I guess. But he isn't getting anything so don't know his deal, fuck he can charge me, then charges coming right back at him as soon as I get bailed out. I am done with it, but he shows up in my browsers. Then good luck getting anything, I talked to 2 lawyers and they both said there is no way he can prove he sustained any damages in court, as far as slander or anything, cuz I told the fucking truth, which I did. About his lying ass, owes me money and doesn't pay.
Shit and then claiming damages over your internet handle, hahahahaha, that is completely retarded, fuck there is no stock in that crap. Who the fuck cares about Tuckfexas on the internet, ha, my reputation. Not gonna say the other guy's name, but you know the deal.
It is funny though, he thinks he is right, and I am wrong. I am the bad guy, well you agreed to terms and didn't pay. Shit I need to lay off this crap. I mean it is all just bullshit at this point, I mean he owes me money doesn't pay, oh well. You know I am not gonna say your name, but you are a piece of shit, you know it to.
There isn't shit I really care about on here, cuz it was all what I thought, read the whole thing

UTSA at Houston -10.5 risking 165 to win 150

UNLV at Arizona -23.5 risking 165 to win 150

Yeah fucking I am out, shit, I am done worrying about things. If something happens I will deal get outta jail, and bitch ***** is going to jail, so fuck that is the deal baby.
Wait. Someone explain what is going on?
The guy owes u money but is coming after u?
Gorgolon I shouldn't be going to jail, but I suppose if the guy insists on doing something then maybe I guess. He should just drop it, about the dumb threat thing. I mean I can charge him too, so ok. It is really stupid, and there is nothing to gain by either party by bringing any cops into it. I won't do anything unless something happens to me, then I will.

Thanks Steed. I always wake up and am nervous about what I bet or if I was being a complete drunk moron on here. Nothing looks terrible about what I said last night. Well you know I get so wasted I don't remember what I bet or said always.

Yeah dudley, I won't say names, but he owes me 636 bucks, owed for a month, now over a month. He didn't pay so I became enraged, well anybody would be of course. Then you know over the phone said some things, and he just said he was gonna do something, that I made a threat or whatever. It is really stupid the whole deal. We split horse tickets on big pick 5's.

I do need to shut up about that though.
I like those 2 late night additions I made. Don't remember those wagers. A bit chalky on Zona, but they should smash UNLV at home I would think. Well they won't be overlooking em since it is the opener you know.
I don't barely have any money in my gambling account, so this will be it until I get more later after some winners hopefully. Then will bet Saturday's games. I'm out until later gotta think these Saturday games over a bit more.
Well what I was saying about barely any money is cuz I don't really have a lot to bet with so didn't throw much in like I normally do at the start of the season. I still wonder if I should bet Navy ha, the problem is Navy's option could get stuffed then I would be in trouble. Guess look at the unders in that one maybe, that could work out cuz Ohio St I'm sure will just pound the rock all game with a new qb, doubt they will wanna air it out. And then Navy just run all game, clock will be running a lot then.
Navy money line yep. That would be hilarious if they upset em, Steed would not be happy, umm no. They almost did back in '09, remember that game well, it was a real barn burner. Ohio St barely pulled it out, it was at home even for the Bucks.

Really there isn't any reason to bet money line though, +535, shit that is not any damn value. Could easily find a horse at 5-1 with a much better shot to win.

I am just so intrigued by this game for some reason haha.
Somebody explain to me why UAB is favored. Man their 2 qb's look awful on paper, not impressive stats at all in JUCO, either one. And they blew ass last year, UAB as a team I mean. Troy has some guys with at least some credentials at qb, not sure who they are going to put out there, can't get an answer. Dontreal Pruitt he led E Mississippi JC to the national title, that was where my Husker nickel back came from Cockrell. Pruitt fuck almost 4000 yards 64% completions, 45 tds and 7 INT's, and 500 rushing yards, whoa!! He should start I would think, guess who knows maybe he was sitting around drinking OE forties all summer came in out of shape.
Guess UAB does have a bit more guys coming back so that may be why they are favored I suppose. Troy though is a solid program always, UAB fuck they always blow.
Shit that did not look good for Uconn there. Well they had a chance on 4th down, but Hill barely got it damn it.
Great now a fumble. What a disaster early. Couldn't be worse. Almost had a stop on 4th down, then TD. The get the ball fumble 1st play.