Week 1 what have we learned so far?

Depends what we are comparing them to. Will Nebraska and Miami ever be elite again? I tend to think Nebraska will not and Miami could be in some future evolution of the game like 6, 9 or 12 years from now maybe. If we are comparing them to what Alabama, Clemson and Ohio State have become - they will not unseat those teams.

But there is no reason Miami should not and can not be competitive vs the rest of the ACC outside of the very best team there right now and maybe further down the road, very far, they could emerge as a top team at some point. The recruiting base is so good and the other league competition is so average, I hold out hope that Miami might still find their way at some point.

I think it is much more difficult for Nebraska. I feel like Nebraska is a ship lost at sea and it has been a slow erosion of losing identity and losing recruiting areas they once had in Texas and California. Big Xll expansion hurt them. Moving to the Big Ten hurt them. Having no identity has hurt them. Losing so many close games has hurt them. Other teams in the Big Ten are who they should be (Wisconsin and Iowa). Maybe Nebraska can some day compete for divisional wins, but Nebraska will never matter nationally again. Just an average Big Ten team and occasionally better is their ceiling.
Agree 100% on Nebraska. Bottom line is Wisconsin right now is Nebraska of the 90s, they have an identity, they stick to it, and they develop players. All of those were traits of the pre-bottoming out Nebraska. And Nebraska, supposedly, out-recruits Wisky every year. Sounds so familiar, as Nebraska rarely had a top-25 recruiting back in the Osborne days. Of course, they had partial qualifiers (gone, thanks Texas) and a top rate walk-on program.

The bar for the Huskers is between Iowa and Wisconsin. Given the current landscape, can Wisconsin ever win a title? I highly doubt it, unless they hit the 3-star lotto one year and even then, would they be able to navigate tOSU in the B1G title game? Then Clemson/OU/Bama/Georgia twice. Highly doubtful. But if Nebraska played in a conf title game(s), went to a big-time bowl, that should be expectation and, frankly, the ceiling.
Whisky can make the show. Of course, they have to run the table. But, they are capable. Their slow it down approach is what keeps tOSU off the field. They are truly RBU. Each and every RB coming out of that "U" is ready. Pro-style O, blocking schemes are ingrained, and they catch the ball. What else so you ask for? Clemson RB x-ferred for that reason. Wish them well. Can't wager in them, b/c they are criptonyte. Zig, when I zag kinda shit.
Sounds like he absolutely got rocked by the 'rona, surprised he was even there
Didn’t he already have Covid last year?
Yeah and he said it took him to dark places

Maybe it is drugs/booze likely due to that, maybe he never mentally recovered, maybe he got it again. Who knows, doubt healthy McShay just starts binging for no reason
Yeah and he said it took him to dark places

Maybe it is drugs/booze likely due to that, maybe he never mentally recovered, maybe he got it again. Who knows, doubt healthy McShay just starts binging for no reason
I could be completely wrong but I’ve seen that bloated pale look before. In my own mirror before
Thoughts on some of the games I watched in Week 1.

OSU/Minn - I knew Minn OL was good, but I think even better than I thought after watching. Great job at point of attack, and Ibrahim has such a great burst and quick feet. Terrible shame he is out for the year. Thought Morgan managed the game well overall, but some of Fleck's coaching decisions are very questionable. Minn secondary though is just horrendous, no speed and lots of blown assignments on motion plays. OSU front 7 needs some work on stopping the run, and improving their tackling. OSU WR as advertised were very good and had a huge mismatch. Thought Stroud had a good game, but obviously he will be facing a lot better defenses moving forward.

NC/VT - NC played about as lifeless as Mack Brown looked on the sideline. NC OL got handled and VT pressured Howell all night, sacking him 3 consecutive times at one point. 3 interceptions didn't help and VT dominated TOP especially in first half and for the game 35/25. NC did get a nice game out of Downs at WR but otherwise didn't have much going for them. VT defense really rose to the occasion and credit Fuentes with having great preparation for the game as he thoroughly out coached Mac.

Tulane/OK - OK really got it taken to them physically in the 2H by a Tulane team that wouldn't quit. OK looked putrid trying to run the football in the 2H when they could only muster a mere FG. The final yardage was pretty close 430/396. Hard to understand how the Sooners could be so flat in 2H after they had run off 30 straight points to close the 1H. Have to question their motivation and wonder how the coaching staff was unable to get their attention in the second half.

Penn St/Wisc - Wisconsin allows 1 first down in first half, has TOP edge of 42-18, 4 scoreless trips inside PST 25 and somehow manages to lose the game. Penn State did throw the ball much better in 2H and opened up the offense some. Not sold on Mertz at all, very shaky out there. Thought Mellusi really ran the ball well for the Badgers. Leonard continues to put together quality defenses.

WVU/MD - Maryland poor special teams and bad tackling kept WV in the game in the first half as MD allowed a total of 217 yards on kickoff returns, and a couple of missed tackles led to big WVU plays. I was pleasantly surprised though overall how well MD did stopping the run only allowing 48 yards on the ground. One of my bigger concerns with the Terps is the DL and depth. MD offense looked good and young Taulia had a nice game with 332 yds passing and 3 TDs. Fleet Davis and Jacobs also were very good in the running game as Terps rushed for 169 yards. The MD WR corps is very good with Demus and Jarret (both over 100 yds receiving). MD running high tempo offense and ran 78 plays. WVU struggled in running game and I'm not a big fan of Doege overall. Surprised that WVU didn't look better, score was closer than how much MD out played them.

Out of time for now, may add a few more thoughts. GL to everyone this week.
Georgia Southern QB Justin Tomlin is suspended for the first two games.

In his place last week, Georgia Southern started Tulane transfer RB Amare Jones at QB. Jones had not played QB since high school, was a 3 year RB and returnman for Tulane before transferring here this year. Jones completed 4-of-7 for 45y and ran for 98y on 19 attempts. GaSo did also play true freshman Cam Ranson who completed 8-of-13 for 90y (he completed his first 7 passes), but Ransom only ran 3x for 9y. When not at QB, Jones lines up in various positions on offense.
Georgia Southern QB Justin Tomlin is suspended for the first two games.

In his place last week, Georgia Southern started Tulane transfer RB Amare Jones at QB. Jones had not played QB since high school, was a 3 year RB and returnman for Tulane before transferring here this year. Jones completed 4-of-7 for 45y and ran for 98y on 19 attempts. GaSo did also play true freshman Cam Ranson who completed 8-of-13 for 90y (he completed his first 7 passes), but Ransom only ran 3x for 9y. When not at QB, Jones lines up in various positions on offense.

sounds like UK offense of the past few years. It so hard to get much of anything going when teams don’t have to respect the pass at all.
They are an option offense that tries to throw the ball more. They attempted 20 passes last week. Only once in 2020 and 2019 each did they pass the ball 20x. They averaged about a dozen pass attempts a game '19 and '20. Should be interesting to see what their gameplan is at FAU.
Not a good start for the conference for sure. Obviously some teams will emerge. I don't think you can be too hard on Miami. That would happen to most teams in that game, if not worse
As a Miami fan the frustration has little to do with that game and everything to do with being a complete flop as a program for the last 20 years after being dominant for most of the prior 20 years. There is no reason why Miami should be irrelevant on a national level with that local recruiting base.
As a Miami fan the frustration has little to do with that game and everything to do with being a complete flop as a program for the last 20 years after being dominant for most of the prior 20 years. There is no reason why Miami should be irrelevant on a national level with that local recruiting base.
Two words, "Donna Shalala". Enough said. Just go back and read her introduction. She set the sports program back decades.
As a Miami fan the frustration has little to do with that game and everything to do with being a complete flop as a program for the last 20 years after being dominant for most of the prior 20 years. There is no reason why Miami should be irrelevant on a national level with that local recruiting base.

canes are basically the 1st thing that drew me to college fb, I like it better when they at least relevant! Sadly they can’t seem to get it right and now days everyone goes into Miami and plucks the talent. You would think it be pretty easy to restore that program but as mentioned above that bitch running things don’t like sports.
FSU/ND was the other game I wanted to talk about. ND has gone 3-3-5 stack with Freeman now the defensive coordinator. Looks like they have some work to do on that run defense after FSU ran very effectively (264 yds). Everything I have read pre season seemed to indicate that ND has the depth and versatility at NG to play this defense? I know this is Freeman's system but is it the right system for ND? Do they have the LB talent in this defense to make plays in the running game and fill the gaps aggressively? FSU front played well and facing Travis obviously was difficult in opener as he is tough to contain on the scrambles with his speed. ND OL had a tough time in the running game though Kelly seems to think they will get it worked out. Thought Coan looked very good, and ND always uses the TE's well (despite some drops in this game). FSU defense surprised me with how well they played up front. I liked the way FSU competed the entire game.
Two words, "Donna Shalala". Enough said. Just go back and read her introduction. She set the sports program back decades.
As Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala told Congress in 1993, "We could spend our energy on research and immunization and education and still not have any Americans left unless we’re prepared to confront the crisis of AIDS." That was six years after Nancy Padian's research showed AIDS would never be a problem for heterosexuals. She's a left-wing functionary with no consciousness. She just channels whatever her network passes on to her. Of course, she was a disaster at Miami/
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I kind of liked the moxie Arizona and HC Jedd Fisch showed vs BYU. No they didn't win. They trailed throughout.

But twice in the 1st half they went for it on 4th and short at their own 25 and 30 yard line respectively. They converted both.

This was basically a BYU home game in Vegas but there should be some reason for optimism. I'm thinking that 12 game losing streak won't go on too much longer. Pretty intriguing game this week at home vs SDSU.
Virginia Tech either has the greatest D-backs in the history of football or N Carolina has the slowest WRs in history

I can't recall ever seeing a game where the D-backs were right next to the receivers on every play like V Tech was in that game. The announcers even mentioned it and said, "these N Carolina receivers can't seem to get any separation at all tonight."

The defenses ruled in most games though. Sixty six percent of all games went under and in games where the total was 55 or more they went under 78% of the time.

It was the lowest scoring first week in 14 years.

Clemson is supposed to have some of the best receivers in the country, but Georgia smothered them almost as much as V Tech did the Tarheels. The Clemson QB didn't help matters. He had the slowest release I saw all weekend. It seemed like it took forever for him to pull his arm back and then deliver the ball. That pick six that decided the game was the perfect example. That D-back had plenty of time to close on the receiver after the QB decided to pass to him
I kind of liked the moxie Arizona and HC Jedd Fisch showed vs BYU. No they didn't win. They trailed throughout.

But twice in the 1st half they went for it on 4th and short at their own 25 and 30 yard line respectively. They converted both.

This was basically a BYU home game in Vegas but there should be some reason for optimism. I'm thinking that 12 game losing streak won't go on too much longer. Pretty intriguing game this week at home vs SDSU.
I'm on SDSU at a bad number with pk but I really am not sure 30 points gets scored the more I look at it
Actually it was 5 points, not votes but rarely you see that from an AP voter

Sorry didn't read link but speculation was the votes were supposed to go to ASU. Lazy voters who don't care. The polls need abolished.
Sorry didn't read link but speculation was the votes were supposed to go to ASU. Lazy voters who don't care. The polls need abolished.
Yeah definitely supposed to go to ASU but that's shit you see in the coaches poll, rarely AP
You are right KJ. AP voters are supposed to be the ones who know shit. Which, I'm sure they know they region, team and conference. I doubt they give a fuck about teams outside their base.
I'm still not brave enough to back UofA yet. But yeah, the under looks enticing.

all SDst unders look appealing to me! Even when their offense has success it doesn’t lead to high scores, it leads to 8 min drives! I played zona in week 1 but mostly was fading byu and a friend of mine who terrible at this! Lol. Not sure I like them this week havinv to actually win.
FSU has the better coach and pretty equal talent. That game is a tossup.
I am cautiously pessimistic when it comes to my Noles. Really liked what I saw Sunday night. Last years team would have rolled over after going down 18. They continued to play hard. Crowd was into it too. But, it was Bowden day at the Doak.
I am cautiously pessimistic when it comes to my Noles. Really liked what I saw Sunday night. Last years team would have rolled over after going down 18. They continued to play hard. Crowd was into it too. But, it was Bowden day at the Doak.
I think FSU is on the way back up. Not sure if Norvell is the guy to get them back to a championship level but the days of embarrassing themselves are over.